CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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^ Lilly, those Axe commercials are hilarious!
Did you see the one where the girl's at the dentist? And the grocery store one? Oh my gosh I love commercials. :lol: But that stuff is disgusting, all the guys at my school wear it and...eww.
And see I just vote that the REAL reason Lora's there is to slowly take over your country with Canadians.
Someone will see soon enough that they're not getting fat along with the rest of us and they'll drive you all out with an army of 20,000. Because all we can do is eat and kill people. :lol:
And you're in MY COUNTRY! Isn't it awesome here?
HECK YEAH! Your guy's prices on books here are fantasticlastical! I've saved over 50 bucks than i would have had to spend in Canadia! :lol:

And see I just vote that the REAL reason Lora's there is to slowly take over your country with Canadians.

Someone will see soon enough that they're not getting fat along with the rest of us and they'll drive you all out with an army of 20,000. Because all we can do is eat and kill people.
Aw don't be so hard on yourself....you make some good quality programming too.

I actually JUST read in TIME, that Canada ranks 8th most peaceful country. When the US is at 96, and Iraq is last (i wonder why) with 121. You guys are bad. *shakes finger*

Plus, i've seen celebs here. ;) If i'm not too off topic... like Vin Deisal (sp?) and the guy who plays Malfoys dad in the Harry Potter movies. He lives only 5 minutes from where i'm at. :)
I actually JUST read in TIME, that Canada ranks 8th most peaceful country. When the US is at 96, and Iraq is last (i wonder why) with 121. You guys are bad. *shakes finger*
We're terrible! If everyone on the planet used as many resources as the US does, we'd need 8 Earths to store all the waste. :lol:
Plus, i've seen celebs here. If i'm not too off topic... like Vin Deisal (sp?) and the guy who plays Malfoys dad in the Harry Potter movies. He lives only 5 minutes from where i'm at.
Pffft. Come to LA. I see Nicole Richie and it's like 'hey, there's a toothpick.' I see Brad Pitt and it's like 'oh, hey, there's a hot guy.' They are EVERYWHERE.
I should have another chapter up after I'm finished at the chiropractor! Stay tuned! Or, well, clicked I guess. We'll have some Horatio/Stetler banter, the update on the RT gang and some big news for one of the characters.

Thanks for the reviews. :)
Geni, you sound as promising as Ann Donahue did. (Though I am in no way, shape or form saying you're ANYTHING like Ann Donahue...) I am as stoked as I'll ever be, hope the chiropractor is...er, goes well. :) *huggles*
:lol: It went well.

And I don't know, Ann Donahue never really sounded very promising in my opinion. :p But like you said, I'm not her, lol.


Miami Lab, atrium, 6pm

Stetler: *walks over* Horatio.

Horatio: *takes off shades*

Stetler: *sigh* Where do I start?

Horatio: How about the beginning.

Stetler: Your staff is gone, you have patrol officers working your cas-

Horatio: Heather is more of an intern transferring.

Stetler: I wasn't talking about her.

Horatio: Josh is perfectly qualif-

Stetler: Get him out of my lab.

Horatio: Your lab.

Stetler: Look, the mayor wants a report on his desk by Monday and I have absolutely nothing good to report about this lab.

Horatio: As always.

Stetler: This ship is going to sink if you don't straighten out.

Horatio: *looks at Stetler*

Stetler: Same with your 'perfectly qualified' team member.

Horatio: That...Is none of your business.

Stetler: It's my ass on the line here.

Horatio: *nods* I see the mayor has his beliefs.

Stetler: Evidently. You know how he is.

Horatio: No Rick, I really don't. Apparently I didn't.

Stetler: *hands over folder* Here's a copy of the report. I wanted you to see it before I gave it in.

Horatio: *staring at Stetler*

Stetler: I'm trying to help.

Horatio: You can help by not giving the mayor your report.

Stetler: I can't do that.

Horatio: I'll admit my lab hasn't exactly practiced everything in the rule book but this is a little far. *opens folder*

Stetler: *places hand on hip*

Horatio: *reading*

Stetler: *looks out window*

Horatio: ...You have his last name listed as Hannigan.

Stetler: His wife's last name.

Horatio: May I ask why?

