CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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Thanks hahaguy. :)

:lol: Carly! You crack me up so much every time you post. You need to post in every forum. :D *huggles until you pop* Hee.

Ahh!! Heather! :) (Smexy banner btw, lol) Wubba brings out the best and people and the worst in people...We haven't seen the 'best' persay but I'm assuming we will. I mean, it's a well-known statement.

:eek: Anni! I remember that trip to Wal-Mart.

Katie: What about this?
Speed: Too short.
Katie: What are you, my father?



Bike shop, downtown Miami

Heather: *leans near bikes* I don't understand what men see in these.

Guy: *walks over* Hey, can I help you two? Lookin' for a bike?

Ryan: You missing a worker?

Guy: *looks down at Ryan's badge*

Ryan: *opens folder*

Guy: I don't recognize him.

Heather: Well duh, he's two times the size he was before he was dumped into the ocean. *touches bike*

Guy: *walks over to Heather* Please don't touch that. It's very expensive.

Ryan: Your name would be?

Guy: Richard.

Ryan: Well Richard we found a wallet on the body. His name was Dan Fielding, he worked here.

Richard: If he did, I didn't know him.

Ryan: He had motor oil on him, you think he might have been one of the shop guys?

Richard: Maybe. I just work sales. I can get you the manager if you want.

Ryan: Thanks.

Richard: *walks away*

Heather: You ever buy one of these?

Ryan: *looks at Heather* Why would I want one?

Heather: I don't know. It's kind of a man thing, right?

Ryan: Women ride motorcycles.

Heather: *looks around* Yeah well if I want to kill myself, I'd just jump off my balcony.

Ryan: *kneels*

Heather: What?

Ryan: You have a kit?

Heather: Uh...No.

Ryan: *looks at Heather*

Heather: What! I'm just an observer, remember?

Ryan: I think this is blood.

Heather: OOoh blood in a bike shop. Call the cops.

Ryan: In a showroom?

Heather: So? Maybe some idiot climbed onto one of these things and fell off.

Manager: *walks over*

Ryan: *stands*

Manager: Can I help you?

Ryan: We're with Miami PD.

Manager: ...I'm sorry but you're not welcome here.

Ryan: *lifts brow* Why not?

Manager: It's bad for business. You notice what part of town we're in?

Ryan: *crosses arms* Fine, we'll come back with a warrant.

Manager: Whatever you need, man. *walks away*

Ryan: That was quick.

Heather: What?

Ryan: Have you not been paying attention?

Heather: Not really. I found a penny on the ground President side up. IT'S MY LUCKY DAY! *shows Ryan the penny*

Chinese house

Katie: Well I had a lot of fun. Thanks. *reaches in purse for keys*

Josh: Anytime.

Katie: *smiles* Y'know I haven't had a good time in a while.

Josh: I imagine prison isn't exactly full of things to do.

Katie: It is, just not anything I'd want to do.

Josh: *nods*

Katie: *sigh* Damnit where did I put that key?

Josh: *leans against door*

Katie: *scratches head* It's this stupid funny key with a billion notches on it. Hmm, maybe I put it in this compartment.

Josh: You could just knock.

Katie: I'd rather not draw attention to myself. I might get more darts thrown at me.

Josh: *smiles* Fair enough.

Katie: UGH. I swear I'll rip this apart.

Josh: You sure you didn't put it in your pocket?

Katie: *looks at Josh*

Josh: *lifts brow*

Katie: *reaches into back pocket* ....AHA! *lifts key* You're a genius.

Josh: Well thank you.

Katie: *smiles* I'll see you later. *walks inside*

Josh: Wait!

Katie: *turns around*

Josh: Um...Have a good night.

Katie: *grinning* Thanks. *closes door*


Delko: *takes magnifying glass up to eye* Okay Watsons let's figure out who stole my Wubba.

Lilly: ...Why are we all Watsons?

Delko: Because I'm Sherlock.

Calleigh: I don't want to be Watson.

Delko: You can be Duquatson.

Calleigh: *frowns* That's the same thing but with my last name.


Lora: Hugh Hefner?

Delko: What?

Lora: Well the ad's in Playboy.

Delko: *raises fist* We're going to California.

Lilly: YAY!

JC: *crawls out from under carpet* I can't believe someone put down the carpet while I was lying under it.

Calleigh: Eric, please tell me you're not going to beat up Hugh Hefner.

