CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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Gah I hope geni pulls a miracle out of carly's well reconstructed butt for both Gavin and Lori. They are such a cute couple I really don't want to see something really terrible like them dieing to happen, but alas this is geni's work of art lol and she'll do as she pleases. Great update tho, really gripping. Can't wait for more!
Awesome update! The new crime is interesting to say the least. I definetly agree with Calleigh on this one, Speed should go home and chill out, and deal with Lori's attempt. It's sad that it's come to this, but I hope that things will work out. I mean, it's Lori and Gavin for cripes sake! It has to work out!

On the other hand,...HORATIO's missing??? I would die a death of laughter if he was on one of his educational tours or something random like that. :lol: I could just see him walking up on them as they are trying to find him, saying, "I got lost going to the rest room..." :lol: :lol: :lol: I'm insane like that.

Awesome update, Geni!
Oh, Speed. I feel bad for Lori and Gavin, but even worse for Speed because he probably feels like he failed Lori. I really hope they find out what's going on with Lori, if they can reverse the posioning, the Gavin's okay, and that Speed and Lori have a nice long talk.

HORATIO HAS GONE MISSING!? Oh my GOD well I didn't see that coming. Well, this should be interesting: the hunt for the missing Redhead. Next week on Miami.

Love the updates Gen!
Oh man thank goodness that Zero guy is FINALLY dead. I thought he died a while back but i guess not. *shrugs* and Guy3 is kinda thick in the head. ...Is he related to Delko? :lol: Just kidding.

Lora: There's only one way. Salt and burn the bones.
:lol: I sound like Dean from Supernatural. :lol:

Delko: Horatio's missing on Halloween?
Katie: In his defense, it's not Halloween yet.
Anni: *runs downstairs* Okay I don't feel safe.
*shivers* I don't feel to great either Anni. Horatio's missing. This is SO not good. :(

Carly: First thing's first. Find H.
Delko: What if he's dead?
Lora: He's Jesus. He can't die.
Heather: ...Jesus died.
Even if he IS, which he is NOT, we just have to stay in the creepy haunted Horatio snatching castle for 3 days. Getting what i mean?

Awesome update(s) Gen! *bites on nails* But Horatio's missing....ohohmnaohmanohmanohmanohman! :lol: Can't wait for another update! :D
:lol: Lora.

:lol: Anni, wouldn't that be awesome? We'll see how things go. :p

Heh, thanks for the reviews everyone!


Hospital room (Lori's room), Miami

Speed: *walks over*

Gavin: If you want me to leave, I will.

Speed: *shakes head* No.

Gavin: *grabs Lori's hand* She's stable. Finally.

Speed: That's good.

Gavin: So, you going to arrest me?

Speed: *shakes head, sits*

Gavin: I'm sorry.

Speed: *looks at Gavin*

Gavin: I should have told you where he was.

Speed: Well it looks like you took care of him.

Gavin: I went there to kill him. But...I realized I would be no better than him. *scoffs* And I still killed him. *sigh* You ever kill anyone?

Speed: *nods* Sure.

Gavin: Do you ever feel any better after?

Speed: Never.

Gavin: *sigh*

Speed: She's lucky to have you.

Gavin: *lifts brow*

Speed: Despite what her mother thinks.

Gavin: *laughs*

Speed: *smirks*

Gavin: *looks down*

Speed: What?

Gavin: Her hand moved.

Speed: That's normal.

Gavin: I don't want to leave until she wakes up.

Speed: You might be here a while.

Gavin: *looks at watch* Crap, I was supposed to get some of her stuff. I need to do that.

Speed: *stands* I knew I liked you.

Gavin: *looks up*

Speed: Call if anything changes.

Gavin: Sure.

Speed: *leaves*

Castle, UK


Lora: I can't believe Carly sent you and me down here.

Delko: Wait wait wait, don't walk too far ahead.

Lora: You scared?

Delko: No, of course not.

Lora: *rolls eyes*

Delko: So...You like H, huh.

Lora: *stops walking* Does everyone know?

