Thankies for the reviews.
Glad to come home to them after a boring day of work, lol.
Warehouse, California, 10pm
Anni: Someone's poking my butt.
Colton: Someone's sitting on my hand.
Lilly: *spits* Lora, your hair is in my mouth.
Lora: Hey it stays where it sways.
Anni: *struggles* Man these ropes are tight.
Colton: That's because you keep yanking on them.
Anni: Stop being such a sour puss. You wanted in on this.
Colton: I wanted in on nothing. You drag me everywhere in hopes of fun but it turns out to be nothing but rotten danger.
Lora: Pfft, get over your PMS already.
Anni: *kicks rocks* Hey let's see who can kick these the farthest.
Lilly: I'm game. *kicks rocks*
Missy: *wakes up* WHERE AM I!
Colton: Tied to a bunch of idiots.
Missy: Oh.
JC: You slept through that?
Missy: I think I have narcolepsy.
JC: Haha, narco.
Missy: NARK!
JC: *laughs*
Colton: *rolls eyes* Why can't we ever have more guys on these trips?
Anni: Oh face it, you like being tied to a bunch of women.
Colton: One of which is married.
Anni: Who?
Colton: You.
Anni: *looks at hand* HAHA, hey...Look at that. But AHA! It doesn't count if he's dead.
Colton: You don't even care?
Anni: Life's too short to keep grieving.
Colton: That's probably because he's not actually dead.
Anni: Of course he is. Horatio wouldn't lie.
Miami lab, next morning, outside
Horatio: *takes off shades* I'm sorry I couldn't pick a more discreet place to meet.
Speed: What do you want.
Horatio: I want to know why you lied.
Speed: I never said I died. I said I wanted out.
Horatio: Oh.
Speed: I'm not an idiot.
Horatio: I know. Wait, you're not a ghost or hallucination are you?
Speed: *pinches Horatio*
Horatio: OW!
Speed: I'm real.
Horatio: *rubs arm* Well good because I have an undercover mission for you.
Speed: Oh no. The only reason I agreed to meet with you is because you said it was about something 'life and death'.
Horatio: It is.
Speed: I'm not back.
Horatio: You don't have to be.
Speed: H, I'm finished. Stop calling me.
Horatio: I can't believe you left your son to grow up with Anni.
Speed: ....What's the mission.
Horatio: AHA.
Speed: *frowns*
Horatio: *hands over file* Keep an eye on this kid.
Speed: Gavin Henderson. What about him?
Horatio: Something's not quite right about him and I want to know what.
Speed: What's his connection to the whole thing?
Horatio: He is a former gang member and decided to give us all the information we need to put his group away for life.
Speed: Was the information accurate?
Horatio: We're working on it.
Speed: So where is he?
Horatio: I don't know.
Speed: What do you mean you don't know?
Horatio: We cut him loose.
Speed: You cut a criminal loose just because his lips swung open.
Horatio: Yup.
Speed: How about his last-known whereabouts?
Horatio: A café in Biscayne.
Speed: What was he doing at a café?
Horatio: Buying Lori breakfast.
Speed: *lifts brows* Buying who
Horatio: Oh...Right. By the w-
Speed: *laughs* Oh no no no. No. Take your own damn case. I'm leaving.
Horatio: You can't leave I own you.
Speed: Good luck with your case.
Horatio: Wait!
Speed: *turns around*
Horatio: I really think this kid needs to be watched. It's important. Think if he's a mass murderer. Lori was with him.
Speed: Are you getting more fragmented or is it my imagination?
Horatio: I...*puts on shades* Need a vacation. *walks away*
Speed: *rolls eyes*
Warehouse, California
Lora: *snoring*
Lilly: SHUT UP ALREADY! *smacks Lora*
Lora: BEAR!
Anni: *screams*
Lilly: I'm not a bear.
Lora: You may as well be with your claws.
Zero: *walks in* Ladies and...Gentle man.
Colton: At least he didn't call me a lady.
Zero: Please focus your attention above you.
Everyone: *looks up*
Anni: *smiles* Hey what are those blinking lights?
Zero: A bomb.
Colton: *screams* LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! *kicks JC*
JC: OW! Geez, it's not my fault you're too fat to get out of the ropes.
Zero: In 10 hours, you will all be brought back to Miami.
Anni: *sigh* Well whew, that makes me feel better. Thank you.
Zero: In little pieces.
Café, Miami
Speed: *opens newspaper, drinks tea*
Gavin: *walks in, sits down*
Speed: *frowns*
Gavin: *opens coffee cup lid, stirrs coffee*
Speed: *reads newspaper*
Lori: *walks in*
Gavin: *stands, smiles* Hey.
Lori: *smiles*
Speed: *lifts eyes*
Gavin: Have a seat.
Lori: *sits*
Gavin: So how did it go last night with your mother?
Lori: *rolls eyes* Don't even get me started. That woman's like a walking tumour. She's always there and there's no way to get rid of her without brain surgery.
Gavin: I hope things start to get better.
Lori: Me too. *sigh*
Gavin: I bought you a muffin.
Lori: *smiling* Really.
Gavin: I know how much you don't like coffee.
Lori: *laughs* Thanks. You know, this is probably the best meal I've had since I started bunking with my mom.
Gavin: *nods*
Lori: So um...About yesterday...What was with the kiss?
Gavin: *blinks*
Lori: It was very sweet.
Gavin: *drinks coffee*
Lori: *smiles*
Speed: *walks over* Okay I can't take it anymore.
Lori: *smile fades* Dad?
Gavin: *looks up*
Lori: Y-
Speed: Yeah, I never said I was dead. I don't know why people keep thinking that.
Lori: What are you doing here?
Speed: Working.
Lori: *frowns*
Gavin: *stands* Sir, my name's Gavin.
Speed: Yeah I know who you are.
Gavin: ...
Lori: You have no right to be here.
Speed: It's nice to see you too.
Lori: *glaring*
Gavin: We were just talking.
Speed: I think I got that part. What were you talking about?
Lori: Father....
Gavin: Nothing, it was completely innocent.
Speed: Mhm. And when did you two meet?
Lori: *covers eyes*
Gavin: I was part of a group who wanted money from your lab. I kidnaped Lori.
Speed: *crosses arms* Did you.
Gavin: Yes sir. It was my job and I regret that more now than ever. She was my responsibility, I couldn't allow her to be harmed even if she was a hostage. Unfortunately I couldn't control my team to the best of my abilities. They wouldn't know an IQ if it leaped out of the dictionary and smacked them in the face. And if you ask me, if Lori wasn't tied to that chair, she would have kicked all of our asses. She also...Made me realize what I had to do.
Speed: Give up your gang.
Gavin: I should have stayed arrested and I should have been thrown in prison. It would have been worth not seeing another young woman tortured and killed. I owe her everything.
Speed: *nods*
Gavin: And I love her.
Lori: *looks at Gavin*
Speed: *stares at Gavin*
Gavin: I never want her to be hurt again, by
anyone because they're going to have to get through me first.
Lori: *looks down at floor*
Gavin: *looks at watch* It was nice meeting you. *leaves*
Lori: ...
Speed: *looks at Lori*
Lori: *looks up*
Speed: Marry that man. *leaves*
Lori: *smirks*