Delko: I could take him. *kisses own biceps*

*eye twitches*...What are Joshie and Katie doing. I mean geez man, I go in the Hummerhome and suddenly it's all 'lets flirt with Katie'. I mean, you're supposed to be gay. Or is Katie really a man?! :eek: *GASP!* Uh oh. *crawls under the table* Katie please don't beat me up, I didn't mean to insinuate...*runs*

*shouts back* Wubba was stolen? I woulda thought that would make Eric happy, not angry. After all, Eric only ever used to get scared when there were load noises or Colton would yell "WUBBA!" hehe, ah that takes me back...But Hugh Heffner? Well, I alwasy wanted to go to California! Well, real me, I'm fairly sure that RT me has already been...HEE!

please update soon!
Dood. Bikes are awesome man. :lol:

"When ever she sees something shiny her attention is lost." Yep, that's me!

Josh and Katie, awesome. Awesome.

Wubba was stolen... Call the cops! Er.. oh. The cops already know. :lol:

Thanks, I love my smexy banner. I could stare into his eyes- er, eye-all day. *dreamy sigh*
Delko: *takes magnifying glass up to eye* Okay Watsons let's figure out who stole my Wubba.

Lilly: ...Why are we all Watsons?

Delko: Because I'm Sherlock.

Calleigh: I don't want to be Watson.

Delko: You can be Duquatson.

Calleigh: *frowns* That's the same thing but with my last name.
this was relly fantastic :lol:
great job :D
Thanks Florry. :D

:lol: Heather! "Dood." :lol: Oh goodness. This fic doesn't even need me.

Oh lordy Carly, I doubt Katie is a man. Although it would make for a weird plot twist, lol.


Next day, Miami

Ryan: Hey where have you been?

Josh: Off.

Ryan: Oh yeah. I totally forgot.

Josh: I love you too Ryan.

Ryan: *wide-eyed*

Josh: Not...Literally.

Ryan: I-I knew that. Definitely knew that. *nods* I have to um...HEATHER!

Heather: *runs over* Yeah?

Ryan: Hey look, an extra person. Now we can move on.

Josh: Oh Ryan you know you want me.

Ryan: *screams*

Josh: *bursts out laughing*

Heather: You scream like a girl.

Ryan: *frowns* I do not.

Heather: I recorded it on my iPod.

Ryan: Hey can I see that?

Heather: Sure.

Ryan: *throws iPod to floor*

Heather: *looks down* ...I think it's gonna take more than that to kill in iPod.

Ryan: Then that's not an iPod.

Heather: Oh wait...It's one of those PC imitation ones. Man I got jipped!

Ryan: My iPod holds 2500 songs. How about yours?

Heather: 86. I thought it was a lot at the time. *picks up imitation iPod* Man it's skipping. *sigh* Ryan you're a jerk.

Ryan: You deserved it.

Heather: It's just playing your girlish scream in loops!

Ryan: Wait, turn it off.

Heather: I can't wait and turn it off at the same time. I either wait or I don't wait. What am I waiting for?

Josh: Your affinity for alliteration boggles the mind. *grabs immitation iPod*

Heather: What are you doing?

Josh: Fixing it.

Heather: *staring at Josh*

Josh: Don't worry sweetheart, I know all about these things.

Heather: Cool. So you're like a technology nerd?

Josh: *laughs* Well you could say that. I once got an eyelash curler to heat up in less than five seconds. Man I swear it was a world record.

Heather: Who's was it?

Josh: Mine. *pressing buttons*

Heather: Oh. Cool.

Josh: Good as new. *smiles*

Heather: Thanks! *presses button*

Ryan: Hold on, why are you playing it over and over again?

Heather: It's fun.

Ryan: It's doing the same thing that it was before.

Heather: Yes but now I have the security in knowing I can turn it off.

Horatio: *clears throat*

Heather: Aaaand this is one of those moments.

Horatio: Are we having fun?

Ryan: No.

Josh: We were just talking.

Heather: We weren't even doing anything remotely illegal this time.

Ryan: This time?

Horatio: Report on the case.

Ryan: Uh...Well....

Heather: *scratches head*

Josh: I wasn't even here.

Horatio: You didn't read the file?

Josh: ...I was supposed to?

Horatio: *stares at Josh*

Josh: Right. Reading file. *grabs file from Ryan*

Horatio: What have we learned so far?

Ryan: Our victim worked at a bike shop downtown which used to be an old gang hideout. They very graciously told us we couldn't stay there so I'm working on a warrant.

Horatio: Good. Josh, I want you to see Alexx. She has some information.

Josh: No pr-

Cellphone rings

Josh: Excuse me. *opens phone* Yeah....Uh....*looks at Horatio* ...I'm kind of busy at the moment, can it wait? ....Um...You know what, I'll see what I can do but I'm at work so no promises, okay? Alright. *closes phone* Sorry.