Delko: You don't exactly keep quiet about it.

Lora: That's true.

Delko: *shines flashlight around* H!



Lora: ...Because there's more than one?

Delko: You never know.

Chains clink

Delko: *gasp* Oh no.

Lora: What was that?

Delko: I don't know.

Lora: Maybe it's Horatio.

Delko: What if it's Wubba?

Lora: Eric, Wubba doesn't exist.

Delko: Sure he does.

Lora: Since when?

Delko: Since I made him up.

Lora: There's the key words. 'Made him up'.

Delko: You don't think he could have manifested into a real monster?

Lora: Not unless you're running experiments in the lab without permission.

Delko: *scratches head* The last time I checked, I wasn't.

Anni: BOO!

Lora: *screams*

Delko: AH!

Anni: *laughing*

Lora: DON'T DO THAT! *slaps Anni*

Anni: You two need to lighten up. *turns on flashlight* You find him yet?

Delko: No and thanks to you, I need a new pair of underwear.

Anni: I didn't need to know that.

Lora: Where's the rest of the team?

Anni: Searching the building. You know, maybe H went for a walk or something. Old people do that, right?


Anni: What's her problem?

Delko: Love bug.

Anni: Oh. Been there.

Lora: Has anyone checked the bathrooms?

Delko: ...

Anni: ...

Lora: So...No one actually made sure he wasn't in his bathroom.

Anni: Why would he be in the bathroom?

Delko: Not enough prune juice?

Lora: Eric, one more insult and you're walking back to Miami.

Delko: Yes ma'am.

Anni: *slaps giant machine* Ha, what's this, some kind of torturing device?

Lora: OOh freaky.

Anni: *looks closer* ...Please tell me this isn't blood.

Lora: What? *pushes Anni*

Anni: Ow.


Delko: Let's not assume it's Horatio's.

Anni: What if the killer's still in the house?

Lora: *gasp* What if we're next?

Anni/Lora: *scream*

Delko: ...Wait, what?


Delko: AHHHH!

Carly: *runs downstairs* What's with the screaming?


Carly: Oh. *looks at watch* But I was kind of hoping to hit the hay pretty soon.

Anni: Is everyone else accounted for?

Carly: Yeah, why?


Carly: Yes.

Anni: Why aren't you scared?

Carly: I'm Australian.

Anni: What does that have to do with anything?

Carly: Nothing. Hey is that a torture machine?

Anni: Yeah it's pretty messed up.

Carly: Who owned this castle?

Anni: I don't know.

Delko: OH NO! I found a lock of red hair!

Lora: NO! *grabs hair* Is it Horatio's?

Delko: *sniffs hair* Smells like Old Spice.

Lora: *frowns* Enough with the old people jokes.

Delko: No, it really does.

Carly: Why would his hair have been pulled out?

Delko: Um, because he was murdered. Duh.

Carly: Maybe he got a haircut.

Anni: In the basement?

Carly: *shrugs*


Lilly: *shivering* Okay it's freezing out here and it's raining. Are we finished? He's clearly not on the roof.

Ryan: Well we might as well check.

Lilly: If we don't get off the roof, we're going to die.

Ryan: No one's going to die.

Lilly: Ugh this is a nightmare. You'd better start my bath when we get back inside.

Ryan: Deal. *leans over edge of castle* The Hummerhome's gone.

Lilly: What?

Ryan: It's gone!

Lilly: *runs over* How can it be gone?

Ryan: I don't know.

Lilly: Maybe H went into town.

Ryan: And maybe he was kidnapped.

Lilly: *gasp* NO.

Ryan: We need to find the Hummerhome.

Lilly: How? We don't have a vehicle.

Ryan: There has to be one on the grounds somewhere.

Lilly: *points* Down there. A tractor.

Ryan: I'll round up the team.

Outside, ten minutes later

Katie: ...A tractor.

Carly: Are you kidding me?

Ryan: I think Horatio's in the Hummerhome and we have to find it. We find it, we find him.

