^ Heh, well I happen to not think about what other people are using in their fics.

So any similarities are purely coincidental.
:lol: Thanks for the reviews.
Leave it to the team to go back to the castle and eat some smores rather than save their proverbial knight in shining armour. *sigh* Good times.
Miami Lab, Layout room
Calleigh: *places photos on table*
Natalia: *walks in* These the crime scene photos?
Calleigh: And autopsy. Cause of death is still unknown.
Natalia: Alexx couldn't find it?
Calleigh: Well she can't make a full report until tox gets back so I thought I'd start on victimology.
Natalia: I just finished interviewing her friends with Tripp. Apparently she wasn't well-liked.
Calleigh: Describe not liked.
Natalia: She was the victim of constant bullying. The few friends she
did have, were really other people who suffered the same thing.
Calleigh: So she was underage at the club. *sigh* Well fake IDs aren't exactly uncommon in Miami.
Natalia: They rented out the club for their Halloween party. I was able to get the guest list. Over 300 people showed up.
Calleigh: 300 suspects.
Natalia: If she was even murdered.
Gavin: *knocks on frame*
Calleigh: *lifts head*
Natalia: *turns around*
Calleigh: *smiles* Hey Gavin. What can we do for you?
Gavin: Well Detective Salas called me up. Apparently she spoke to Lieutenant Caine about a job.
Calleigh: *lifts brows* I thought Lori was supposed-
Gavin: Well she obviously won't be showin' up. And I need to foot her medical bill. I'm afraid minimum wage isn't goin' to cut it.
Calleigh: *nods* Grab some gloves.
Gavin: *walks in*
Calleigh: Miss Suarez, 17 years old, died at a club on Miami Beach. 300 witnesses. So you my good man get the pleasure of sifting through statements.
Gavin: *grabs folders*
Natalia: Oh I'm Natalia Boa Vista.
Gavin: *nods* Nice to meet you ma'am.
Natalia: *smiles* I can help you out on those if you'd like.
Gavin: I think I'll be fine but thank you. *leaves*
Natalia: Nice guy.
Calleigh: Yeah.
One hour later, A/V Lab
Calleigh: *walks in* Got anything for me?
Gavin: *typing* Have a seat.
Calleigh: *sits* Any possibles yet?
Gavin: Two. *types*
Calleigh: Abigail Smith.
Gavin: She's been in juvi seven times, all for assault.
Calleigh: Stands to reason she's one of the people responsible for the bullying.
Gavin: *clicks mouse* Second contender so far. Alicia Walker. Cops responded to an altercation outside Dade High involving Alicia here and the victim. She wasn't charged.
Calleigh: That's interesting.
Gavin: Well her dad's a lawyer so she got lucky. Speaking of, Alexx dropped this off for you. *hands over folder*
Calleigh: *opens folder*
Gavin: The victim was sexually assaulted prior to death.
Calleigh: It's just one thing after another for this girl.
Gavin: So you're lookin' for at least one other male suspect.
Calleigh: You worked as a cop right? San Antonio?
Gavin: Yeah.
Calleigh: You ever hear of battery so bad, it led to public humiliation and murder?
Gavin: Not unless things get carried away. Even then, public murder isn't something desirable.
Calleigh: Exactly.
Gavin: You thinkin' suicide?
Calleigh: Let's find out.
Gavin: Well you can because I'm not supposed to be in the field.
Calleigh: They have you on a short leash.
Gavin: I'm not a cop, remember?
Calleigh: *nods* I'll keep you posted. *stands, leaves*
Highschool, girls locker room, Miami
Calleigh: *places down kit* Alicia?
Alicia: I already told you I didn't steal the mon...
Calleigh: *lifts badge*
Alicia: What'd I do now?
Calleigh: Depends.
Speed: *walks in* The other girl is home sick today.
Calleigh: *nods*
Alicia: Um, this is the girls' locker room.
Speed: *crosses arms*
Alicia: I'm not answering questions with a guy in here. I need to get undressed.
Calleigh: I'm sure you can spare five minutes. I understand you were at the club with miss Suarez the other night.
Alicia: Pfft, I don't go nowhere with 'er.
Speed: Okay so you were just at the club, not necessarily with her.
Alicia: I go to a lot of clubs.
Calleigh: *hands over picture* She died.
Alicia: *looks at picture* So?
Speed: So did you see anything?
Alicia: *laughs* I saw what happened to her, but I'm pretty sure it didn't kill her. My boyfriend thought it would be a fun Halloween joke to dump a bucket of blood on her. Hilarious.
Calleigh: *hands over bag* How about this?
Alicia: So she needed a dentist.
Speed: It's not hers. And it's canine.
Alicia: Pretty sharp to be a dog's tooth ain't it?
Calleigh: Have you seen it before?
Alicia: Hmm...Actually, I might have. She always wore this necklace with a bunch of charms and crap on it. She was one of those crazy superstitious ones. That might have been on it.
Calleigh: Do you know of anyone who would want her dead?
Alicia: What, besides herself?
Calleigh: Excuse me?
Alicia: She was seeing a counsellor.
Speed: You think maybe it was because of what you and your friends were doing to her?
Alicia: Hey man, it's her choice to put up with it.
Speed: *frowns*
Alicia: How'd she die?
Calleigh: That is ongoing. Thanks for your time.
School hallway
Calleigh: *walking* A girl dies and no one even puts up a memorial?
Speed: *walking* No one cared.
Calleigh: Were you well-liked in highschool?
Speed: *looks at Calleigh*
Calleigh: *smiles* I was the head cheerleader. Although everyone in my school knew each other, there were no cliques and everyone had a voice.
Speed: Small town, huh.
Calleigh: Compared to New York.
Speed: *nods* Yeah, at my school, you were lucky if you made it through first period without a black eye.
Calleigh: This coming from personal experience?
Speed: *walks out door*
Calleigh: *laughs*