Horatio: Something you need to take care of?

Josh: Uh no.

Horatio: Okay. In the future, leave the music machines at home.

Heather: iPod.

Horatio: *looks at Heather*

Heather: I'm gonna...Uh...HEY LOOK! AN EMPTY ROOM WITH MY NAME ON IT! *runs*

Ryan: Wait for me! *runs*

Horatio: *places hands on hips*

Josh: *looks around*

Horatio: Something wrong?

Josh: No.

Horatio: Do I need to know who was on the other end of that line?

Josh: *shakes head* It's nothing, I'll take care of it when I'm off.

Horatio: New boyfriend?

Josh: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: As long as this stays out of your work, I don't care what you do on your spare time. Okay?

Josh: Got it.

Horatio: Thank you. *leaves*


Heather: *sings* I fought the law and the law won!

Ryan: *lifts brow* Heather.

Heather: Boom chacka chakca boom chacka chacka!

Ryan: *grabs earphones* Heather!

Heather: Whoa, geez! What!

Ryan: No one wants to hear that.

Heather: I do.

Ryan: You're the only one.

Heather: Why are you such a crab?

Ryan: Because I usually work alone.

Heather: So? Learn to work un-alone.

Ryan: I don't think that's a word.

Heather: No, I'm pretty sure it is.

Ryan: *frowns*

Heather: *frowns*

Two minutes later

Ryan: *opens dictionary*

Heather: *sigh* You're a jerk weed.

Downtown Miami, spa

Josh: *walks in*

Katie: *runs over* THANK GOD YOU'RE HERE!

Josh: I'm risking my job for this.

Katie: Okay well this won't take long. Okay see, I had a hair appointment this morning and I was supposed to get extensions but I'm not sure if it's going to work.

Josh: ...

Katie: Advice!

Josh: Okay, okay. Don't get them.

Katie: Why not?

Josh: You don't need them. Your hair is beautiful.

Katie: But it's too thin.

Josh: *sigh* Come here.


Katie: Are you allowed to do this?

Josh: Oh yeah. I have friends here. *grabs scissors*

Katie: You're going to cut it? Whoa, wait, just d-

Josh: Relax.

Katie: I told you it was thin, not Cousin It!

Josh: *turns chair around* Honey, if you don't let me do this, you're going to look like Britney Spears after a bad breakdown.

Katie: You sure?

Josh: Positive.

Katie: Okay.

Josh: *turns chair back around, grabs hair products*

Katie: *closes eyes* This is going to be terrible.

Josh: Then why did you call?

Katie: I have impulse problems.

Josh: UGH.


Josh: Your hair is IMPOSSIBLE.

Katie: See? Now you know what I'm talking about.

Josh: It's actually very thick and you want extensions? Give me a break girl.

Katie: I thought they'd look good.

Josh: No.

Katie: B-

Josh: NO.

Katie: Fine.

Josh: *fiddles with hair* All you need is the right amount of elbow grease. Of course with yours, I wouldn't completely rule out ACTUAL grease.

Katie: *frowns*

Josh: *sigh* You need bangs.

Katie: I do?

Josh: Mhm. *turns Katie around* Just let me see.

Katie: *looks at Josh*

Josh: Hmm...*moves hair around* Mhm....Yep. Okay. *grabs scissors*

Katie: Your daughter's lucky. She'll never have a bad hair day.

Josh: *smiles*

Katie: *shrugs*

Ten minutes later

Josh: *turns Katie back around* What do you think?

Katie: HA. I'm like a pretty pretty princess.

Josh: *laughs*

Katie: It's awesome.

Josh: *grabs Katie's hand*

Katie: *stands*

Josh: You only did this because you didn't want to stay with Ching.

Katie: Her office smells funny.

Josh: It's okay, I doubt Horatio will find out anyway. He thinks I have a new boyfriend.

Katie: Do you?

Josh: No.

Katie: *walks outside* Well thanks for jeopardizing your job for me.

Josh: It beats arguing with Ryan over iPods.

Katie: Man I miss workin' there.

Josh: *nods*

Katie: Look...I feel kind of guilty for just stealing you away like that. It was irresponsible. I need to find other friends.

Josh: That would be good for you.

Katie: Yeah. Especially because everyone practically hates me. I mean Jess won't return my calls, Anni hates me, Carly hasn't called me back yet either and...I don't know it's like I'm out of place.

Josh: Things will turn up.

Katie: No. I've had too many chances and I blew them all.

Josh: Your friends care about you. They do.

