CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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Okay, as always I post one review, and it doesn't go through. So, here I am once more, trying again. *sigh*

Stetler would sell his mother for the right price. He's slime and that's just the truth of the matter. It does strike me as odd that he has so much leeway with the criminals - birds of a feather I guess...

Gavin- that guy is a ball of surprises. First he's all helpful and caring, but turn that ball on its side, and you find a tough son of a gun with some past issues. I for one would love to know what those issues are. I will say, he's got a pair for bringing loaded weapons to the PD and actually pointing them. I suppose that he would have to possess something to be able to stand toe to toe with Lori...And speaking of which- their relationship dynamic is made so much more interesting when she says stuff like, "I wish I would've killed you when I had the chance..." Just makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, don't it? :lol:

Awesome as always, Geni!
Just makes you all warm and fuzzy inside, don't it?

Gavin turne himself in, then pulled a double whammy on the whole precint, and then thought they' let him free. :rolleyes:

Yelina kicked butt, as did Lori.

Oh, and you nailed Tripp perfectly. Right down to miss-prouncing La Flecha as Fletcher. :lol:

Fantastic update, Geni!
Anni, you should do what I do - write everything in Word and then paste, because you can never post this darn Quick Reply. (The sure expect you to make it 'quick' :eek:) :lol:

Thankies for the reviews everyone. :D


California, LAPD, 3pm

Calleigh: *crosses arms*

Horatio: *walks in* Status.

Calleigh: Just got the results from Trace.

Horatio: On our mystery murder weapon?

Calleigh: *opens file* Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Propylene Glycol, Propyltrimonium Chloride, Blue NO. 1, Yellow NO. 5-

Horatio: Some kind of shampoo.

Calleigh: Or bodywash. It was poured down his throat.

Horatio: Heck of a way to go.

Delko: *walks in* I'd say it's a lot better than what he was looking forward to back in Miami.

Horatio: How so?

Delko: Ortega was Zero's right hand man a couple of years back until one of their jobs went south and half of their drug suppliers were busted. He went under the radar until now. He was the head of La Flecha.

Calleigh: You're kidding.

Delko: I don't think these gangs are working together. I think Ortega found out about Zero's little mission and decided to jump in.

Calleigh: So they're trying to kill each other, not us.

Delko: *shakes head* Zero's still on us about his money. La Flecha interfered so the plans changed. It explains why nothing else has happened to us over the past couple of days.

Horatio: Anyone get the logs on Ortega's hotel room?

Delko: *hands over file* Phone records from the front desk. Ryan passed them to me on his way out.

Horatio: *staring at file* Three calls. One lasting over an hour, the rest for only minutes.

Delko: I traced the first call. 305 area code.

Horatio: Mmm, Miami.

Delko: It was from a landline too, somewhere on West Flagler. Cooper's still narrowing it down.

Horatio: What about the other two calls?

Delko: They weren't long enough to get a trace but the hotel has caller ID. Both area codes are from California. Maybe a cellphone.

Horatio: Alright, I'm going to take Carly and myself back to Miami and we'll coordinate the rest of the investigation from there.

Calleigh: We'll keep an eye on things here.

Horatio: Thank you.

Interrogation room, Miami

Tripp: *slaps folder down*

Gavin: *looks at table*

Tripp: We've got some more information on you. You live in Flagler.

Gavin: Yeah.

Heather: *sits down* Got a call from our people in California who relayed the information. You called a man named Alejandro Ortega.

Gavin: I call a lot of people.

Heather: California's quite a long distance to be leisurely calling.

Tripp: We understand this guy was the head of a pretty dangerous gang down there and he used to be part of the one you're in. Coincidence?

Gavin: *scratches head*

Tripp: How about we check your phone records.

Gavin: You're free to check anything you want.

Tripp: How about your house?

Gavin: My house is your house.

Heather: Tell us why you were calling Ortega.

Gavin: That's my business, not yours.

Tripp: Well he's dead so it's our business.

Heather: Maybe you had him killed.

Gavin: *laughs*

Tripp: *frowning*

Gavin: You people and your theories.

Heather: Well enlighten us then.

Gavin: Do you realize what that guy was into? His own guys probably had it out for him.

