CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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Geni... lmfao I am pretty sure there ... well okay not pretty sure there's a walmart in Fiji but they are all over the world ... walmart makes more then ... well i can't remember what country but its got a bigger budget then alot of places.... Walmart could seriously buy like a good chunk of land and like have their associates live there, it would be its own country.....
Okay I seriously thought that Gaven and Lori were gonna get hacked into a million little pieces.... but a pyscho ex girlfriend could be just as bad....
Wow Horatio in a tutu.... I like him and all but that could be a little scary.... What ever did happen to when me and him were suppose to get married? LMFAO I mean I can handle weird LOL .... my boifriend ... well thats a whole other planet all together that he comes from I swear .... and he keeps getting me hooked on video games and movies .... OMG WE SHOULD TOTALLY HAVE LIKE A MOVIE NIGHT OR SOMETHING WITH THE RT GANG!!!!
Okay got a little over excited there had a little sugar....
great update as always Geni and can't wait for more ... just don't type ur fingers off okay? .... or the letters off ur keyboard either lmfao
Oh the letters on my PC are worn down. ;)

You can thank Lilly for the Horatio in a tutu deal. :p I stole it from her, lol. *huggles Lilly*

RT gang movie night sounds like a cool idea.


Miami, next day

Josh: *walks into trace lab*


Josh: Something wrong?

Natalia: Yeah there are kids running all over the lab.

Josh: Kids?

Natalia: Yeah a little girl and some blonde kid with REALLY blue eyes. He's kind of cute though but GOSH he's a little hell raiser.

Josh: *clears throat* ETHAN.

Ethan: *crawls out from under table* Yeah dad?

Josh: What did I tell you about leaving the lounge?

Ethan: Don't.

Josh: Exactly.

Ethan: Cait said I could.

Josh: Get back to the lounge. Now.

Ethan: *wipes off pants* Just tryin' to have fun.

Josh: Go on.

Ethan: *runs out*

Natalia: That kid has a mouth on him too.

Josh: Wonderful.



Ethan: Shut up, Aussie.

Cait: *frowns* You're Australian too.

Ethan: I'm American. Besides, I don't have the funny accent.

Cait: *slaps Ethan* You're supposed to like your sister.

Ethan: *punches Cait*

Cait: OW! *rubs arm*

Ethan: *jumps onto couch*

Cait: You're a jerk.

Ethan: *imitates accent* I'm a jerk. Ooooh.

Cait: I'm gonna tell on you.

Ethan: Yeah what's dad gonna do? Spank me?

Cait: It's an idea.



Horatio: Katie, stop touching Anni.

Katie: I'm not touching her.


Calleigh: Will you both stop acting like children?

Delko: Okay I've got all the video tapes ready. We should have enough for movie night.

Colton: *lifts tape* The Lion King?

Delko: What? It's a good movie.

Carly: I think we should watch an Australian movie.

Katie: No. *grabs movie*

Carly: Aw.

Katie: Let's watch DIE HARD!

Horatio: Ooh I like that idea.

Katie: Yeah yeah okay so let's watch it.

Anni: I want to watch something else. Let's watch The Godfather.

Katie: What a stupid movie. No one wants to see a bunch of mobsters playing politics for seven hours. No way.

Anni: Okay how about a horror movie.

Katie: Depends which one.

Lora: SAW!

Katie: Oooh.

Anni: Nah, I didn't like that one. Too gory.

Lora: Saw II?

Anni: Um, same thing.

Lora: Saw III.

Anni: *frowns*

Lora: Saw IV.

Anni: That hasn't even come out yet.


Everyone: NO!

Lora: ..Fine, but my bubble.

Delko: Let's watch Shrek.

Everyone: ...

Delko: So that's a no?

Lilly: I have an idea. *grabs movie case* A Scanner Darkly. It FINALLY came out and I've been dying to watch it.

Horatio: Yeah actually I heard great things about it.

Calleigh: Oooh is that the one with all the druggies and cool animation?

Colton: Yeah it's state of the art.

Delko: Sounds good to me. I read the book.

Anni: You read?

Delko: ...Okay I read the graphic novel.

Anni: Yeah, pictures. Figures.

Heather: I think it's a good idea. Plus I haven't been confused in at least an hour.

Ryan: Doesn't this have that dude from The Matrix in it?

Heather: Yeah but Keanu plays this role pretty well I think.

Ryan: I want to watch Woody Harrelson. He cracks me up. OH OH Wynona Ryder!