Katie: Well it feels like you're the only one who doesn't see me as a criminal.

Josh: You were in a bad situation. It doesn't make you a criminal.

Katie: I had a choice and I chose to betray everyone. And for what? Some excitement? People died.

Josh: *nods*

Katie: *clears throat* You should get back to work.

Josh: Right.

Katie: Anyway thanks...Thanks for listening.

Josh: Anytime. *leaves*

Katie: *sigh*

Miami Lab, four hours later

Ryan: AHA! Not a word.

Heather: Let me see.

Ryan: No. *grabs dictionary away*

Heather: Stop being a dooshe and let me see.

Ryan: Get your own.

Heather: Yeah that's mature.

Ryan: *slaps Heather's hand*

Heather: OW!

Ryan: Hey Joshie boy, help me out here.

Josh: *lifts head* Huh?

Ryan: Weren't you listening? I need reinforcement.

Josh: Oh.

Ryan: Dreaming or something?

Josh: No, I was just thinking.

Ryan: Well stop thinking and start beating.

Heather: Yeah beat Ryan.

Ryan: *sticks tongue out*

Heather: *grabs Ryan's tongue*

Ryan: AHH!!

Heather: Drop the book.

Ryan: *shakes head*

Heather: *twists tongue*

Ryan: AHH! AHH! AHH! *drops book*

Heather: And that...*puts on shades* is how it's done.

Josh: I wouldn't touch that if I were you. He could have herpes.

Heather: EW! *wipes hand on Ryan's labcoat*

Ryan: I don't have herpes.

Josh: *shrugs* Keep denying it.

Heather: HA.

Ryan: *frowns* You know, words hurt. They really do.

Heather: Stop whinning.

Ryan: *grabs dictionary, runs* Ha HA!

Heather: *waves hand* Yeah have fun.

Josh: *flips page of file*

Heather: ...I'm going to have to disinfect my hand now. Ew.

Josh: *nods*

Heather: So...Did you get that report from the coroner lady?

Josh: What?

Heather: Horatio said something about her needing to talk to you about it.

Josh: *stares at Heather*

Heather: Where were you?

Josh: I must have forgot.

Heather: Pfft, men. One thing to do and they can't even do THAT. So tell me what's on your mind.

Josh: Huh?

Heather: You seem all bewildered and distracted. Make with the 411.

Josh: I barely know you.

Heather: Even better. You will have an objective point of view.

Josh: I doubt it.

Heather: Lay it on me, brotha! *slaps Josh*

Josh: *sigh* ...It's one of my friends.

Heather: Guy or girl?

Josh: Girl.

Heather: Okay, fire away.

Josh: I don't know how to help her. She feels guilty and well...She should be. But...She's an amazing person.

Heather: Ah. What did she do?

Josh: Broke the law. I mean, it's not like the law sees shades of grey.

Heather: Yeah it doesn't even have eyes.

Josh: *smirks*

Heather: So why are you dwelling on something she did? It's not your problem.

Josh: I don't know. I guess it's just the way I am.

Heather: *smiles* You like her.

Josh: *lifts brow* Need I remind you I don't swing that way.

Heather: *scoffs* Please. You might fool yourself with that one but I'm a woman and I'm telling you, you have the hots for her.

Josh: *frowns*

Heather: Ah well maybe she just flipped the right switch in ya. Not like you can help it.

Josh: Wh-No, no she's just a friend. Focus.

Heather: Whatever you say.

Josh: Besides, she's pretty much off-limits no matter what you THINK I am.

Heather: Why?

Josh: ...*sigh* She...Is my brother's ex-wife.

Heather: *starts to laugh*

Josh: *rubs eyes* God I feel like Horatio.

Heather: ...Didn't Ryan tell me you're married?

Josh: I'm separated.

Heather: Oh. Well...That...Really has nothing to do with anything. But anyway, besides the fact that she thinks you're gay and you think you're gay and you're BOTH wrong, I'd say you have a dilly of a dilled pickle on your hands.

Josh: That's not even the issue.

Heather: You aren't even going to tell her?

Josh: There's nothing to tell her!

Heather: Okay fine. So what are you going to do about the whole her thinking she's the worst thing to ever grace God's semi-brownishly green slash oceanic Earth?

Josh: Maybe she needs to think that way for a while. Face up to what she did.

Heather: That's lame.

Josh: You know, you're not really helping much.

Heather: Just think of me as the other little angel on your shoulder...Or...Devil. Buddah maybe? Whatever you're into.