Heather: Your guys are known for some pretty serious stuff too. Torture, being pretty high on the list.

Tripp: *places picture on table* Bathroom products were poured down his throat until he suffocated.

Gavin: *stares at picture*

Tripp: ...

Heather: ...

Gavin: *looks away from picture*

Tripp: And then to make sure he was dead, someone shot him from a rooftop.

Gavin: *rubs forehead*

Tripp: You look concerned.

Gavin: *looks at Tripp* I think you should um...Get your team out of there as quickly as possible.

Tripp: Why.

Gavin: *sigh* My boss had him killed. That's what the conversation was about. He called, wanting to make a deal. He sounded...Freaked. I heard, uh...Someone walk in and then the guy just started screaming...Part of Zero's plan was to knock him off. The next step...Well let's just say your team will be coming back in tiny pieces. The thing is, he has two groups working for him now.

Heather: Why tell us this now? You weren't about to divulge anything a minute ago.

Gavin: I didn't think he would actually get this far. I mean, usually he just caps the guy and that's the end of it. But for this to happen...Drowning him in his own hotel room? That wasn't part of the plan. The guy was an ass but he didn't deserve to go like that. Frankly he didn't deserve to die at all.

Tripp: Well that's all I needed to hear. *leaves*

Heather: *leaves*

Gavin: *covers eyes*

WOOT! Now we are getting somewhere... And i'm in an interrogation room... erm. interrogating!! WHEE.

Good update, Geni. It was short, but it got a lot of story out of it. Can't wait to see what happens next...

Wait.. does this mean I'm in charge of an investigation? :lol:
Well, you and Tripp are part of it, but things are gonna get mixed around some. :)


Jail Cell, 11:30 pm

Gavin: *laying on bench*

Lori: *walks inside*

Cop: *closes door*

Lori: You can take a walk.

Cop: Okay. *leaves*

Gavin: *sits up* I thought visiting hours were over.

Lori: *sits* I called in a favor.

Gavin: *nods* I take it you're still mad at me.

Lori: *smirks* No.

Gavin: I'm sorry about that, by the way.

Lori: You say what you think. Don't apologize for it.

Gavin: *looks around*

Lori: You okay?

Gavin: No.

Lori: Want to talk about it?

Gavin: ...I hate my job.

Lori: Well, you didn't exactly pick the most rewarding career.

Gavin: You ever get tired of corruption?

Lori: Everyday.

Gavin: I read through the files about when you were in Columbia. Frankly, I thought you'd kick my ass when I grabbed you.

Lori: *laughs* I considered it.

Gavin: After all of the things you've been through...How do you stay strong?

Lori: ...

Gavin: How do you get up every morning?

Lori: ...I think as long as your humanity stays in tact, your soul will too.

Gavin: *nods*

Lori: Why do you ask?

Gavin: The job's forced me to do a lot of things. Or at least...Help with a few things.

Lori: Describe 'things'.

Gavin: *looks at floor* That one girl- heiress, wasn't the only person I killed.

Lori: *stares at Gavin*

Gavin: We'd...Tortured people. I couldn't even tell you how. *shakes head* Half the time we still didn't get what we wanted. Sometimes I thought my team hurt people just because they could. To see what human beings could do to each other. I can't even sleep at night...I can still see every one of their faces. I keep thinking about those people's families...How horrified they must be.

Lori: *nods*

Gavin: It makes me so angry that I can't do a thing to stop it.

Lori: Turn them in. Tell the police everything you know, stop protecting those people.

Gavin: If I do that, we both know what will happen. All hell breaks loose and Miami becomes the playing ground.

Lori: It seems as though your options are pretty slim.

Gavin: *sigh*

Lori: You're a good guy, Gavin. Even though you've done some terrible things.

Gavin: And I hope I pay for what I did.

Lori: ...

Gavin: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *stands* I'll see you later.

Gavin: Lori.

Lori: *turns around*

Gavin: Have a pleasant evening.

Lori: ...You too.