Colton: ...Wow. There are A LOT of washed up actors in this movie.

Speed: HEY.

Colton: What's your problem?

Anni: Alright let's put 'er in.

Carly: *puts DVD in*

Two minutes later

Heather: I'm confused.

Lora: ...It's the previews.

Heather: I know and I'm very confused.

Five minutes later

Katie: Why is that guy naked?

Anni: *squints* And why does he have little green bugs all over him?

Calleigh: Naked cartoons look very odd.

Delko: *looking at case* What's this rated anyway?

Horatio: OH! OH! IS HE ON DRUGS?

Lora: Obviously. Look how twitchy. What the hell's he on? Speed?

Speed: What?

Lora: Not you. The drug.

Speed: Oh.

Katie: Haha he grabbed the dog.


Katie: Aww he's washing the dog too, even though it doesn't have bugs on it.

Colton: That bug spray could have killed him.

Anni/Katie: *sigh*

Ten minutes later

Heather: I'm confused. Why did he just get his head blown off by the cop?

Katie: He didn't actually. Stupid though how he couldn't even remember the Miranda thingy. Geez. What a stupid character.

Anni: But he's kinda cute.

Calleigh: Yeah he has that ruggedness about him.

Horatio: Okay ladies, why don't we pay attention to the plot.

Calleigh: We are. The characters ARE the plot.

Horatio: ...No they aren't.

Calleigh: You want to be put back in that tutu again?

Horatio: ....I'll be quiet.

One hour later

Heather: I'm confused.

Katie: *holding head* Wait, wait wait. Okay so how do those blurb guys know what's going on and how is Keanu two characters?

Colton: And why is he taking those little red pills?

Lilly: *slaps Colton* Those are the drugs, you noob sauce.

Colton: Oh.

Lilly: Haven't you been paying attention?

Colton: *points to screen* Well Wynona's not wearing a bra in this movie!

Katie: You're so shallow.

Colton: Yeah you should talk, miss "omgah omgah Freck is naked"

Katie: SHUT UP.

Speed: I don't like this movie.

Delko: How come?

Speed: Because it doesn't make sense. And Keanu isn't a very convincing cop.

Horatio: THAT'S what's wrong with this movie! *laughs* Man it's been bothering me for an hour.

Carly: Where did the dog that was at the beginning go? And why is that purple-headed eye monster reading a scroll?


Speed: Relax, he's fine.

Katie: *grabs Speed* HOW DO YOU KNOW!

Speed: I read the book.

Katie: Oh. Whew, that's a relief. What a great actor.

Speed: The actor's an idiot.

Katie: What? Why?

Speed: If I tell you, the universe will implode.

Katie: *screams*

Carly: I heard he was playing some Russian in his next role.

Colton: That's not what I heard. I heard he was a hallucination in his next role.

Carly: Well Australia's behind.

Calleigh: Oooh what kind of hallucination?

Colton: Sp-

Speed: I'M NOT LISTENING! LA LA LA LA LA LA! *covers ears*

Colton: What did I say?

Horatio: Maybe we should put in another movie.

Katie: Yeah good idea.

Five minutes later

Colton: ...Session 9? Are you kidding me?

Horatio: Hey. This movie is awesome.

Colton: Abandoned insane asylums are not awesome.

Horatio: *twiddles fingers* ...The characters are.

One hour later

Heather: I don't get it.

Carly: Wait, carrot top there didn't kill that dude? I thought he was evil.

Lilly: I think the other guy was hallucinating.

Delko: Can we watch a less confusing movie?

Calleigh: OH! BIG MOMMA'S HOUSE 2!

Everyone: ....

Calleigh: No?

Delko: I don't like the mom in that movie. She's too hyper.

Calleigh: SHE IS NOT! *slaps Delko*

Delko: OW!

Horatio: And she can't dance.

Calleigh: YOU DIE NOW. *slaps Horatio*

Horatio: OW! *holds face*

Calleigh: Oh I'm sorry! Ma nail got you in the eye.

Horatio: Yeah I know, I was there.

Lora: HA! H has sarcasm, that's so awesome. LET'S WATCH ROSWELL!

Delko: That's not even a movie.

Lora: Maybe it is.

Delko: Maybe it isn't.

Lora: I'll bet you twenty bucks.

Delko: You're on.

Lora: You. Me. Google. Now.

Ryan: No one wants to watch Mystic River?

Heather: I bet it'll confuse me.

