:lol: Lora.
:lol: Anni, wouldn't that be awesome? We'll see how things go.
Heh, thanks for the reviews everyone!
Hospital room (Lori's room), Miami
Speed: *walks over*
Gavin: If you want me to leave, I will.
Speed: *shakes head* No.
Gavin: *grabs Lori's hand* She's stable. Finally.
Speed: That's good.
Gavin: So, you going to arrest me?
Speed: *shakes head, sits*
Gavin: I'm sorry.
Speed: *looks at Gavin*
Gavin: I should have told you where he was.
Speed: Well it looks like you took care of him.
Gavin: I went there to kill him. But...I realized I would be no better than him. *scoffs* And I still killed him. *sigh* You ever kill anyone?
Speed: *nods* Sure.
Gavin: Do you ever feel any better after?
Speed: Never.
Gavin: *sigh*
Speed: She's lucky to have you.
Gavin: *lifts brow*
Speed: Despite what her mother thinks.
Gavin: *laughs*
Speed: *smirks*
Gavin: *looks down*
Speed: What?
Gavin: Her hand moved.
Speed: That's normal.
Gavin: I don't want to leave until she wakes up.
Speed: You might be here a while.
Gavin: *looks at watch* Crap, I was supposed to get some of her stuff. I need to do that.
Speed: *stands* I knew I liked you.
Gavin: *looks up*
Speed: Call if anything changes.
Gavin: Sure.
Speed: *leaves*
Castle, UK
Lora: I can't believe Carly sent you and me down here.
Delko: Wait wait wait, don't walk too far ahead.
Lora: You scared?
Delko: No, of course not.
Lora: *rolls eyes*
Delko: So...You like H, huh.
Lora: *stops walking* Does everyone know?
Delko: You don't exactly keep quiet about it.
Lora: That's true.
Delko: *shines flashlight around* H!
Lora: ...Because there's more than one?
Delko: You never know.
Chains clink
Delko: *gasp* Oh no.
Lora: What was that?
Delko: I don't know.
Lora: Maybe it's Horatio.
Delko: What if it's Wubba?
Lora: Eric, Wubba doesn't exist.
Delko: Sure he does.
Lora: Since when?
Delko: Since I made him up.
Lora: There's the key words. 'Made him up'.
Delko: You don't think he could have manifested into a real monster?
Lora: Not unless you're running experiments in the lab without permission.
Delko: *scratches head* The last time I checked, I wasn't.
Anni: BOO!
Lora: *screams*
Delko: AH!
Anni: *laughing*
Lora: DON'T DO THAT! *slaps Anni*
Anni: You two need to lighten up. *turns on flashlight* You find him yet?
Delko: No and thanks to you, I need a new pair of underwear.
Anni: I didn't need to know that.
Lora: Where's the rest of the team?
Anni: Searching the building. You know, maybe H went for a walk or something. Old people do that, right?
Anni: What's her problem?
Delko: Love bug.
Anni: Oh. Been there.
Lora: Has anyone checked the bathrooms?
Delko: ...
Anni: ...
Lora: So...No one actually made sure he wasn't in his bathroom.
Anni: Why would he be in the bathroom?
Delko: Not enough prune juice?
Lora: Eric, one more insult and you're walking back to Miami.
Delko: Yes ma'am.
Anni: *slaps giant machine* Ha, what's this, some kind of torturing device?
Lora: OOh freaky.
Anni: *looks closer* ...Please tell me this isn't blood.
Lora: What? *pushes Anni*
Anni: Ow.
Delko: Let's not assume it's Horatio's.
Anni: What if the killer's still in the house?
Lora: *gasp* What if we're next?
Anni/Lora: *scream*
Delko: ...Wait, what?
Delko: AHHHH!
Carly: *runs downstairs* What's with the screaming?
Carly: Oh. *looks at watch* But I was kind of hoping to hit the hay pretty soon.
Anni: Is everyone else accounted for?
Carly: Yeah, why?
Carly: Yes.
Anni: Why aren't you scared?
Carly: I'm Australian.