Door opens

Lori: *leaves*

Awww...I'm really starting to feel bad for Gavin. He seems like such a sweet guy and he's got all this hell to pay. and he's attracted to Lori which can only go bad, especially if daddy dearest isn't actually dead yet.
Oh! and you made Delko be smart for once! He was so in charge and all that. He's so sweet.
One question...where are the kids?
Geni, you've got me hooked. I agree with CSI in Training , Gavin seems to be a genuine and caring person and being attracted to Speeds daughter can only spell out trouble for him if it turns out that Speed is not dead at all (which I don't think he is). It'll be fun if he isn't. :)

Update soon Geni.
GAH! EW! What a horrible way to die...having shampoo poured down your throat *shudders*

Aw, I like Gavin. At least Lori didn't inherit Katie's inability to ttract a sane man. Lori's guy seemed crazy but turned out to be sane, instead of the other way around :lol:

Hm, I think that Speed is actually dead. I mean, the number of times that he 'died' and the fact that some time ago, Geni confirmed that he's actually dead this time (unless you changed your mind again..?)

And I probably won't be on much in the next week, I have exams all week *crawls into a corner and cries*
See, that's what I mean...Lori and Gavin have this certain, I don't know, chemistry about them. It definetly hastens to be mentioned, that relationships born of distrust and dishonesty really don't fare out well...Well, Lori is the exception to that rule, ;) But Gavin is a sweetie, even if he is misguided...

Oy, shampoo forced down throat...nasty. These guys really mean business, don't they? Lucky for the RTpers , they are smart...well,most of the time...when they aren't fighting, or doing wild things, or shopping in WalMart on aisle five...lol...Ooh boy, they are in trouble :lol:

Awesome update, Geni!
^^^ The kids are either with their respective parents or grandparents. :)

carlz31 said
Hm, I think that Speed is actually dead. I mean, the number of times that he 'died' and the fact that some time ago, Geni confirmed that he's actually dead this time (unless you changed your mind again..?)

Believe me, I'd rather once I make a decision, I stick to it. It's the way I work in Real Life, however...



If Ann Donahue and I didn't have this unwritten and unknowing competition going on, Speed would have stayed 'dead'. However because of the recent spoilers, I decided that after all of this, it wouldn't be fair to simply kill him off and leave it like that --- I know I sound like a hypocrite but things suddenly changed.

I'm not sure we'll be seeing him anytime soon, but there's always a possibility that we'll read his name in here again. :p

I apologize for my hypocrisy. :rolleyes: *kicks Ann Donahinkle*

Thankies for the reviews. :D


Miami Lab, 9 am, two days later

Layout room

Horatio: Okay, let's go through the evidence.

Heather: *places pictures on table* Zero, our presumed head of the Cuban gang. Alejandro Ortega, former head of the gang 'La Flecha'. Gavin Henderson, part of Zero's gang and we have him in custody. He confirmed Zero's plans to retrieve money he thought to be his own, resulting in Stetler's capture and eventual retrieval by our team due to Mister Henderson's information.

Horatio: Alright, explain the Californian crime scene.

Heather: Pipe bombs blew in the bathroom area. A .22 caliber bullet was found inside and a subsequent bullet was found in the adjacent room inside Ortega. We believe these to come from Zero's gang. As far as the bombs go, we think it might have been La Flecha who set them up.

Horatio: Okay, why.

Heather: You're...Asking me for a theory?

Horatio: You want to work here, don't you?

Heather: *smirks*

Horatio: So why the two weapons.

Heather: The two gangs have this competition between each other. Ortega used to belong to Zero's group until he was shunned and moved to California. Maybe he found out because he has ties with Zero's group and decided to take out our team so we'd have to hand over the money.

Horatio: Okay, so the Californian group interfered and Zero got angry.

Heather: Mhm, torturing and killing Ortega in his own room.

Carly: *walks in* You guys are not going to believe this.

Horatio: *looks at Carly*

Carly: This Henderson guy? He's giving us everything we need. Information on both gangs.

Horatio: Why the sudden change of heart?

Carly: I don't know.

Horatio: *leaves*

Carly: *looks back*

Heather: You part of the team that was in the hotel room.

Carly: Yeah. You must be the new girl.

Heather: You could say that.

Carly: Kind of cool that they give you such a high profile case for your first go, huh?

Heather: *laughs* Well it beats felony robberies and passion killings.