Fiji, beach

Gavin: *walks over* Well despite our quarrels, we are now married.

Lori: *smirks* Oh I bet we'll have many quarrels.

Gavin: You seem to be lookin' forward to it.

Lori: *laughs*

Gavin: *wraps arms around Lori* So, Mrs Henderson, what now?

Lori: Ah man.

Gavin: What?

Lori: I have to get new cheque books.

Gavin: *smiles* No kiddin'.

Lori: And I have to meet your family. Oh crap that's not going to go over very well.

Gavin: They'll love you.

Lori: Ick. They're not a 'hugging' family, right?

Gavin: Well...

Lori: Ah man.

Gavin: *lets go* You'll be fine. Besides, I was stuck dealing with your mother so it's your turn.

Lori: You suck.

Gavin: Thanks.

Lori: So cowboy, I think it's time we had a teeny chat about this 'future' of ours.

Gavin: Alright.

Lori: ...I got nothin'.

Gavin: Why don't we just take this one step at a time.

Lori: Sounds good to me. So what's next?

Gavin: *smiles*

Lori: Ugh. *walks away*

Gavin: Hey I didn't say anything.

Lori: Didn't have to!

Gavin: Where are you goin'?

Lori: *smiles* Why don't you find out. *runs away*

Gavin: *laughs* Yeah that's not lame at all. *runs*


I'm confused... why did everyone want to watch themselves? ;)

Ryan probably wants to watch Racoon next, or Up. MWahahah.

That was great. *I is confused.* :lol:

Aww Lori and Gavin are married! She's no longer a Speedle! MWUAHAHA... this is great.

:) Halloween needs to come soon. I'm witch cackling too much. ;)
^^ Because watching a movie staring an actor that plays you when you don't know it is a wonderful way to make the world implode, and that totally didn't make any sense at all because I'm tipsy and wine is wonderful and I don't know what I'm saying...*deep breath*
Geni, you amaze me!
Aww Lori and Gavin at the beach! How more romantic can it get? Happilyhappy I was talking about how the characters wanted to watch their own movies with Geni :lol:
^ Happy wine drinking. :D And gosh. *blushes*

Heater! Er, I mean Heather! You will be forever confused in this RT. :p


Hummerhome, 10pm

Katie: Okay that movie was boring. *sits up*

Colton: I can't believe H made us watch Mystic River.

Ryan: It's a good movie! *bouncing up and down*

Anni: I think my eyes just dried up. *blinks* Nope, still there.

Calleigh: I can't believe Clint Eastwood stooped this low. What a piece of crap.

Horatio: Hey now. It was a harrowing story about real cops.

Speed: Real cops aren't that boring.

Horatio: Well then I hope you are all tired because you're going to bed early.

Lora: What? What did we do?

Horatio: Did you find the movie boring?

Lora: A little.

Horatio: There you go. Off to bed.

Lora: Your bed?

Horatio: No.

Lora: Darn.

Lilly: *rubs eye* I'm beat. *falls over*

Lora: ...Was she standing the whole time?

Ryan: I think so.

Missy: *twitches*

JC: *pokes Missy*

Missy: ACK! I was having the best dream! We were all two feet tall and we worked at the circus!

Anni: Was Timtron there?

Missy: HECK YES.

Anni: YES.

Missy/Anni highfive

Delko: Wait, so...Which one of the cop people were cops?

Everyone: ...

Delko: What?

Horatio: So, big plans for tomorrow. Before we head to York, I've planned a trip to Big Ben.

Delko: Who's Ben?

Horatio: No, it's a clock.

Delko: We're going to go see a clock? We can see clocks in the Hummerhome.

Horatio: This one's historic.

Delko: So are my grandparents but I don't visit them.

Horatio: It's huge.

Delko: So we're going to go see a huge historic clock.

Horatio: Yes.

Delko: Are there hotdogs involved?

Horatio: I don't think they sell hotdogs at Big Ben.

Delko: Are you sure?

Horatio: Pretty sure.

Delko: Can we touch the clock?

Horatio: You're not allowed to touch anything in England or you'll get kicked out.

Delko: Not even puppies?

Horatio: Especially puppies.

Fiji, next morning, restaurant

Lori: *reading menu*

Gavin: *walks over, sits*

Lori: Took you that long to park the car?

Gavin: It's a BIG parkinglot.

Lori: I bet. *flips page* So what are you havin'?

Gavin: I don't know.

Lori: I've never known you to be indecisi-

Gavin: Coffee.