Lora: How are we supposed to catch a 30 tonne vehicle with a tractor?

Ryan: It's all we have. I'm sure we can all squish in.

Delko: Who's supposed to drive it?

Colton: I don't do tractors.

Lilly: I think Ryan should drive. It was his stupid idea.

Heather: What if bugs fly into my mouth?

Colton: ...Keep your mouth closed?

Heather: This is a dumb idea. Let's just call his cell.

Lora: I already tried that, he's not answering.


Horatio: *sitting on couch* You know, there are better ways to go about this.


Horatio: *sigh*

Stetler: When your team finds you, you'll be in a hundred billion pieces.

Horatio: I'm sure when they find me, you'll be in a hundred billion pieces. Almost all of them are girls with itchy trigger fingers.

Stetler: That's why I made a suit out of kevlar. I even have a hemlet made out of it.

Horatio: Is this because you're not Lieutenant? Because I don't really want the rank if it makes you that angry.

Stetler: Did you know what my middle name is?

Horatio: No.

Stetler: It's...Well it's not important. It just pisses me off.

Horatio: So that's why you want me dead?

Stetler: Yep. That and you always foil my plans. And your suits are always ironed. And you have so many fangirls. And you're just so perfect. I mean, how do you even get that way?

Horatio: *lifts brow*

Stetler: Oh nevermind. Once I'm finished with you, I'm going to take your lab and your team and they will be MINE.

Horatio: Try convincing them.

Stetler: I'll give them a pay raise.

Horatio: ...

Stetler: HA! It always comes down to money.

Horatio: How did you even find us?

Stetler: Two of your CSIs returned to Miami and I found out where they were coming from. I'm not as stupid as I look.

Horatio: Somehow I beg to differ.

Stetler: You know what? Shut up. *smacks Horatio*

Horatio: Ow. *rubs cheek*

Stetler: Donahinkle, drive us as far as you can get us.

Donahinkle: Then we might want to get some gas.

Stetler: *sigh* You didn't fill up before we left?

Donahinkle: Where? At the castle?

Stetler: SHUT UP AND GET TO A GAS STATION. I'm not paying you to make me look incompetant.

Horatio: Don't worry, you pretty much take care of that all on your own.

Stetler: Shut up. I hate how confident and unafraid you seem to be. So I'm gonna wipe that out of you.

Horatio: You mean whip?

Stetler: ARG! *smacks Horatio*

Horatio: That's it? A smack? No wonder why you buy pink ties.

Stetler: *frowns* Donahinkle, he's bothering me.

Donahinkle: What do you want me to do about it?

Stetler: Drive faster.

Donahinkle: *salutes*

Stetler: Now, to repay you for what you and your team have done to me...*pulls out taser*

Horatio: *looks at taser*

Stetler: Afraid?

Horatio: No.

Stetler: *extends taser*

Horatio: *grabs Stetler's hand*


Stetler: OW! OW! *holding hand* OW! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!

Horatio: *shrugs*

Stetler: I can't believe you did that! The captee is not supposed to humiliate the captor! *punches Horatio*

Horatio: Oof. *falls over*

Stetler: HA! You see that Donahinkle?

Donahinkle: Sorry, there's a bunch of baby ducks crossing the road. Hee! Baby duckies!

Stetler: *rubs eyes* Donahinkle, run 'em over and keep going.

Donahinkle: Are you crazy? I'm not going to run over a bunch of baby ducks.


Donahinkle: Anyone have a camera?

Horatio: There's one in the console.

Donahinkle: Oh, thanks. *grabs camera* Come 'ere baby duckies! Hehe.

Stetler: Okay Horatio, if that IS your real name, put your hands behind your back.

Horatio: Why?

Stetler: Because I'm going to tie you up.

Horatio: Sorry I don't swing that way.


Rainy highway

Tractor putt putts along the road

Ryan: *wipes face*

Anni: Are we there yet? Eric's sitting on my hand and it hurts.

Ryan: I can't really see through all this rain.

Katie: Gee, maybe we should have just stolen a car. At least it would be warmer.