Anni: What does that have to do with anything?
Carly: Nothing. Hey is that a torture machine?
Anni: Yeah it's pretty messed up.
Carly: Who owned this castle?
Anni: I don't know.
Delko: OH NO! I found a lock of red hair!
Lora: NO! *grabs hair* Is it Horatio's?
Delko: *sniffs hair* Smells like Old Spice.
Lora: *frowns* Enough with the old people jokes.
Delko: No, it really does.
Carly: Why would his hair have been pulled out?
Delko: Um, because he was murdered. Duh.
Carly: Maybe he got a haircut.
Anni: In the basement?
Carly: *shrugs*
Lilly: *shivering* Okay it's freezing out here and it's raining. Are we finished? He's clearly not on the roof.
Ryan: Well we might as well check.
Lilly: If we don't get off the roof,
we're going to die.
Ryan: No one's going to die.
Lilly: Ugh this is a nightmare. You'd better start my bath when we get back inside.
Ryan: Deal. *leans over edge of castle* The Hummerhome's gone.
Lilly: What?
Ryan: It's gone!
Lilly: *runs over* How can it be gone?
Ryan: I don't know.
Lilly: Maybe H went into town.
Ryan: And maybe he was kidnapped.
Lilly: *gasp* NO.
Ryan: We need to find the Hummerhome.
Lilly: How? We don't have a vehicle.
Ryan: There has to be one on the grounds somewhere.
Lilly: *points* Down there. A tractor.
Ryan: I'll round up the team.
Outside, ten minutes later
Katie: ...A tractor.
Carly: Are you kidding me?
Ryan: I think Horatio's in the Hummerhome and we have to find it. We find it, we find him.
Lora: How are we supposed to catch a 30 tonne vehicle with a tractor?
Ryan: It's all we have. I'm sure we can all squish in.
Delko: Who's supposed to drive it?
Colton: I don't do tractors.
Lilly: I think Ryan should drive. It was his stupid idea.
Heather: What if bugs fly into my mouth?
Colton: ...Keep your mouth closed?
Heather: This is a dumb idea. Let's just call his cell.
Lora: I already tried that, he's not answering.
Horatio: *sitting on couch* You know, there are better ways to go about this.
Horatio: *sigh*
Stetler: When your team finds you, you'll be in a hundred billion pieces.
Horatio: I'm sure when they find me,
you'll be in a hundred billion pieces. Almost all of them are girls with itchy trigger fingers.
Stetler: That's why I made a suit out of kevlar. I even have a hemlet made out of it.
Horatio: Is this because you're not Lieutenant? Because I don't really want the rank if it makes you that angry.
Stetler: Did you know what my middle name is?
Horatio: No.
Stetler: It's...Well it's not important. It just pisses me off.
Horatio: So that's why you want me dead?
Stetler: Yep. That and you always foil my plans. And your suits are always ironed. And you have so many fangirls. And you're just so
perfect. I mean, how do you even get that way?
Horatio: *lifts brow*
Stetler: Oh nevermind. Once I'm finished with you, I'm going to take your lab and your team and they will be MINE.
Horatio: Try convincing them.
Stetler: I'll give them a pay raise.
Horatio: ...
Stetler: HA! It always comes down to money.
Horatio: How did you even find us?
Stetler: Two of your CSIs returned to Miami and I found out where they were coming from. I'm not as stupid as I look.
Horatio: Somehow I beg to differ.
Stetler: You know what? Shut up. *smacks Horatio*
Horatio: Ow. *rubs cheek*
Stetler: Donahinkle, drive us as far as you can get us.
Donahinkle: Then we might want to get some gas.
Stetler: *sigh* You didn't fill up before we left?
Donahinkle: Where? At the castle?
Stetler: SHUT UP AND GET TO A GAS STATION. I'm not paying you to make me look incompetant.
Horatio: Don't worry, you pretty much take care of that all on your own.
Stetler: Shut up. I hate how confident and unafraid you seem to be. So I'm gonna wipe that out of you.
Horatio: You mean whip?
