Down worry Anni, everything will be sorted out with minimal damage..I hope.
Lora, yes, I suppose the cases will be done quicker and we could get back to the Road Trips.
Hunter said
Hey, it's easier on Geni too. She doesn't have to fry her brain thinking up of plots andd facts, THAT MAKE SENSE. A Road Trip, it's all comedy. Very easy to tytpe up.
Y'know....*opens can of worms*
:lol: Just kiddin'.
I actually find it equally challenging to write the brain-frying facts as well as the 'comedy', so-to-speak, lol. I've always found research into a plot really effective in telling a story, but I also love the light-hearted humour that people take with them in life. If you can't laugh at yourself, you'll go insane.
Granted, not everything I write is pure gold - quite the contrary - but I enjoy writing so it doesn't matter. :lol:
Thanks for the reviews!
California, LAPD Crime Lab
Calleigh: Hey, did you pull up Lilly's records?
Colton: Got a new suspect, actually.
Calleigh: Who?
Colton: Adam Porter, 34 years old. Arrested in 2004 for storing dead humans in his meat freezers.
Calleigh: He get out?
Colton: Released on probation six weeks ago.
Calleigh: Did he know the victim?
Colton: They worked at the same meat packaging plant.
Calleigh: Okay time to look for a motive.
Colton: Oh I already found one.
Calleigh: You did?
Colton: Adam was caught steeling from the safe. Guess who caught him.
Calleigh: *smiles* Nice job.
Colton: Thanks. *looks at watch* Man I've been waiting a half hour for this detective to get down here.
Calleigh: Who was supposed to be here?
Colton: Lora Masters or...Something.
Calleigh: California's a busy state.
Colton: I was able to make it in on time.
Calleigh: *laughs*
Colton: ...Hi.
Lora: YOU! *shakes Calleigh's hand* YOU CAN CALL ME LORA!
Colton: ...Is she retarded?
Calleigh: *smiles* My name's Calleigh Duquesne, we're actually investigating a case down here and we're wonderin' if you can help us out.
Lora: Oh sure. I can do a lot of things. Including in the sack. *looks at Colton, winks*
Colton: *lifts brow*
Calleigh: His name is James, he was stuffed in a freezer.
Lora: Ohh interesting. You know if half the people here stuffed themselves in a freezer, California would be a cooler place.
Colton: *rolls eyes*
Calleigh: *laughs*
Colton: So, detectiv-
Lora: *shakes finger* Lab. I'm not a lifesucking anti-social puzzle solving object tinkering fingerprint dusting crime scene investigator. That's your jobs, homeslice. PSHA!
Calleigh: ...
Colton: ...
Lora: *wipes hair out of face* What can I do ya for?
Calleigh: I need you to take a look at some evidence.
Lora: I can do that. As long as it has to do with DNA or dinosaurs.
Calleigh: *lifts brow*
Lora: *shakes head* Nevermind. DNA's the name of the game down in my humble abode.
Calleigh: Well you're in luck. A DNA sample we got off of the victim's sleeve matches a woman in Miami. She's a CSI named Lilly.
Lora: Lora and Lilly. You got anymore 'L' names? I like to put things in threes.
Colton: Lori.
Lora: *claps* GOOD! Okay I can get started. What do you want me to do?
Calleigh: I need you to check the entire jacket for any more blood.
Lora: *salutes* Although I will have to comment on the fact that no one wears a jacket in California. Then again the popsidude was in the freezer. Someone dressed him for the occasion.
Colton: That's weird, right?
Calleigh: This conversation or the case?
Colton: The jacket.
Lora: *rubs chin* How do you think a man would fit in an average sized freezer?
Calleigh: Well he didn't get in there by himself.
Lora: Bare with me. *runs off*
Calleigh: Where's she going?