Heather: Who's touching me?

Lora: Sorry, Eric almost pushed me off with his FAT ASS.

Delko: Hey, I happen to have a very toned tush.

Colton: *covering ears* My ears are going to fall off.

Katie: You better hold onto the tractor or you might fall off.


Stetler: Ha. Now you're tied up. No place to go HORATIO!

Horatio: I wasn't trying to go anywhere, besides, this is my Hummerhome.

Stetler: Not for long. I plan to get my own rival team of road trippers and renovate this into a bit of an..Evil Hummerhome per say. We will wreak havoc on the roads of America!

Horatio: Just America?

Stetler: Where else am I supposed to go?

Horatio: There are more countries.

Stetler: Foreigners are weird. You ever talk to those Canadians? Bunch of hosers.

Horatio: So what 'havoc' are you going to 'wreak'? Pushing over mail boxes?

Stetler: Ha ha very funny. No, in fact I have a whole plan worked out. But you're not special enough to know what it is.

Horatio: If you're going to kill me, you might as well tell me.

Stetler: No. Not even the dead or...Murdered-to-be's deserve to know the full scale of my evil plans.

Donahinkle: Are you at least gonna tell me? I mean, I work for you.

Stetler: In time my dear.

Hospital, 2am

Gavin: *walks into room* ...*looks around* Nurse?

Nurse: *stops walking* Yes?

Gavin: Where's the patient that was in this room?

Nurse: *shrugs* I don't know.

Gavin: What do you mean you don't know?

Nurse: Maybe she checked herself out.

Gavin: She was in a coma.

Nurse: Check with the doctor. *walks away*

Gavin: *grabs cellphone*

3:30 am, Hospital

Calleigh: I checked with hospital staff, they checked on her at 7pm and she was still here.

Gavin: Aren't they supposed to check on her every hour?

Calleigh: Not coma patients. Where were you?

Gavin: I left to get some of her clothes, blankets, pillows things like that. I dropped them off here and then went to get something to eat at my place. Must have fallen asleep. *sigh* I knew I shouldn't have left her but she wasn't supposed to not be here when I got back!

Calleigh: Okay, calm down. Maybe she was moved to a different room.

Gavin: I checked.

Calleigh: *looks at bed* You said you brought some of her clothes?

Gavin: Yeah.

Calleigh: *walks over to bed*

Gavin: *follows*

Calleigh: They aren't here.

Delko: So...You like H, huh.
Lora: *stops walking* Does everyone know?
Delko: You don't exactly keep quiet about it.
Lora: That's true.
SO TRUE. :lol: ;)
Delko: Since I made him up.
Lora: There's the key words. 'Made him up'.
Delko: You don't think he could have manifested into a real monster?
Yeah! Ever see that one episode of Supernatural?? What was it Geni. Where its that ghost farmer that hangs people...the one where a cut scene in the bloopers and went like this-

Sam: So people are on the HellHound website. And when they look at the picture, thinking about Farmer (name), it just might be enough to bring back *pauses* ....Jesus Christ!
Dean: Enough to bring Jesus Chirst back??