Stetler: ARG! *smacks Horatio*
Horatio: That's it? A smack? No wonder why you buy pink ties.
Stetler: *frowns* Donahinkle, he's bothering me.
Donahinkle: What do you want me to do about it?
Stetler: Drive faster.
Donahinkle: *salutes*
Stetler: Now, to repay you for what you and your team have done to me...*pulls out taser*
Horatio: *looks at taser*
Stetler: Afraid?
Horatio: No.
Stetler: *extends taser*
Horatio: *grabs Stetler's hand*
Stetler: OW! OW! *holding hand* OW! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!
Horatio: *shrugs*
Stetler: I can't believe you did that! The captee is not supposed to humiliate the captor! *punches Horatio*
Horatio: Oof. *falls over*
Stetler: HA! You see that Donahinkle?
Donahinkle: Sorry, there's a bunch of baby ducks crossing the road. Hee! Baby duckies!
Stetler: *rubs eyes* Donahinkle, run 'em over and keep going.
Donahinkle: Are you crazy? I'm not going to run over a bunch of baby ducks.
Donahinkle: Anyone have a camera?
Horatio: There's one in the console.
Donahinkle: Oh, thanks. *grabs camera* Come 'ere baby duckies! Hehe.
Stetler: Okay Horatio, if that IS your real name, put your hands behind your back.
Horatio: Why?
Stetler: Because I'm going to tie you up.
Horatio: Sorry I don't swing that way.
Rainy highway
Tractor putt putts along the road
Ryan: *wipes face*
Anni: Are we there yet? Eric's sitting on my hand and it hurts.
Ryan: I can't really see through all this rain.
Katie: Gee, maybe we should have just stolen a car. At least it would be warmer.
Heather: Who's touching me?
Lora: Sorry, Eric almost pushed me off with his FAT ASS.
Delko: Hey, I happen to have a very toned tush.
Colton: *covering ears* My ears are going to fall off.
Katie: You better hold onto the tractor or
you might fall off.
Stetler: Ha. Now you're tied up. No place to go HORATIO!
Horatio: I wasn't trying to go anywhere, besides, this is my Hummerhome.
Stetler: Not for long. I plan to get my own rival team of road trippers and renovate this into a bit of an..Evil Hummerhome per say. We will wreak havoc on the roads of America!
Horatio: Just America?
Stetler: Where else am I supposed to go?
Horatio: There are more countries.
Stetler: Foreigners are weird. You ever talk to those Canadians? Bunch of hosers.
Horatio: So what 'havoc' are you going to 'wreak'? Pushing over mail boxes?
Stetler: Ha ha very funny. No, in fact I have a whole plan worked out. But you're not special enough to know what it is.
Horatio: If you're going to kill me, you might as well tell me.
Stetler: No. Not even the dead or...Murdered-to-be's deserve to know the full scale of my evil plans.
Donahinkle: Are you at least gonna tell me? I mean, I work for you.
Stetler: In time my dear.
Hospital, 2am
Gavin: *walks into room* ...*looks around* Nurse?
Nurse: *stops walking* Yes?
Gavin: Where's the patient that was in this room?
Nurse: *shrugs* I don't know.
Gavin: What do you mean you don't know?
Nurse: Maybe she checked herself out.
Gavin: She was in a coma.
Nurse: Check with the doctor. *walks away*
Gavin: *grabs cellphone*
3:30 am, Hospital
Calleigh: I checked with hospital staff, they checked on her at 7pm and she was still here.
Gavin: Aren't they supposed to check on her every hour?
Calleigh: Not coma patients. Where were you?
Gavin: I left to get some of her clothes, blankets, pillows things like that. I dropped them off here and then went to get something to eat at my place. Must have fallen asleep. *sigh* I knew I shouldn't have left her but she wasn't supposed to not be here when I got back!
Calleigh: Okay, calm down. Maybe she was moved to a different room.
Gavin: I checked.
Calleigh: *looks at bed* You said you brought some of her clothes?
Gavin: Yeah.
Calleigh: *walks over to bed*
Gavin: *follows*
Calleigh: They aren't here.