Stetler: I didn't want to make the lab look even worse.

Horatio: Sorry, I don't quite catch the connection.

Stetler: Tim Speedle commited suicide.

Horatio: *frowns, closes folder* Cause of Death was inconclusive.

Stetler: Alright if you want to call a shot to the head inconclusive, th-

Horatio: Rick, back off.

Stetler: I just didn't want to make Joshua look even worse.

Horatio: *looks out window*

Stetler: I mean, the guy's walking on thin ice as it is.

Horatio: *looks down at floor*

Stetler: Not actually being hired.

Horatio: Wait a second, shot to the head?

Stetler: ...Yeah.

Horatio: There was no blood at the scene.

Stetler: So?

Horatio: Do you have the ME's report?

Stetler: Yeah I carry it around in my back pocket for situations just like this.

Horatio: *frowns*

Stetler: What do you need the report for?

Horatio: ...Which ME did you get it from?

Stetler: Pearson.

Horatio: I recieved mine from Alexx.

Stetler: Two reports on the same victim?

Horatio: Did you actually see the body?

Stetler: No. Did you?

Horatio: No. Which means there is no way of telling which report is the correct one.

Stetler: Gee, I'll add it to the folder. *clicks on pen* Now, you're sure he's dead, right?

Horatio: *blinks*

Stetler: Nevermind. *writing*

Horatio: A second ago you were trying to make the lab look good.

Stetler: Yes but I caught an actual mistake this time.

Jail cell, LAPD

Carly: Well this was a great idea.

Lora: *clings to bars* I'M TOO INNOCENT TO GO TO JAIL!

Delko: *drags metal cup across bars*

Lilly: *plays harmonica*

Carly: Where did you get a harmonica?

Lilly: It was already sitting here.

Carly: ...You don't know where that's been.

Lilly: *throws harmonica*

Calleigh: *files nails* Hey someone left a nail file in here. *smiles* Finally, I can get my nails in tip-top shape.


Delko: YEAH! Or I'll throw this harmonica!

Guard: *walks over*

Delko: *screams*

Guard: Sir, urinating on a fire hydrant is a federal offense.

Delko: Dogs do it and get away with it all the time.

Guard: *walks away*

Calleigh: So...Why did we all get thrown in jail?

Lilly: *sigh* It's LA. If you look the wrong way, you get thrown in jail.


Missy: *carving lines into wall* One day and counting.

JC: Hey someone left a tattoo machine thingy in here. Hey Miss, you want a tat?

Missy: YES! OH MY GOD! *sits on bench* Give me a teardrop under my eye.

JC: Okay!


Lilly: On a fire hydrant it is.

Colton: But those things just call out for pee.

Lilly: *shakes head*

Miami Lab, lobby

Ryan: *signing paper* Hey Paula, do I have any messages?

Paula: Do you have a cellphone?

Ryan: ...Yeah.

Paula: Then I wouldn't know, would I?

Ryan: *lifts brow* Working late?

Paula: Budjet cuts.

Elevator doors open

Paula: *looks at elevator* Ma'am, I'm sorry, we're closed. Head b-...Oh my God.

Ryan: What? *turns around* Lori? *runs over*

Lori: *leans against elevator*

Ryan: Are you okay? Lori? *looks at Paula* Call an ambulance.

Paula: *grabs phone*

Ryan: Lori, talk to me.

Lori: *falls over*

15 minutes later, outside on gurney

Ryan: Is she okay?

Paramedic: Lacerations and contusions for the most part. She did report pain in her ribs and abdomen so we'd like to get her to the hospital and take some X-rays.

Lori: *covers self with blanket*

Paramedic: *walks away*

Ryan: What happened?

Lori: *frowning*

Ryan: Hey you came to us.

Lori: *wipes eyes*

Ryan: Who did this?

Lori: ...I want my mother.

Ryan: Okay. I'll call her. *walks away*

Horatio: *walks over* I heard what happened. How are you feeling?

Lori: *hugs Horatio*

Horatio: Oh...Kay.

Lori: *starts to cry*

Horatio: *wraps arms around Lori*

Ryan: *walks over* Katie's in the neighborhood. She'll be here in a few minutes.

Horatio: Good. *lets go of Lori* Okay, the paramedics are going to take you to the hospital and check you out.