:lol: On with RT!
Lora: Has anyone checked the bathrooms?
Delko: ...
Anni: ...
Lora: So...No one actually made sure he wasn't in his bathroom.
Anni: Why would he be in the bathroom?
Delko: Not enough prune juice?
Lora: Eric, one more insult and you're walking back to Miami.
Delko: Yes ma'am.
Anni: *slaps giant machine* Ha, what's this, some kind of torturing device?
Lora: OOh freaky.
Anni: *looks closer* ...Please tell me this isn't blood.
Lora: What? *pushes Anni*
Anni: Ow.
Delko: Let's not assume it's Horatio's.
Anni: What if the killer's still in the house?
Lora: *gasp* What if we're next?
Anni/Lora: *scream*
Delko: ...Wait, what?
Delko: AHHHH!
Carly: *runs downstairs* What's with the screaming?
Carly: Oh. *looks at watch* But I was kind of hoping to hit the hay pretty soon.
Anni: Is everyone else accounted for?
Carly: Yeah, why?
Carly: Yes.
Anni: Why aren't you scared?
Carly: I'm Australian.
Anni: What does that have to do with anything?
Carly: Nothing. Hey is that a torture machine?
Anni: Yeah it's pretty messed up.
Carly: Who owned this castle?
Anni: I don't know.
Delko: OH NO! I found a lock of red hair!
Lora: NO! *grabs hair* Is it Horatio's?
Delko: *sniffs hair* Smells like Old Spice.
Lora: *frowns* Enough with the old people jokes.
Delko: No, it really does.
Carly: Why would his hair have been pulled out?
Delko: Um, because he was murdered. Duh.
Carly: Maybe he got a haircut.
Anni: In the basement?
Lilly: *shivering* Okay it's freezing out here and it's raining.
Certianly hope you're wearing a bra Lilly. ;) In front of Ryan and all...
Colton: I don't do tractors.
Lilly: I think Ryan should drive. It was his stupid idea.
Heather: What if bugs fly into my mouth?
Heather, tractors don't even GO that fast.
Horatio: *sitting on couch* You know, there are better ways to go about this.
*laughing* ARE YOU SERIOUS *cant stop laughing*
Horatio: I'm sure when they find me, you'll be in a hundred billion pieces. Almost all of them are girls with itchy trigger fingers.
:lol: Haha well it's true.

WHOA! I just noticed that pretty much all the team is female! I know, something things take a while for me. :lol:

Stetler: You know what? Shut up. *smacks Horatio*



*heavy breathing*

You knew this would piss me off Geni. Now let's go save Horatio!! *jumps and flys into air*

Stetler: ARG! *smacks Horatio*
Horatio: That's it? A smack? No wonder why you buy pink ties.
*eye twitches* Well at least the that stupid *#$#&! Stetler samking him doen't bother him.

:lol: Pink ties. SO TRUE.

"If that is your real name"? :lol: What, you think Horatio isn't his real name? :lol: !

Please, PLEASE have a quick update??!
OMG! GENI!....This is far better than the random educational tour:lol: He gets kidnapped by Stetler and Donhinkle...I laugh til I cried, fell to the floor and laughed again. And through it all, he remained steadfast and managed to out wit Stetler once more. I loved the quip about the pink ties and the rank ( I still think Ricky needs to suck it up with a straw, but hey, that's just me.) I can't wait to see exactly what's going to go down! Esp with the RTers hot on the trail...well, hot isn't exactly the word, but slow as molasses just doesn't have that ring to it.:lol:

And what the... Where in blazes is Lori? Where could she had gone off to if she was supposedly in a coma? Now I'm in definte need of an update :D

Excellent work, Geni!
Carly: ...Missy and JC aren't here either.

Delko: OH NO! *holds head* This is not good.

Carly: Why? They're always MIA.
Yes, we usually are, and we're usually in trouble. But we are successfully avoiding being crammed into a small vehical with the rest of the gang. We are most likely partying somewhere.
LORI! Where is she? GENI! Come back! Come back!
*dies laughing* X__X

BOOP BOOP BOOP!!! *Hello...Colton cannot leave a review right now as he is dead....please leave a message after the random laughter .................................................................... *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA* ________*

Update Soon....I mean...X__X
Thanks so much for the reviews everyone! :) And Lora, it was 'Hell House'. Good episode too.

*ressucitates Colton*


Apologies for the short-ish update, I'm a bit whipped and need some rest, lol.


Middle of highway, 3:50am

Ryan: Have you figured out what went wrong with the tractor?

Katie: I don't know, maybe it wasn't made for cross-country expeditions.

Heather: I bet there was a weight limit. Damnit I knew we should have left Eric behind.

Delko: Hey! For the last time, I'm not fat!

Anni: Yeah but for some reason you take up a lot of room.

Ryan: I guess we'll have to walk the rest of the way.

Lilly: Ugh, I'm freezing and I'm soaked, can we just go back to the castle? It's like twenty feet away.