Carly: Definitely.

Josh: *walks in*

Carly: *looks at Josh*

Heather: What do you got?

Josh: Names of everyone in our Miami gang and their next steps, locations, everything.

Heather: *grabs paper*

Carly: You send out the radio cars?

Josh: OH you're talking to me. Should I feel honored?

Carly: *frowns*

Heather: *looks at both of them*

Josh: Radio cars are on their way. Ma'am.

Carly: *crosses arms* Where are my children?

Josh: School.

Carly: Thank you. *leaves, slams door*

Heather: Should...I have left or something?

Josh: No you're fine.

Heather: Oh. Good.

Interrogation room

Horatio: *places shades on table* Looking for a deal?

Gavin: No sir.

Horatio: I understand you're becoming more helpful.

Gavin: *nods*

Horatio: I'm curious as to why.

Gavin: They deserve to be caught. They think they're going to get away with it and they're dead wrong.

Horatio: Yes but you're part of this as well.

Gavin: Yeah. And thank God I was caught.

Horatio: *lifts brow*

Gavin: *looks into PD*

Horatio: *looks into PD*

Outside interrogation room

Lori: *signing papers*

Tripp: *walks over*

Lori: *smiles*

Inside interrogation room

Horatio: *looks at Gavin* I understand you two know each other.

Gavin: Mhm.

Horatio: You kidnapped her.

Gavin: It was my job.

Horatio: *nods* And now all of a sudden, you don't care about the job.

Gavin: *looks at Horatio*

Horatio: If you do manage to stay out of jail, you will stay away from her as well. Understand?

Gavin: *nods* Yes sir.

Horatio: *confused look*

Gavin: If it's alright with you Lieutenant, I'd like to give you some more names not having to do with this case.

Horatio: What names?

Gavin: *grabs paper and pen* These...*writing* Are all the people my group took from their homes, some even before I joined. Most of them lived but I know where the rest are buried.

Horatio: I-I'm sorry, why are you giving me this information?

Gavin: Because I need to.

Horatio: Excuse me for a minute. *leaves*

Outside interrogation room

Horatio: *walks over to Lori*

Lori: *looks at Horatio* Hey.

Horatio: Hi. Um...I'm interested in hearing about your kidnap.

Lori: Why?

Horatio: It's part of the case.

Lori: *nods* Well, I heard a noise outside the house so I went to investigate when I was grabbed from behind. I was taken to a warehouse and tied to a chair.

Horatio: Was Gavin there?

Lori: Yeah. He had a file on me, seemed to know everything about me. Of course that's an old tactic used to conjure the captee into submission and fear. He asked me about money but I didn't know anything so I didn't tell him.

Horatio: Did he hurt you in any way?

Lori: He personally didn't. The other two were a different story but that's expected.

Horatio: And uh, how did you get away?

Lori: Zero was there, told Gavin to shoot me in the head since they didn't need me anymore. He told me to run so I did.

Horatio: Did you get help?

Lori: *shakes head* No. Gavin actually caught up with me the next morning and drove me into town and bought me breakfast, apologized for everything too.

Horatio: *looks into interrogation room*

Lori: Why?

Horatio: Well he seems like a decent young man.

Lori: *tilts head* For a kidnapper, yeah.

Horatio: Do you two have a relationship?

Lori: *crosses arms* What exactly is that supposed to mean?

Horatio: *looks at Lori* That's also an old tactic.

Lori: This isn't Stockholm's Syndrome. Believe me, that crap doesn't work on me.

Horatio: But you do have a relationship with him.

Lori: We're aquaintances. Is that a crime?

Horatio: No, not at all.

Lori: So what's the problem?

Horatio: Something doesn't seem right.

Lori: Yeah, for a criminal he's not exactly the stereotype people make him out to be.

Horatio: I don't want you to go near him again, okay?

Lori: You don't get to make that decision for me.

Horatio: Lori, he may have influenced you.

Lori: I already told you this isn't-

Horatio: Until I clear him, do not go near him.

Lori: What exactly do you think he's going to do?

Horatio: It's not about what he's going to do, it's what you might do.

Lori: Which is...

Horatio: You have access to everything in the lab and information about everyone who works here.