Lori: ...Just coffee.

Gavin: Bread?

Lori: *puts menu down* What's wrong with you?

Gavin: Nothin'. I'm just not used to...Uh...

Lori: Marriage?

Gavin: Well, seeing as I've never been married, nooo.

Lori: Just because you have a ring, it doesn't mean you need to act like anything's changed.

Gavin: *nods*

Lori: *opens menu*

Gavin: *looks around*

Lori: *smirks*

Gavin: *looks at Lori* What.

Lori: *smirking* You weren't this indecisive last night.

Waiter: *walks over* May I get you two something to drink?

Gavin: Beer! Wait, do you have wine? No! No, tequila. Scotch? Anything alcoholic.

Waiter: ...This...Is a breakfast restaurant.

Gavin: I'm from Texas. We eat steak for breakfast.

Waiter: Well we don't serve steak here.

Gavin: Coffee then.

Waiter: And for the lady?

Lori: Tea, please.

Waiter: No problem. Have we decided what we're going to order?

Gavin: *laughs* I don't know about you, but you're not with us so you can't order.

Waiter: *lifts brow* ...So what will it be?

Gavin: Do you have egg whites?

Waiter: ...Yes they come with the egg.

Gavin: Then I don't want it. How about some sodium water! Wait, do you charge extra for that?

Waiter: ...

Gavin: Nevermind, I'll go eat the soap from the bathroom. *stands, trips over table* DAMNIT! *falls*

Lori: *covers mouth*

Waiter: ...I'll go get your order ready. *leaves*

Men's room

Lori: *runs in* Are you okay?

Gavin: *turns around* What? Yes. Why why why, why wh-why wouldn't I be?

Lori: You're acting insane.

Gavin: I'm fine. Really.

Lori: Uh...Okay.

Gavin: You should really leave the men's room. It's for men. You're not a men. Man. Woman. No, no you're a woman but not a man.

Lori: No, not the last time I checked.

Gavin: *laughs* FUNNY! No, it's it's really funny. You joker you.

Lori: So what, are you drunk?

Gavin: Lori we stayed up until 5 am drinkin' somethin' named Booya.

Lori: *smiles* Oh yeah.

Gavin: And you barely drank any of it. So don't get all WOOO on me about it.

Lori: *laughs*

Gavin: WHAT.

Lori: You. I've never really seem you smashed before, it's kind of funny.

Gavin: You weren't laughin' a second ago.

Lori: That's because you hid it so well, I didn't know if you were just insane or what.

Gavin: I am not supposed to BE drunk. I can't believe I drove us here.

Lori: Which is why I didn't think you were hammered.

Gavin: What, you thought I could just SNAP out of it?

Lori: I thought you held your liquor well!

Gavin: Duh, apparently it's holding me.

Lori: *giggles*

Gavin: Yeah well I'd like to let loose there missty or...missy...BUT I CAN'T. We're in a respectubalbe restaurant.

Lori: So are you going to be able to handle yourself out there?

Gavin: If not, I better tip well.


Lori: *drinks tea*

Waiter: *walks over* Sir, have you made up your mind yet?

Gavin: *looking at menu* Yeah, uh, what the hell is that?

Waiter: *looks at menu* Escargot. It's a delicacy.

Gavin: This don't look like France, monsieur.

Lori: *covers eyes*

Waiter: Then would you prefer something else?

Gavin: Pizza.

Waiter: We don't serve pizza here, sir.

Gavin: Well then, I will have....That.

Waiter: That's an advertisement for dish soap.

Gavin: I'm sure you have some in your kitchen. It probably tastes better than escargot.

Lori: *smirks*

Waiter: May I recommend the House Special?

Gavin: *reading menu* No.

Waiter: ...

Gavin: I'll just have a coke.

Waiter: This will have been your third beverage...And you haven't even touched the other two.

Gavin: I'm collecting.

Waiter: *shakes head, walks away*

Lori: You have no idea how much you amuse me.

Gavin: Ha, yeah well if you didn't know I was SMASHED, you'd be angry.

Lori: Probably.

Gavin: You know what I think?

Lori: What.

Gavin: You are the prettiest damn thang to ever walk.

Lori: *smiles* Have some coffee.

Gavin: Nah, coffee is for the weak.

Waiter: *walks over* Here is the House Special for you ma'am.

Lori: Thanks.

Waiter: Sir, are you going to order something real?

Gavin: Dish soap isn't real?