Lora: NO! We must save Horatio!

Lilly: I'm sure he'll be fine.

Lora: You never know. He could have been kidnapped by international terrorists.

Katie: Yes I can see why Horatio would be of so much value to them.

Lora: Exactly!

Katie: I was being sarcastic. Did no one else get that?

Delko: It needed to be a little more dry.

Katie: I thought so.

Roof, hospital, Miami

Speed: *opens door* ...Lori?

Lori: *sitting on edge of building*

Speed: *walks over* We've got half the hospital looking for you. You've been in a coma for three days.

Lori: *stares at ground*

Speed: *sits* You need to get back downstairs. You're not well.

Lori: *rubs head*

Speed: Lori?

Lori: I...S-Som...Ca...Bl...

Speed: ...Oh geez.

Lori: P-Pin DA!

Speed: *stands, grabs Lori* Come on.

Hospital room

Doctor: *writing things down*

Gavin: *scratches head* So what's wrong with her?

Doctor: Hard to say. Obviously her motor function has been severely compromised. Whether it's due to the lack of blood to the brain or the poisoning, it's tough to say.

Gavin: Is it permenant?

Doctor: Too early to tell.

Speed: Does she know what's going on? I mean, is she aware?

Doctor: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *staring at blanket*

Doctor: I'd say where it stands, she probably has the mental ability of a five year old.

Gavin: ...

Speed: And you don't know what caused it.

Doctor: I won't know without extensive tests and even then, it's a bit of a gamble. Excuse me. *leaves*

Gavin: *sits*

Speed: At least we found her.

Gavin: *shakes head*

Speed: *leaves*

Gavin: ...Life's a bitch.

Lori: *squishing juice box*

Juice spills everywhere

Lori: *looks down* NA!

Gavin: *covers eyes*

Lori: *looks at Gavin*

Gavin: *stands, leaves*

Lori: *starts to cry*

Aw poor Lori! No, wait. Poor Gavin, erm no wait, Poor Speed. *hmm I guess this is why these things suck, huh?

It's too bad that she lost blood and oxygen to her brain and it made her revert back to a five year old.


Donahinkle and Stetler :lol:. That was just.. words cannot describe how hilarious that was. For Horatio to not be your typical kidnapping victim :lol: I was half expecting him to do a fake yawn and say "Bored now."


I can't believe Lilly slapped me. :p


Colton: I don't do tractors.
Lilly: I think Ryan should drive. It was his stupid idea.
Heather: What if bugs fly into my mouth?


Heather, tractors don't even GO that fast.

Hey now, I'd be volunteering to drive!

Get your motor runnin'/Head out on the highway/
Lookin' for adventure/And whatever comes our way/
Born to be wild
Born to be wild
*drives off on a Harley* (I am from Milwaukee, dontcha know)


Lora, you're not so secret secret's busted. ;)

Carly and Anni were hilarious! OK,That entire sequence of everyone lost and confused because Horatio went missing was just laugh out loud hilarious.


So many updates, so little time. ;) I meant to leave a review this morning, but glad that I didn't becuase it probably wouldn't have made any sense. :D

Great Updates, keep 'em coming. :)
Oh no! Lori! Gosh that sucks something wicked. What the...and poor Speed, and Gavin. I just hope that they dont give up on her! I want the kick ass Lori back! :(

Ha,...the RTers...they only got twenty feet away from the castle? :lol: that is hilarious! Well, when is anything NOT hilarious with the RTers? (with the exception of course the current situation with Lori..).

Great job!
Gah! Geni you are so evil! But I still love you :) I can't believe that you did that to Lori :( Gosh I hope that she will get better. Great short update!
Heh, thanks for the reviews everyone. :D

*huggles that_girl1* I luv you too. :) Heh, I'm sure things will be better. But not for a while.



Stetler: *clicking gun together*

Gun falls apart

Stetler: COME ON! Ergh, I've been at this for over an hour.

Horatio: You want some help?