Lori: *looks into interrogation room*

Horatio: Did you tell him anything?

Lori: *closes eyes*

Horatio: Lori...

Lori: ...We broke in here last week. Grabbed some files.

Horatio: Which files.

Lori: Information about the case.

Horatio: *frowns*

Lori: I-I'm sorry.

Horatio: It's okay. I'm going to figure out if the information was used. *walks away*

Lori: *looks at floor*


EDIT: I can't believe I'm doing my Bachelor of Arts English major soon and I'm having trouble spelling everything. :lol: *goes back to edit the hundreds of mistakes* Maybe it's because it's 2 in the morning. :p


A/V Lab

Horatio: *typing*

Yelina: *walks in* You don't look like Cooper to me.

Horatio: I was savy with a computer once.

Yelina: Oh I believe it. *sits* What are you working on?

Horatio: I'm making an interactive program. I want to see if I can link events together with a time frame.

Yelina: That's pretty ambitious.

Horatio: Something bugs me about this Gavin fellow.

Yelina: You too?

Horatio: *looks at Yelina*

Yelina: He was pretty arrogant to Tripp but...He didn't seem to want anyone to get hurt.

Horatio: I recieved that impression too.

Yelina: So what does your time frame say?

Horatio: He didn't use the information from the case against us.

Yelina: Why are you trying so hard to make him look as guilty as possible?

Horatio: Because these people are after my team and I've got a dead body and a young man who's giving us everything and we still have nothing.

Yelina: When was the last time you slept?

Horatio: I can't sleep. I'm responsible for them.

Yelina: You're beginning to run this case into the ground with theories. Gavin seems to genuinely want to help us, granted he's a little troubled.

Horatio: He's all I have in this case.

Yelina: That's not his fault, or yours.

Horatio: *sigh*

Yelina: Get some rest.

Horatio: Yes ma'am. *stands, leaves*

Yelina: *smiles*

Holy Horatio, Batman! That was an awesome way to start me day, let me tell you. Sorry I didn't review when I first read it, but I had to take a shower for work. (whee!)

What a long long update.. my favourite k'ind. Me and Horatio.. we love our theories.

Gavin seems to want to turn over a new leave. any particular reason (or shall we say person here)? I love it.

Don't worry, we all have our off days with spelling.. I'm actually quite good at spelling.. then I go back and see that I've mispelled easily spellable words. :lol:
awesome updates, Geni! Love the fact that this is all coming together, and do I sense something going on with Gavin? There seems to be something bothering the Almighty Red about Gavin- nevermind that he just wants to help:lol:

And the Carly/Josh tension- wonderful work! Is it me , or did the temperature drop when Josh entered the room? :D Wow, and these two used to be so in love with each other.

And on the Speed note , whatever you chose to do, I would've read , but the notion of Speed returning- is just fab ( on both angles, lol).

Excellent work, Geni!
Oh my God, my dad calls Horatio 'Red' too. :lol: Though I'm not saying you're a man or my dad or old in any way. :p *huggles Anni*

Thanks for the reviews everyone, they're always a delight to read. :)


California, next day, Lab

Calleigh: *looking through microscope*

Delko: You get the fax of the locations yet?

Calleigh: *lifts head* Fax?

Delko: Yeah. H was going to fax over the information that this Gavin kid gave up.

Calleigh: Oh.

Delko: You okay?

Calleigh: Yeah. I've just been working late. *smiles*

Delko: When's the last time you got some sleep?

Calleigh: Eric, I'm fine.

Delko: Just asking.

Calleigh: I appreciate the concern.

Delko: ...You worried about it?

Calleigh: About what?

Delko: Whether these guys are smart enough to take us out. I mean, they already tried once right?

Calleigh: I think if we stick to the job, we'll find them before they find us.

Delko: *nods*

Fax machine beeps

Calleigh: Speak of the devil. *turns around, grabs paper*

Delko: *scratches eyebrow*

Calleigh: *staring at paper*

Delko: ...What is it?

Calleigh: Their next target...Is the police department.

Delko: Which one?

Calleigh: *takes off latex gloves* We have to leave.