Whoa, Geni, you typed up this update at 5 am, your time. :lol:

Wow! Josh really has feelings for Katie, there's no denying it. Even if he did tell her, what would Carly feel like? Her husband leaves her because he says he's gay, then starts going out with her friend, a girl, and apparently he's straight again? It looks like he used being gay as an excuse to leave her, and while we know that isn't true, it's what it appears to be. Poor Josh, poor Carly. I would say 'Poor Katie' but she's got it pretty good right now, considering what she did. :lol:

And do I see something between Heather and Ryan? :( I go away in the Hummerhome (to CA, yeah baby!) and he get's all...teasing-ishly with her? That's how it started between us. I miss the little Ryan/Lilly moments. I've been replaced. :lol:

But, we're going to CA! (Wasn't Delko kicked out of CA?) Very promising stuff there. Maybe we could go to the Kodak theater and there'll be some wacko dressed as Wubba. Could happen, in Hollywood. :lol: Anyway, awesome updates Geni! :D
cainesugar said
Whoa, Geni, you typed up this update at 5 am, your time. :lol:

That could account for all of the spelling mistakes. :p

Hmph, those Speedles sure go after the same type of women. Or...In Joshiekin's case, the same woman. :lol: Erm, then again we haven't confirmed any of these so-called 'feelings' Lilly has so adamantly pointed out. MAHA.

^^ No worries, Heather and Ryan are merely enemies, lol.

Hmmsters, Delko banished from California. I sense some trouble brewing in the celebrity-infested waters. ;)

I should have another chapter up soon!
Hmmsters, Delko banished from California. I sense some trouble brewing in the celebrity-infested waters.

*takes cover* :p

Erm, then again we haven't confirmed any of these so-called 'feelings' Lilly has so adamantly pointed out. MAHA.

Right, Knowing you, either could be plotting to kill the other. The Secret Service could be involved. Who knows? :lol:
Enemies? Nah. More like Frenemies. *nods*

"Aaaand this is one of those moments. /Boom chacka chakca boom chacka chacka." -Those are seriously something I would say. As a matter of fact, I've sang that boom song at work. :lol:

And, this fic NEEDS you! It wouldn't be the same without you.

I'm loving the heart to heart moment I had with Josh.. Even though I couldn't really focus. :lol:
Sorry all! But with my super hacking skills i have bypassed my aunt and uncles computer! Betcha all miss me. :D One little thing everyone, i'm staying in America till the 15 of Augest. ANYWAYS....

Lilly: You bring magazines with you?

Lora: Not just any magazine. *smiles* PLAYBOY!


Lora: Get lost.
:lol: :lol: *laughs* Haha that hilarious! Oh crap, gottta quiet down....

Delko: *raises fist* We're going to California.

Lilly: YAY!
*cheers with Lilly* YAY!! Oooo lets bring Horatio! I bet he'll be a natural PLayBoy!! *cough* And i'll be his bunny... :D :devil:

Heather: Boom chacka chakca boom chacka chacka!
:lol: I love those commercials.

*hugs everyone* I missed you guys SO MUCH!!
What awesome updates! That Heather, she is just a bowl full of laughs! I just love her so much! That boom song has been a favorite of my nephew's for so long, he was actually getting on my nerves with it, but here, it's just plain hilarious. :lol:

Now, Josh and Katie- Why won't he just fess up that he has the hots for Katie? And that fantastical hair cut just for her? When he's on duty? When he has a standing appointment with Alexx? Oh, yeah, he has the hots for her. And who does he get advice from - Heather! SHe is the go to person now! :)

fantasmic update, Geni! ;)
Lora! Welcome back to the INTERNET. Did you miss us? I betchya did. (And see that you did :lol:) :D And you're in MY COUNTRY! Isn't it awesome here? :p

Heather: Boom chacka chakca boom chacka chacka!

Have you seen those Axe (the smelly stuff cheap guys wear) commercials? Bom chicka wahh wahh. :lol: Reminded me of that.
Amazing Geni lol.... it would be just like me to climb out from under a carpet lol and be like who laid it on top of me lol..... I love how heather called ryan a douche lol i love usuing that word ... seeing as i am german... anyway great updates and can't wait for more lol
Y'know, 'douche' is also the french word for 'shower'. :p Geez, I don't know if I want to go through life insulting people by telling them they're showers. :lol:

^ Lilly, those Axe commercials are hilarious! And see I just vote that the REAL reason Lora's there is to slowly take over your country with Canadians. ;) But really, Lora welcome back to the internet. I hope you'll be able to check in again soon!

Oh yeah, road trip. *whew*

I'll have another chapter up soon but I have to work pretty soon so I'm not sure how much time I'll have.
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