Colton: *walks away*
Garage, CSU
Lora: *opens freezer* This looks about the same as the one at the crime scene, capishe? You put a guy in here, he ain't a chunk of meat. Well, he's a chunk of meat but he's got more hair and more b- anyway the point is freezers aren't made for peeps. You gotta smoosh the heads in or the legs or break some bones. You get a autopsy?
Colton: ME's still working on it.
Lora: That might slow us down.
Colton: We had to fly to California from Miami, that already slowed us down.
Lora: I apologize on behalf of the Earth, evolution, and the 3000 mile rockbed we call home sweet home. If there was a way to push the great state of California and the southern state of Miami - sorry, Florida together, I would but you see, I don't get paid enough to move rocks.
Calleigh: We'll call the Medical Examiner and get a full work-up on the victim. Now, could you please take a look at the jacket?
Lora: Hey if there's blood to find, I'm your man. Although technically I'd have to get a sex-change so for the time being, I'm your gal. *points to self* Now, how's Miami this time of year?
Colton: Hot and steamy.
Lora: Oooh mmmm. Just the way I likes my men.
Colton: *frowns*
Lora: I take it you're not from Miami.
Colton: Boston.
Lora: You know, I get a feeling you don't like me.
Colton: I was just curious as to whether you were off your meds or not.
Lora: Baby the only meds I take are sunny skies, ocean breezes and..The occasional hit of Marahoochie but that *laughs* That's not really important. WHEW! *claps* Let's rock this popsicle stand.
Lora: *grabs pipet*
Calleigh: *smirks*
Colton: *rolls eyes*
Lora: Okay watch the magician work her magician fingers. *clicks pipet* ONE DOWN, ZERO TO GO! *grabs vile* These things are
seriously overcompensating for something. How much liquid do people really think go into these? That's what you get when a bunch of over-confident men design a crime fighting building.
Calleigh: *smiles*
Colton: Are you finished? I want to go home someday.
Lora: You ever been to California? By the time you got down the highway, 'someday' will be a footnote in your rear-view mirror.
Miami, holding cell
Delko: *snaps pictures*
Horatio: *looking up at ceiling*
Delko: *lowers camera* Tied the shoelace around the beams of the ceiling and stepped off the bench.
Horatio: How did he get a shoelace? Anyone who passes through booking has to relinquish their personal property.
Delko: Logs say he was wearing cowboy boots.
Horatio: So they weren't his shoes. *looks down at floor*
Delko: He could have grabbed them from the garbage, stuck the laces in his mouth. You know, I don't understand why criminals don't just hide things in their ears. Cops never look there.
Horatio: Shoelaces in the ears?
Delko: Well...Maybe not shoelaces.
Horatio: *smirks* Alexx, what do you have?
Alexx: Something you're not going to believe.
Horatio: Try me.
Alexx: Two ligature marks around his neck.
Horatio: He was strangled.
Alexx: Yeah and not during the hanging. Before.
Delko: Someone strangled him in his cell, then dangled him in the ceiling. No one could have gotten in.
Horatio: A cop could have.
Delko: *looks at Horatio*
Horatio: Get me a list of everyone who entered this room please.
Delko: Sure. *walks away*
Alexx: Someone was angry.
Horatio: Mhm, a serial killer murdered in a police holding cell, that'll make the news huh.
Alexx: You bet.
Horatio: Let's work quickly before all of this leaks out on the 6 o'clock news.
Alexx: *nods*
Delko: *walks in* Got the log book.
Horatio: *grabs book*
Delko: He was arrested at 3:30 pm.
Horatio: *reading log* Patrol officer signed him into booking, he arrived in the cell at 4:10 pm.
Delko: Yeah.
Horatio: ....
Delko: What is it?
Horatio: Alexx, you have an estimate on time of death?
Alexx: Between 4:30 and 5:30 pm.
Horatio: Okay here's why I ask, you see, one of our own was in this room at 4:35 pm.
Delko: Speed.
Horatio: Mhm, Speed. So I'll tell you what, let's get on the evidence before we speak to him, okay?
Delko: Sure.
Horatio: Thank you.