Waiter: Are you drunk?

Gavin: Yes SIR. *salutes*

Waiter: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *shrugs*

Waiter: ....Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Gavin: That's okay, I was going to puke anyway. I might as well not do it on your spectuaclular carpet. *stands, leaves*

Lori: *stands* Sorry. *leaves*


Gavin: *sits*

Lori: You okay?

Gavin: Is the sidewalk supposed to have little red dots in it?

Lori: No.

Gavin: *sigh* I'm sorry. I must be an embarassment.

Lori: Not at all. I've always wanted to get kicked out of a restaurant and it be someone else's fault.

Gavin: Ha.

Lori: So, now that you're drunk, are you going to tell me your deepest darkest secret?

Gavin: *laughs*

Lori: Nah, let's just get you back before you pass out.

Gavin: I still can't believe I drove us here.

Lori: Me neither.

HA! Big Ben! Can't wait to see how this results. :p Booya sounds like something fun to drink. :p J'aime plus le update.

ETA: J'aime le update :D
Colton: *lifts tape* The Lion King?
WHOO!!! I know that movie OFF. BY. HEART. Go Jeremy Irons! Even though i don't like his character Scar, i LOVED it when Scar sang, his song is awesome. I can sing it right now if you'd like.

Heather: I'm confused.
Lora: ...It's the previews.
I LOVE previews, i always watch them.

Haha Big Mommas House 2. Go Emily Procter! Loved her in it, didnt you Calliegh?

Lora: HA! H has sarcasm, that's so awesome. LET'S WATCH ROSWELL!
Delko: That's not even a movie.
Lora: Maybe it is.
Delko: Maybe it isn't.
Lora: I'll bet you twenty bucks.
Delko: You're on.
Lora: You. Me. Google. Now.
:lol: :lol: That reminds me of my grade 8 LA teacher that we all hated. And he would always attempt humor and we hated it. He always said "Google it" until i go sick of it and said YOU GOOGLE IT and then i got in crap. But everyone loved me for it. :lol: ANYWAYS....

YAY Horatio has saracsim. Next step, bedroom. :lol: I guess i move fast in RT.

Horatio: There you go. Off to bed.
Lora: Your bed?
Horatio: No.
Lora: Darn.
So close. SO CLOSE.

Delko: Can we touch the clock?
Horatio: You're not allowed to touch anything in England or you'll get kicked out.
Delko: Not even puppies?
Horatio: Especially puppies.
:lol: *laughing* That was way too funny... *cant stop laughing*

Lori: *runs in* Are you okay?
Gavin: *turns around* What? Yes. Why why why, why wh-why wouldn't I be?
Lori: You're acting insane.
UMMM maybe because he IS?

Geni, don't make me kill this guy...

AWESOME, AWESOME update Geni. Love it! *huggles* :D
WOW Gavin drove drunk... thats really bad geni.... but amusing at the same time at how he was acting ... but still he drove drunk ... yeesh.... haha i'm glad i could assist with the movie night thing, it was freaking hilarious!!!! can't wait for more wacky adventures ... and maybe u should write the letters back on ur keyboard ...lmfao
Thanks for the reviews!

Lol, Jaci, I just may do that. :lol:


England, near Big Ben, 10am

Speed: So...What's so special about a giant clock?

Delko: And why is everyone driving on the wrong side of the road?

Speed: *looks at Eric*

Delko: Just saying.

Horatio: I've gotten us into a tour so we'll be able to get the entire history! Isn't this exciting?

Everyone: *moans*

Horatio: Oh come now, it'll be fun.

Lora: I should have stayed home.

Lilly: I should have stayed in the Hummerhome.

Katie: I should have stayed in Missouri.

Carly: I sh-

Horatio: Okay we get it. You all should have stayed in your respective areas away from this tour but gal darnit you're all here so you're going to feign FUN.

Katie: I can't feign anything if it's NOT FUN.

Horatio: What if there's a gift shop?

Katie: Then you have partially interested me.

Inside building

Horatio: *opens brochure* This is so exciting. I'm learning so much!

Calleigh: You just paid to get in.

Horatio: Yes but I've learned to use the...Pound?

Delko: AH! There's kids running all over the place! *hugs Speed*

Speed: And how am I going to protect you?

Delko: Scare them away.

Speed: You scare them away.

Delko: GRAWRL!

Kids: ...

Delko: I'm not sure why that didn't work.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Anni: *gasp* We should come here on a family vacation and show Jake this place. It's pretty cool. I mean, it's like giant Timex watch.