Delko: Whoa, hold on. How do you even know they'll go after this specific building? There has to be hundreds of precincts.

Calleigh: Doesn't matter.

Delko: We can evacuate every police station.

Calleigh: We're going to have to.

Door creaks open

Delko: *turns around*

Zero: *smiles* Eric Delko. Calleigh Duquesne.

Calleigh: *stares at Zero*

Zero: *pulls out weapon* It's amazing the level of security this place does not have.

Delko: *frowns* So you're going to blow us all up now?

Zero: That's so brutal, so...Impersonal. No. I've got your team in a location as we speak.

Calleigh: You're going to torture them like you did Ortega.

Zero: *grabs paper from Calleigh* Ah. I suspected as much. Gavin doesn't know what he just did. How much did he tell you?

Delko: Everything.

Zero: If he'd told you everything, your team wouldn't be locked up somewhere, would they?

Delko: ...

Zero: *laughs*

Calleigh: All of this over money. I bet you feel proud.

Zero: It's not always about the money. I had a reputation until Horatio Caine and his team of nitwits ruined it all. You think it's easy making a life out of this? That money belonged to me and I was humiliated in front of everyone when it was taken away.

Delko: *places hand on holster*

Zero: *fires weapon*

Delko: AH! *falls to ground*

Calleigh: ERIC!

Zero: *walks away*

Calleigh: Eric, look at me.

Delko: *coughs*

Atrium, Miami

Horatio: *staring out window*

Stetler: *walks over* I just heard the news. I'm sorry about your team. I guess you're just always one step behind.

Horatio: *frowning* Do you have any idea what you've just done?

Stetler: That money was part of an investigation, I wasn't about to incinerate it as soon as I go-

Horatio: And you couldn't tell me before.

Stetler: Eyes and ears only kind of deal, Horatio. You're barely in the lab anyway so I figured you wouldn't notice. You know, since you spend all day with your hands on your hips and not on evidence.

Horatio: *faces Stetler* I have limited patience for you Rick and right now that patience is gone. You want to make another joke, it'll be the last thing you ever say.

Stetler: Is that a threat?

Horatio: You're damn right it's a threat.

Stetler: Well I hope you enjoyed being a Seargent because that's where you're headed after this is over.

Horatio: Jail is where you're headed if you don't tell me where that money is.

Stetler: That's not for you to know.

Horatio: *glares*

Stetler: ...

Horatio: This isn't about politics and rankings this is about the lives of everyone involved so it would be greatly appreciated if you could pull your thumbs out of your ass and help for once.

Stetler: You know what? I'd rather your CSIs die. *walks away*

Horatio: *taps badge with fingers*

Layout room

Carly: *leans on table* I should have stayed.

Josh: *looking at pictures*

Carly: Now they all might be dead.

Josh: *opens files*

Carly: Are you even listening?

Josh: I hear you're moving back to Australia.

Carly: ...The thought had crossed my mind.

Josh: Cait said she and Ethan are going with you.

Carly: I want them to know their grandparents, other family. They need to see some of their roots. I also want them to be somewhere safe with...Different influences than the ones they've had to live with.

Josh: Why are you doing this?

Carly: I don't like liars.

Josh: I've never lied to you.

Carly: Look, you're not a Mini Wheat, you can't just change sides whenever you want to.

Josh: *lifts brow* Mini Wheat?

Carly: *shakes head* That's the only commercial they were showing on the plane right over here. The point is, you're either who you say you are or you aren't.

Josh: It was absolutely stupid of me to doubt the way I felt about you. The way I still do feel about you. You and those kids are everything to me.

Carly: *crosses arms*

Josh: And I know it sounds like a bad country song but it's true.

Carly: *nods*

Josh: I'm sorry.

Carly: *smirks* Yeah, I know.

Hospital, California

Calleigh: *sitting in chair*

Ryan: *runs over* I heard about the whole thing on the radio while I was eating breakfast and and and there was shots fired and and and people gone and and a-

Calleigh: Ryan.

Ryan: Yeah.

Calleigh: Calm down.

Ryan: No problem.

Calleigh: *stands*

Ryan: How's Eric doing?

Calleigh: ...Critical condition.