Stetler: No. I don't need your pity assistance. I can take care of things myself.

Horatio: Looks like you're having trouble.

Stetler: A minor foible. Nothing for you to worry about.

Horatio: I'm not worried.

Stetler: Well...You should be!

Horatio: You just told me not to be worried.

Stetler: Yes well now you should be.

Horatio: In the span of five seconds?

Stetler: Yes. I like to keep you on your toes.

Horatio: I'm sitting on the couch.

Stetler: Fine. Butt cheeks. Now, Donahinkle, get me my briefcase.

Donahinkle: I'm trying to drive. You get it.

Stetler: *sigh*

Horatio: I can get it if you'd like.

Stetler: No. *walks into next room*

Donahinkle: So how have you found England so far?

Horatio: Oh delightful.

Donahinkle: I'm thinking of taking a trip to Ireland this summer.

Horatio: I hear the weather is absolutely wonderful near the ocean.

Donahinkle: You don't say.

Stetler: *walks in* Okay Horatio, prepare to be faced with your worst nightmare. *opens briefcase*

Horatio: ...Gloves?

Stetler: Latex gloves.

Horatio: I'm not afraid of latex gloves.

Stetler: For the next 48 hours, you are going to get into the Hummerlab and analyse evidence. Nonstop.

Horatio: What am I observing?

Stetler: Pieces of dirt and grass. Get to it.

Horatio: But it's not my worst nightmare.

Stetler: You have to do it with a magnifying glass in poor lighting.

Horatio: NOOOOO!

Side of road

Ryan: *sticks thumb out*

Lilly: You're hitchhiking? That's kind of dangerous.

Ryan: We'll all be together.

Lilly: And you hope to find an empty bus?

Ryan: ...

Lora: Okay I have an idea. Why should fly.

Colton: Yeah just let me sprout my wings.

Lora: No stupid. Call 9-1-1 and tell them that one of us needs to be air lifted. Once the helicopter comes, we steal it and get to the search for Horatio.

Colton: Um, how are we supposed to take out the paramedics?

Lora: Throw pieces of tractor at them.

Katie: Why don't we just go back to the castle. These are all terrible ideas.

Lora: We can't abandon him! He's never abandoned us!

Delko: She has a point.

Ryan: Yeah but he always knows what to do. We're idiots in a foreign country and all we have is a tractor and bad ideas.

Delko: Unless...

Carly: No fire.

Delko: Ah nuts.


Horatio: *sigh*

Stetler: *walks over* How are things going?

Horatio: I think I'm going blind.

Stetler: Good.

Horatio: You're in my light.

Stetler: Good.

Horatio: *frowns* You know, it may have been a good idea to take my gun.

Stetler: ACK! *runs*

Horatio: ...I didn't even say I was going to threaten him with it.

Stetler: *walks back* Okay give me the gun.

Horatio: No.

Stetler: Give it.

Horatio: No.

Stetler: *reaches over*

Horatio: *stands*

Stetler: *sigh* You're making me look bad Horatio.

Horatio: Then don't kidnap me next time.

Stetler: Fine. I'll kidnap one of your weaker, more idiotic CSIs.

Horatio: In fairness, only a couple of them are really CSIs.

Stetler: Fine. The un-CSI idiots.

Horatio: They're actually all pretty smart...Unless you give them fire and a credit card.

Stetler: I now know your weakness. Your team. *cackles*

Horatio: *lifts brow*

Stetler: I shall kill them all!

Horatio: NO WAIT!

Stetler: Oooh is that concern?

Horatio: What will it solve?

Stetler: They won't annoy me anymore.

Horatio: You annoy me and I haven't killed you yet.

Stetler: Yes but without your evil adversary, you would be nothing.

Horatio: I was fine without you.

Stetler: Well too bad. Change of plans. I'm going after your team. You will have to solve their grisly murders.

Horatio: ...But I already know you're the one wh-

Stetler: Shut up Ho Caine.

Horatio: Did you just call me a Ho?

Stetler: *grabs radio* Donahinkle, pull out the big guns.