Speed: That's a horrible idea.

Anni: Fine. You can watch him and his other little pukey friends at Chuck-EE Cheese while I get a massage.

Speed: Deal.


Speed: I'm behind you.

Katie: Just shut up and move.

Carly: We don't have giant clocks in Australia.

Delko: You have regular clocks right?

Carly: No, we just listen to the ocean to know when to get up.

Delko: Whoa cool! Hey how about the people who don't live near the ocean?

Carly: ...

Missy: So why'd they name it Ben?

Horatio: I bet the tour guide will tell us. TOUR GUIDE!

Tour Guide: Yes?

Delko: *whispers* She's hot.

Speed: *elbows Delko*

Delko: I mean, strapping young lady.

Horatio: Why did they name this Big Ben?

Tour Guide: Uh...*looks at brochure* ...I don't know, this is just my summer job.

Delko: *whispers* Is it wrong to say she's hot?

Speed: Yes.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Because she can't be older than 21.

Delko: So? It's legal.

Speed: Don't even think about it.

Delko: Party pooper.

Lora: So, how will learning about a clock make this road trip fun?

Horatio: It's not always about getting drunk and sleeping around you know.

Lora: ...Say what?

Horatio: Education is my motive.

Lora: Well it ain't mine.

Calleigh: Oooh look at the cute mini Big Bens in the gift shop.


Horatio: Not until we're done the tour.


Delko: *sigh* How many more steps are there?

Tour Guide: 205.

Delko: Ah man.

Ryan: You're a little out a shape.

Delko: *punches Ryan*

Ryan: OW!

Lilly: Hey! *hugs Ryan*

Ryan: *sticks tonngue out* See? I'm loved.

Delko: Not by me.

Katie: *huffing and puffing* I shouldn't have had four scones for breakfast.

Colton: Maybe if you hadn't eaten mine, you'd be able to get up the stairs.

Katie: Shut up baldy.

Lora: This sucks. I wanted to have fun, not jazzercise.

Lilly: Maybe there's a million dollars at the top of the stairs.

Lora: There'd have to be two billion at least for me to get that far.

Lilly: Okay two billion.

Lora: And which bank will I go to, to collect this money?

Lilly: ...Which ever one has two billion and is stashing it at Big Ben?

Lora: Sounds good to me.

Anni: Let's just stay on the steps and say we've been there.

Horatio: No time to slow down team, let's go! *running*

Colton: Ugh, isn't there an elevator?

Anni: Or an escalator?

Lora: Or people to carry us?

:lol: I've missed so much! Horatio in a tutu (which has me laughing hysterically, let me tell you Geni) and everyone watcing themselved in the movies :)lol:) and then Gavin drunk (which was also hilarious).

And we've arrived at Big Ben! Can't wait to see more of the RT gang and how Lori and Gavin's marriage turns out (hopefully good. Hee :D)

Love it, Geni!
Horatio: Education is my motive.
Lora: Well it ain't mine.
Bullplop. I love learning! I rock at science and i DO NOT sleep around. Unless....wahtcha doin tonight Horatio? :lol:

Horatio: No time to slow down team, let's go! *running*
Colton: Ugh, isn't there an elevator?
Anni: Or an escalator?
Lora: Or people to carry us?
Well at least Horatio's in sahpe. *eyes flutter* So maybe he can carry me, and Colton can carry Calliegh, and Katie can carry Eric and so on. :lol:

Colton's bald? :lol: And Ryan's with us? Well, now i got a chance to push him off the Big Ben. Or should i reserve that for the CN tower? :lol:

Awesome update Geni! Ochine ha-trsho.
I vote for the people caring us...*looks around for someone* no one here. *sigh*
Gavin drunk made my life. Seriously, I fell off the bed laughing!
Heh, your welcome for the idea Geni :p The steps are probably just like the Statue of Liberty, which would be good for them to visit. :lol:
OMG,...i just got caught up, and I can hardly breathe! Horatio's punishment for losing Twister----> :lol: The gang watching themselves for movie night----> :lol: :lol: :lol: The gang at Big Ben:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That's a lot of laughing.... And I just saw Session 9 for the first time this weekend...that was kinda trippy :D

Lori and Gavin, weird but so cute! Gavin was pretty hilarious drunk...And Josh and Nat working together, that was pretty cool too. All the updates....HILARIOUS!

Awesome job, Geni!
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