Ryan: Was he shot in the head? IS IT SERIOUS? DID HE SCREAM OUT MARISOL'S NAME?!

Calleigh: *lifts brow* ...No, he was shot in the abdomen and he's unconscious. No one would be stupid enough to think that up.

Ryan: I just did.

Calleigh: Well you're the product of stupid people thinkin' things up.

Ryan: Are you okay?

Calleigh: No.

Ryan: Oh. Okay.

Calleigh: *flails in front of own face* I promised I would not cry. I will not cry. Whew.

Ryan: It's okay, I cried on the way over here.

Calleigh: *looks at Ryan*

Ryan: I shut the Hummer door on my foot.

Calleigh: *hugs Ryan, starts to cry*

Ryan: I know, my poor foot. *pats Calleigh's back* I'm getting teary again just thinking about it. My Uncle Ron once lost a foot in the war. Although it was a video game and he'd thrown the controller at the tv and the glass shards only severed a couple of toes. *laughs* Man you should have seen the blood though.

Calleigh: *lets go of Ryan*

Ryan: Game controllers are hazards. The public needs to know.

Small café, Miami

Lori: *walks in, sits down* ...I take it H cleared you.

Gavin: *looks up from paper* You're not supposed to be here. I promised I wouldn't speak to you.

Lori: They let you out?

Gavin: Yeah your boss arranged it.

Lori: Good.

Gavin: I really don't think you should be here.

Lori: Why?

Gavin: Because I don't like to break promises.

Lori: *rolls eyes* I just have one question. Did you manipulate me into getting you files?

Gavin: *lifts brow* What are you talking about?

Lori: When we broke into the PD.

Gavin: Lori, I haven't manipulated you into anything.

Lori: Well he seemed to think so.

Gavin: Horatio? He's a cop, of course he thought that.

Lori: Yeah...Besides I can't be mind man-handled anyway.

Gavin: *smiles*

Lori: *stares at Gavin* ...Haha..Ha...HEY LOOK AT THE TIME! *looks at wrist* I'm not wearing a watch!

Gavin: *smile fades*

Lori: Oh thank God, please don't do that again.

Gavin: I think I'm confused.

Lori: Nothing...I just...Really hate being related to my mother.

Gavin: Uh...Huh.

Lori: But hey! Look at you all free and stuff.

Gavin: Somehow I don't really think I deserve to be out here.

Lori: Sure you do. Hell, I beat the crap out of a Columbian guy with a frying pan and I'm still breathing free.

Gavin: *stands, walks away*

Lori: What! It was a joke! *follows*


Lori: You need to loosen up.

Gavin: *walking* You're not supposed to be talking to me.

Lori: What's Horatio going to do? Tie me to the police department for all eternity? Wave his shades and keep me in an ice block the rest of my life? Which you have to admit would be pretty cool but kind of...Well, cool. Literally.

Gavin: *rolls eyes*

Lori: OH! I bet that's how he keeps his hair so red. Waves the shades and they'll stay a forever shade of ginger. I bet he's holding a fountain of youth across his eyes. Then again he hasn't exactly aged as well as one would think with all of the wrinkles and black suits. He looks like friggin' death warmed over and took his form. You think the death would want to prevent death? Excellent cover for the grim reaper you gotta admi-

Gavin: *stops walking* I'm sorry but do you ever stop talking?

Lori: *smiles* If you can find my off button, sure.

Gavin: Are you flirting with me?

Lori: WHAT? No! No no. No I wasn't.

Gavin: I think you were.

Lori: No.

Gavin: Yes.

Lori: No.

Gavin: Yeah.

Lori: No. See, I'm just always like this. Tooty and fruity, crazy for cocoa puffs, after my own lucky charms you name it.

Gavin: *stares blankly*

Lori: This is awkward. *flails* Okay we got off on the wrong train station here. I, do not think of you as anything but an aquaintance. Seriously. I just get peppy sometimes. Must be the blondeness in me, it makes me act like a cheerleader sometimes. Although my hair is brown but it used to be blonde but that was a long time ag-

Gavin: You're rambling again.

Lori: Was I? See I tend to do that sometimes. I should look into a career as a telemarketer, I'd kick ass. You know how much toner I could sell?

