Thankies for the reviews! I thought this thread would go down to the second page again and I didn't want to double post and make
sissi's life a living hell. :lol:
Miami Lab, two hours later
Trace Lab
Gavin: *walks in* You know how long it took me to get a visitor's pass?
Carly: *adjusting microscope* I hope you got one.
Gavin: Had to flash my badge. Which by the way I hate doing.
Carly: *laughs* You know, Lori's still kicking herself about that one.
Gavin: Yeah I heard. Not to mention the fact she freaked out at me in front of 30 people.
Carly: She's...Unique.
Gavin: So what are you lookin' at?
Carly: Glass frags from the window.
Gavin: These weren't crushed by traffic?
Carly: Got lucky, these landed in the bushes.
Gavin: So what are you doing with them?
Carly: *lifts head* Take a look.
Gavin: Uh, sorry I don't do microscopes.
Carly: I can't work this case alone.
Gavin: I don't even work here!
Carly: Today you do. So take a look.
Gavin: *looks through microscope*
Carly: What do you see?
Gavin: Glass.
Carly: *rolls eyes* Yeah I think I've determined that. How about on the glass?
Gavin: *lifts head* You're the scientist.
Carly: It's bullet proof.
Gavin: *shakes head* You say that like it means something.
Carly: Most condos don't come equipped with bullet proof windows.
Gavin: So the kid's parents are paranoid. Who wouldn't be in a city with this much crime?
Carly: *looks at watch* That reminds me, we have a date.
Gavin: Excuse me?
Carly: Autopsy. Alexx's expecting us.
Gavin: I don't do autopsies either.
Carly: You said you've seen a dead body before.
Gavin: And I'd rather not see another one.
Carly: Move it.
Gavin: *frowns*
Carly: Here, put on a labcoat.
Gavin: No. I'm not a scientist and I'm not a CSI.
Carly: *sigh* Why is this like pulling teeth?
Alexx: You two comin' or what? The dead have a lot of time on their hands but I don't.
Carly: *walks over* Sorry.
Alexx: You going to observe too?
Gavin: No, I'm fine over here.
Carly: GAVIN.
Gavin: Or over there's good too. *walks over*
Carly: So cause of death was strangulation?
Alexx: That's the interesting part. I went into her trachea to see if I could find any damage and there was - she was strung out the window but there was no hemmorraging of the eye tissue.
Carly: So she didn't suffocate. She was dead and then strung?
Alexx: *nods* I think so.
Carly: So what's the cause of death?
Alexx: Found a small puncture wound in her side.
Gavin: Poison.
Alexx: Mhm. I recieved her toxicology report. *reads* Sodium thiopental, Pancuronium bromide and Potassium chloride.
Carly: *looks down at body*
Gavin: Jesus.
Carly: You know what that is?
Gavin: I'm from Texas.
Carly: So?
Gavin: I take it you guys don't execute a lot of people here.
Carly: We have the death penalty.
Alexx: Point is, this is straight up lethal injection. It usually happens in three stages. Sodium thiopental is a general anaesthesia. Pancuronium bromide is injected next which causes apnoea and that basically means it stops the breathing due to the paralysis of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm. Third stage is Potassium chloride which induces cardiac arrest.
Carly: Who could get their hands on something like this?
Alexx: Individually, doctors, pharmacists, nurses and anyone working in the medical field.
Carly: So we're looking for someone with a medical degree.
Gavin: At least she didn't feel it. It's a shame our killer's going to see the same fate.
Carly: *looks at Gavin*
Gavin: *leaves*
Alexx: *lifts brows*
Carly: *scoffs* Texans.
Alexx: *shakes head*
Front desk, Miami Lab
Lori: *signing papers*
Gavin: *walks over* What are you doing here?
Lori: *lifts head* I could ask you the same thing.
Gavin: Uh...I'm...Doing a favor for your aunt.
Lori: *frowns* She's got you investigating crime scenes.
Gavin: How'd you know?