Donahinkle: Uh...Okay. *takes out giant gun*

Side of the road

Ryan: *kicks puddle* This is stupid.

Carly: Um you mind not getting everyone else wet?

Ryan: *kicks puddle*

Carly: ARG! *kicks Ryan*

Ryan: OW! Geez.

Delko: I've decided I'm in charge of the team from here on out.

Ryan: Why do you get to be in charge?

Delko: Well Horatio's probably dead somewhere, Calleigh and Speed are in Miami and I outrank you.

Ryan: But you're an idiot.

Delko: With seniority.

Katie: I'm not calling you 'sir'.

Delko: Fine. Call me El Paso.

Lora: El Paso? What the hell is that, barbeque sauce?

Delko: Call me John Wayne.

Lora: How about we call you Eric.

Delko: That works too.

Ryan: Can I be second in command?

Delko: No. Haven't you watched television? The second in command is always a woman.

Lora: ...Not on Star Trek Voyager.

Delko: No one watches Star Trek. Okay, you all need to impress me. Except Colton and Ryan because you're not chicks.

Carly: We're not going to impress you Eric.

Delko: Then pay me and I'll make you my other half.

Anni: No one wants to be your other half.

Delko: Fine. I'm going to twirl around and after I say ennie meenie miney mo, one of you will be my partner.

Katie: Eric I think it's clear no one wants the job.

Ryan: I want the job.

Delko: You're not a girl.

Ryan: That's a relief.

Lilly: Hey what's wrong with girls?

Ryan: ...Nothing.

Delko: *twirling* Okay, in 5...4...3...2...1! MO! *points to tree*

Everyone: ...

Delko: Okay you guys need to spread out a little.

Anni: Fine, I'll be your partner in crime but first I want to be paid.

Delko: Deal. How does twenty bucks sound?

Anni: Like you're cheap.

Delko: *sigh* A cheque?

Anni: Not for twenty bucks.

Delko: Nineteen?

Anni: *frowns*

Delko: Fine.

Anni: First thing we nee-

Colton: Wait wait wait. We're actually allowing this to happen? The two most stupid air-headed people on the team?

Anni: Um excuse me, would you like to order everyone around and have every decision on your head? Because the last time I checked mister 'criminal', you haven't made the best choices.

Colton: At least I'm logical.


Heather: *sings* Why can't we be friends, why can't we be f-

Lora: *covers Heather's mouth*

Heather: -*mumbles*

Delko: Now, let's get back to the castle and make smores!

Anni: Ooh I like you as a leader. Can I call you 'D'?

Delko: Sure.

Lora: No! We're going to save Horatio! *stomps*

Delko: Then you should have offered to be my second in commannd because now I don't have to listen to you.

Colton: What makes you think we have to listen to you?

Delko: Duh, because Anni agrees and we all know she's the most popular one here.

Katie: I thought I was the most popular one.

Delko: You're both equally popular. Except Anni's my-

Katie: Yeah we get it. Second in command. Enough already. *mumbles* First she steals my husband, now she steals my popularity.

Anni: As second in command, I would like to pass a motion.

Delko: Granted.

Anni: All of you KISS MY FEET!

Everyone: ...

Anni: So...Motion denied?

Lora, you're not so secret secret's busted. ;)
Really. :lol: Just kidding, thanks for pointing that out though Happy.

Horatio: What am I observing?
Stetler: Pieces of dirt and grass. Get to it.
Horatio: But it's not my worst nightmare.
Stetler: You have to do it with a magnifying glass in poor lighting.
Horatio: NOOOOO!
:lol: You can do it Horatio! you're a LEIUTENANT!

I love how He and Donahinkle have some small chat about vacationing. :lol:

Lora: ...Not on Star Trek Voyager.
Go Chakotay! :lol: Oh yeah geni, i started to do the forbidden for a Star Wars Freak....watch and like Star Trek. :lol:

Oh man Geni, i LOVED the update! Thanks, hope the team can finally rescue him and kill Senor butt cheeks. :D
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