Gavin: No one would be able to understand what you're saying.

Lori: *laughs* HA! GOOD ONE! *slaps Gavin*

Gavin: *looks down at arm*

Lori: You know what? Just forget I said anything at all. This conversation never happened. At all. I'm standing in the Art and Deco community near a small café alone and I'm insanely talking to myself. Perfect. I could have SWORN there was a Wal-Mart down that street before.

Gavin: *smirks*

Lori: *covers eyes* You know what? I'm backing up now. Backing up all the way into the past so I don't have to re-do the past fifteen minutes. And since I don't seem to have a watch, I'll just assume it's been fifteen minutes. *falls over garbage cans* AH!

Gavin: *looks around*

Lori: *stands up, brushes self off* Well, lesson learned. Don't back up and cover your eyes at the same time. It throws EVERYTHING off. Although I could clearly hear the garbage can. Wait, you don't think less of me because I fell over a garbage can, do you?

Gavin: Actually that part was thoroughly entertaining.

Lori: *frowns*

Gavin: You've got a banana peel in your hair.

Lori: *grabs banana peel* Mmm, potassium. *throws peel* So, I will see you sometime in the future. *walks away*

Gavin: You forgot your shoe.

Lori: *turns around* ...*looks down*

Gavin: *walks over, hands over shoe*

Lori: Thanks.

Gavin: You might want to try walking through the blocks that the garbage men have already been down.

Lori: *nods* Good advice.

Gavin: *smiles*

Lori: *staring at Gavin*

Gavin: ...Weren't you leaving?

Lori: *blinks* What?

Gavin: You were leaving.

Lori: Oh. Oh yeah, yeah I am. And well I just realized I have absolutely no way of getting anywhere except to walk and and well no one likes to walk in this heat so I think I'll just call my mommy, go home, flop on my bed, write in my diary and act like a girl. It'll be a nice change.

Gavin: I can give you a ride home.

Lori: I-I considered that for all of 2.35 seconds. But I'm going to have to pass. I'll completely forget what I was going to write in my diary and WHEW well that's never a good thing. Never leave a blank page, I always say.

Gavin: Are you okay?

Lori: Oh definitely. So you, you keep fightin' the good fight *salutes* and I will see you sometime later. *runs away*

Gavin: *laughs*

Katie's house, 3pm

Katie: *dusts fat chinese man* This guy needs to stop being a piece of furniture.

Lori: *runs in* MOM!

Katie: *turns around* Did you just run all the way here?

Lori: *runs hands through hair* How could you tell?

Katie: You're missing a shoe.

Lori: *looks down* AH COME ON!

Katie: So what are you doin' here?

Lori: Just came by to visit. That's not a crime, is it?

Katie: Nope.

Lori: What's with the fat chinese guy?

Katie: That's Chong. He's more of a decoration than a human being.

Lori: I bet the smell sure attracts the neighbors.

Katie: Lori.

Lori: Sorry.

Katie: Want some lunch?

Lori: What are you cooking?

Katie: Rice.

Lori: Well that's great if you're hungry and want ten million of something.

Katie: *grabs plates*

Lori: *sits*

Katie: You seem pleasant today.

Lori: It's a nice day.

Katie: Mhm. What's his name?

Lori: Oh please, mother.

Katie: *slops rice onto plate*

Lori: *looks at plate*

Katie: It's a little hard.

Lori: *pokes rice with fork, fork breaks* ...Just a bit.

Katie: So?...

Lori: *looks at Katie* So what?

Katie: His name.

Lori: It's nothing. Really.

Katie: Alright, suit yourself.

Lori: But if it was...

Katie: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I totally just acted like a girl around him.

Katie: *laughs*

Lori: Nice, laugh at your only daughter.

Katie: What did you do?

Lori: I rambled, fell and said something about a diary, I'm not sure.

Katie: Awwwwwwwwww! *flails*

Lori: *frowns*

Katie: So is he cute?

Lori: That's...Not quite how I'd put it.

Katie: *lifts brow*

Lori: *shakes head* Nevermind. *stands, grabs bread from top of fridge*

Katie: I think that's moldy.

Lori: ...Wonderful. I might as well eat out of the garbage while I'm here.

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