Lori: Get out before it's too late.
Gavin: Look, I'm not going to do this forever. You all are crazy.
Lori: ...You all?
Gavin: *lifts brow*
Lori: *punches Gavin's arm*
Gavin: Y'ALL! Y'ALL! Ow. Geez.
Lori: Dude, you're from Texas.
Gavin: *smirks* My family even owns a horse ranch.
Lori: *sigh* I love you.
Gavin: *laughs*
Lori: Your arm okay?
Gavin: I think I'll survive.
Lori: Good. *winks*
Gavin: I'm beginning to think you took it easy on me.
Lori: *smiles*
Ryan: HEY! Look at you two lovebirds all lovey dovey and all.
Lori: *smile fades*
Gavin: *looks at Ryan*
Ryan: You know, Lori and I used to date.
Lori: *covers eyes*
Ryan: She's quite a pistol, huh?
Lori: Ryan, get lost.
Ryan: You know, there's a dress code.
Lori: *frowns*
Ryan: I never imagined you to be the hip hugger jeans and busty tank top type.
Lori: It's hot out.
Ryan: I bet a lot of guys out there are sayin' that.
Gavin: *steps forward* You like your smart little mouth? I bet you'd like to keep it attached to your face.
Ryan: Whoa, is that a threat?
Gavin: Depending on your next move, we'll see.
Ryan: *looks at Lori* ...I have a case to get back to. *leaves*
Gavin: *turns around*
Lori: *staring at Gavin*
Gavin: Um...Sorry.
Lori: *sigh* God you're such a cop.
Gavin: Is that...Good or bad?
Lori: *smirks* We'll see.
Gavin: Funny.
Ah, another sleepless er...*looks at watch* Morning. Guess it's time for another chapter!
Hummercraft, 9pm
Katie: *flipping through channels*
Horatio: Now I don't want any horseplay back there okay?
Delko: How about pigplay?
Horatio: ...What's pigplay?
Colton: Eric, that's pigstye.
Delko: Oh.
Katie: CSI
Speed: *grabs remote* I think we can watch something a little more mature.
Katie: No one ever lets me watch this show.
Anni: Can we watch Jeopardy?
Katie: No.
Anni: How come?
Katie: It's not on.
Anni: You didn't even check.
Missy: Yeah I want to watch Jeopardy too.
Missy: *high-fives JC*
Anni: The crowd has spoken.
Katie: What crowd? Beavis and Butthead don't count as a crowd.
Missy: Wait...Which one's Beavis?
JC: You're definitely Butthead.
Missy: Why do I have to be Butthead?
JC: Because Beavis is the smarter one.
Missy: I wasn't the one stapled under the carpet for a month.
JC: Yeah well...Touché.
Lora: I wouldn't mind watching Trebec. He's fantasticalastical.
Everyone: *looks at Lora*
Lora: I...Well...JEOPARDY!
Anni: *grabs remote from Speed* I win.
Calleigh: So how long's it goin' to take us to get to China?
Horatio: *looks at watch* 11 hours.
Calleigh: So...Why are we only flying at 5000 feet?
Horatio: If we go any higher, who knows what will happen. I'd rather crash this low than at 30 000 feet.
Calleigh: You know, we're probably safer in the air than we are..Near the ground.
Horatio: You never know what could be up there.
Calleigh: Like what? Jets?
Horatio: Aliens.
Calleigh: There is no such thing as aliens.
Horatio: Oh yeah? Then how come the government is hiding a weather balloon under high security in Roswell?
Calleigh: That was 50 years ago.
Horatio: That's what they want you to believe.
Anni: *leans head on Speed's shoulder* This is going to go on forever now. She got him started about aliens.
Horatio: There are aliens! The truth is out there my friends.
Speed: If we ignore him, maybe he'll stop.
Anni: *giggles*
Katie: *peers over seat* HOW'S THE AIR OVER HERE?
Anni: *lifts head* The same as it is back there.