Lori: *nods*

Horatio: *walks away*

Few feet away

Ryan: Did she say what happened?

Horatio: No.

Ryan: Who do you think did this to her?

Horatio: The evidence will tell us that. I want Heather and Yelina working the case.

Ryan: I could take this.

Horatio: You know what, I'd rather have them process.

Ryan: Look, we're not even friends.

Horatio: That's not my concern.

Ryan: Then what is?

Horatio: I need you to see Alexx.

Ryan: What for?

Horatio: *hands over folder*

Ryan: *looks down* I'm doing an internal investigation? Isn't that Stetler's job?

Horatio: You're working with him.

Ryan: Uh...You steal some drugs from the evidence locker?

Horatio: *smirks* Ryan this will go smoothly as long as you don't speak to him like that.

Ryan: Sure H. *leaves*

Horatio: Thank you.

Stetler: Yes but I caught an actual mistake this time.
*bursts out laughing* Oh, Geni, this had me laughing for a good few minutes. :lol:

Wow, Geni! So much in one update! First off, we got thrown in jail, which isn't very odd to me. :lol: It's about time. But why won't they let everyone else go? Seriously, we can leave Delko there and hop back on the Hummerhome and be out of there in a few minutes. :lol: But anyway...

And Lori! She's back, and for once, it isn't to crap all over everyone. (Well, maybe it is) Arg, now I really want to know what happened to her! Can't wait for another update Geni, this one was awesome. :D
Awsome update geni... haha tattoo machine that is totally me i would start tattooing people lol. haha calling people showers thats funny ... i believe it means something else in german ... i just can't remeber what...

Great update tho lol, can't wait for more!
Superb update, Geni! Wow,...so, ah, Speed is determined what now? For a moment there, I didn't know to make heads or tails of Stettie's report, and now, Ryan's working for him? And Lori's in some kind of trouble, and got hurt? And the Roadtrip has now veered into the land of LAPD? And just where is RT Anni? Wasn't she on the trip? :lol: That's a lot of questions, but it points to one thing - I can't wait to read the update!

Smashing job, Geni!

ps, you have me just enthralled about this double medical examiner's report thingy... ;)
RT me is working a case? Just me and Yelina? WOOT!

Ryan is working IAB? Hmm interesting.

Can't wait until this plays out, because not everything is as it seems. *Creepy Music Plays* Erm, yeah.

Sorry it took long for me to review... I kept meaning too, I just have a mind span of a two year old online. :)
:lol: It's okay, I keep neglecting to post chapters here because I get too darn busy to get here.

But I'm here so HA!

*mumbles* I kill off Speed and the Spoiler Lab confirms the writers are doing the exact OPPOSITE as me. *frowns*

Anni, you're still there. :D And woo! I've enthralled you! :)


Interrogation room, 10am, next day

Lori: Was this really necessary?

Yelina: *sits down* You're not under arrest or a suspect, we just needed to ask you a few questions about your attack.

Lori: *leans back on chair* And you think I'm just going to tell you everything so you can be my hero and find whoever did this and *feins passion* put them away for LIFE.

Yelina: We want to help. But you need to help us first.

Lori: Go to hell.

Heather: *reading folder* You used to live in Columbia?

Lori: Yeah and I had worse beatings there. Are we finished?

Yelina: No, we're not. *grabs pen* Where did this happen?

Lori: Don't you have murders to investigate?

Yelina: Horatio wanted us to take your case.

Lori: Why? Because I'm a cop's daughter? How does that make me any more special than someone else?

Heather: You're a cop's daughter?

Lori: *looks at Heather* You new?

Heather: Yeah.

Lori: Shouldn't you be cleaning the Hummers or stalking the soda machines?

Heather: *frowns*

Yelina: Lori, just tell us what we need to know and you can leave.

Lori: *looks at nails* Well it looks like I'll be here a while.

Yelina: *looks at Heather*

Heather: *shrugs*

Yelina: We'll be right back. *stands, leaves*

Heather: *leaves*


Heather: Geez. What's her problem?

Yelina: She doesn't trust us.

Heather: So? She was attacked. Doesn't she want whoever did this to pay for it?

Yelina: She's...Not like most people.