Katie: So...Wacha doin'?
Anni: Chillin'.
Katie: Cool.
Anni: Icy.
Horatio: As cold....As ice.
Colton: Okay we don't need a repeat of past mistakes.
Horatio: Fine, I'll be on the lookout of aliens then.
Delko: I just had the sickest thought.
Calleigh: Eric, please keep it to your self.
Delko: No no, what if the Wubba monster is an ALIEN!
Lora: *screams*
Delko: Oh my God it's ET WUBBA!
11pm, Gavin's house
Lori: *walks in* Looks a little bare without the furniture.
Gavin: At least I have a couch and a bed.
Lori: *looks at Gavin*
Gavin: Uh, not that you need to use the bed or anything.
Lori: Why, you saying I'm not allowed in your bedroom?
Gavin: *lifts brows* I-
Lori: Relax, it's a joke.
Gavin: *nods*
Lori: You need to lighten up a bit.
Gavin: *staring at Lori*
Lori: You're so tense.
Gavin: I'm not used to 'jokes'.
Lori: *sits on couch* So, no tv, no radio, no games no alcohol. Got anything fun to do around here?
Gavin: I thought you lived with your uncle.
Lori: Are you kicking me out?
Gavin: No not at all, I was just wondering.
Lori: *sigh* Look, I don't think this apartment thing is going to pan out. My security deposit cheque bounced. And I don't want to hang around a bunch of cops for the rest of my life.
Gavin: Does that mean you don't want to hang around me?
Lori: *clears throat* That's not what I meant.
Gavin: I get it, you hate cops. But not all of them prance around thinking they'll save the world.
Lori: Well if means anything, you make a better criminal.
Gavin: Really.
Lori: Mhm.
Gavin: You ever realize maybe a criminal can make an even better police officer?
Lori: *laughs* What logic led you to that?
Gavin: It doesn't matter. Either way, they're both ways of life.
Lori: Yeah.
Gavin: So, if you're not going to live with your uncle and aunt forever, where do you plan on staying?
Lori: I don't know, I haven't really thought about it.
Gavin: Well when you've 'thought' about it, I happen to have an extra room.
Lori: You're asking me to live with you?
Gavin: If that's alright with you, of course.
Lori: I don't think I could do that. I wouldn't want to interfere with anything.
Gavin: I'm barely here anyway, it's not a problem.
Lori: It's really nice of you but...I don't think it would be a good idea.
Gavin: So sleeping on a park bench is a better idea?
Lori: I didn't realize I had to make a decision right now.
Gavin: You don't. But you can't stay with your family forever and being homeless is out of the question.
Lori: You're insane.
Gavin: *smiles* Thank you.
Lori: *sigh* Alright, I'll stay here one week. After that, I'm gone.
Gavin: Your choice.
Lori: *nods*
Gavin: You can have my room, it hasn't been stripped.
Lori: *frowns*
Gavin: And it's been cleaned.
Lori: ...I didn't think it wasn't.
Gavin: *stands* So, you hungry?
Lori: Uh, not really, why?
Gavin: *opens cupboard* Well we have Kraft Dinner, spaghetti-o's and Fruit Loops.
Lori: *laughs* Meal for a king.
Gavin: Or I could order a pizza.
Lori: Oh, you read my mind. *walks over*
Gavin: *leans against wall*
Lori: You're blocking the phone.
Gavin: Mhm.
Lori: *laughs* Either call, or get out of the way.
Gavin: I like it here. The view is perfect.
Lori: Cheezy.
Gavin: Was it.
Lori: Definitely.
Gavin: My mistake.
Lori: *smiling* Now get out of my way.
Gavin: *winks, walks away*
Lori: *narrows eyes, turns around* Why I do believe it's not the pizza you're interested in, cowboy.
Gavin: *crosses arms* And how may I reckon you came to that conclusion?
Lori: *laughs*
Gavin: I think pizza will do just fine tonight.
Lori: Alright.
Gavin: *grabs phone*