Heather: This is stupid. Someone hurt her and she's just going to let it go.

Yelina: Mhm.

Heather: *walks into room*

Yelina: Heath-

Inside room

Heather: You're being selfish.

Lori: *looks at Heather*

Heather: I don't care where you came from or what you're used to but here our job is to find the idiots who hurt you whether you like it or not.

Lori: *stands* You think half the people here are trying to find justice for all of the poor helpless victims out there? No. They're after a paycheck. People are just a number on a file in your world. It's a faulted system based on a need to 'feel' safe out there. You don't know of half the crap that goes on out there, trust me I'm not a victim. *sits*

Heather: *sits* Was your mom a cop?

Lori: *shakes head* There seems to be a giant communication gap in here.

Heather: I'm actually one of the few who doesn't see you as just a number on a file. You know what I do when I see a new folder? I look at the name instead of the identification number. I can't help someone unless I put myself in their place, otherwise there's no point in doing the job.

Lori: Yeah? What happened to being objective?

Heather: I'm not and everyone is just going to have to face it.

Lori: *stares at Heather*

Heather: So, your dad a cop?

Lori: *scoffs*

Heather: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I worshiped him when I was younger. It was like I always had this hero in front of me, protecting me. I felt comforted by it.

Heather: Obviously you don't think that anymore.

Lori: He was just a man. Nothing more.

Heather: And that's why you don't think we can help you?

Lori: No, it's why I don't think you should.

Heather: Well, the report says you came here.

Lori: Yeah.

Heather: Why?

Lori: I don't know.

Heather: ...Where did the attack happen?

Lori: Few blocks away. I work at an insurance company...Answering phones.

Heather: Did you know your attacker?

Lori: Yeah. My boss.

Heather: Okay. Tell me what happened.

Lori: What can I say? Women are objects. If they refuse to be...*rubs forehead*

Heather: *stares at Lori*

Lori: I've been trying to get my life together. Sometimes I wonder if things would have been easier if I'd never ended up in Columbia.

Heather: Why?

Lori: *shakes head* I'd take an apple-pie life over this anyday.


Ryan: *looking through files*

Alexx: *walks in* Ryan? What are you doin' down here?

Ryan: *looks up* Oh, uh Horatio sent me.

Alexx: Anything I can help with?

Ryan: Yeah, actually. You gave this report to Horatio.

Alexx: *nods* I did.

Ryan: But you didn't perform the autopsy.

Alexx: Ryan, if there's something wrong with the report, I need to know. And honey I don't make mistakes so it better be good.

Ryan: You said COD was inconclusive.

Alexx: Yeah.

Ryan: Pearson's report said it was a shot to the head.

Alexx: Then Pearson's wrong.

Ryan: How do you mean?

Alexx: He was working late that day and wanted to get home to his kids. He passed it off to me.

Ryan: So you both performed the autopsy.

Alexx: No. He asked me to write out his report. I know I shouldn't have but he's a good man and it's nothing I couldn't handle.

Ryan: *frowning*

Alexx: You don't believe me?

Ryan: It's not that, I'm just confused as to why you both have different causes of death and both reports were sent in.

Alexx: He told me that COD was inconclusive. I don't know why he would change it after I sent it in.

Ryan: Thanks Alexx. *leaves*

Again, Geni, I'm simply drawn to this. It's like a great murder mystery or something...and that is a good question, why would Pearson change a report? Very interesting developments...

And YESSS!!! I'm still around!

And this is really OT, but Geni...as soon as I read the spoiler, I had to see for my self... I'm just over done :lol:
Oh! Cliff hanger!
I'm back from LA, but I won't be on much since my computer crashed and I can only get on my mom's once and a while.
Oh! I love it! and we're in Jail and JC is giving me a tattoo? This sounds like a very very VERY bad idea!
Can't wait!
Ooo, What happened to our Speedy? Shot in the head, not shot in the head, shot in the head...they should just use the foolproof childrens method of determining such things - plucking flower petals. Hee, that used to be such fun...

Hm, I still don't really like Lori. Maybe I still haven't forgiven her for nearly blowing up Joshie. but she just rubs me the wrong way...I don't exactly know why, she just does...but at least she told the truth this time...

anyways, please update soon!
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