Thanks so much for the reviews!
Miami mansion, 9am, 3 months later
Speed: *walks over* Hey. I got your message.
Horatio: *takes off shades* How are you feeling?
Speed: Surprised. I thought I was still on suspension.
Horatio: Well as it turns out, a prominent Miami judge appears to have been murdered so I need all hands on deck.
Speed: *nods* High profile, huh.
Horatio: Mhm. Eric and Anni are in the study. I'll be speaking to witnesses.
Speed: *walks over*
Delko: Alexx hasn't gotten here yet but there's 2 gunshot wounds to the back of the head and what looks like bullet holes in the window.
Speed: So the shots came from outside.
Delko: Yeah.
Anni: *snaps photo* My guess? Sniper. Shots are at a downward trajectory.
Speed: *opens kit, grabs gloves* Any high buildings nearby?
Anni: Just houses. *lowers camera* I suppose someone could have fired from the roof of a house but we'll need to check it out.
Delko: I did a little reading on our judge here. Turns out he moved to Miami from New York about 6 years ago. He was going to retire here next year.
Anni: Any enemies?
Delko: *scoffs* How about everyone he put away. This guy took all the corruption cases, anywhere from cops to other judges.
Anni: That's got to be an easy list to find.
Speed: I'm going to go take a look outside. *walks away*
Anni: I'll help. *walks away*
Delko: *shakes head*
Outside window
Speed: *looks around* Check it out. *points* Footprints in the rosebed.
Anni: *smiles* Someone was spying on our judge friend.
Speed: Get the routine down, get a better shot at him.
Anni: Prints don't seem very recent either.
Speed: Now if we can figure out where the shots came from.
Anni: *looks up at window* They're 11 feet up and relatively far apart. Maybe the shooter wasn't a professional.
Horatio: Or maybe he was moving.
Anni/Speed: *look at Horatio*
Horatio: Neighbors say they heard a helicopter outside just after 5am.
Speed: Helicopter.
Horatio: *staring at window*
Anni: Not impossible. Creative.
Speed: Well if they were in Miami airspace, aviation should have a record of their flight path, right?
Horatio: Let's find out.
Layout room
Speed: *buttons up labcoat*
Anni: *walks over* Hey, you get anything from the footprints at the mansion?
Speed: I was just about to run them.
Anni: *leans over table* Interesting pattern.
Speed: Hopefully interesting enough for NITIN. *pulls laptop over*
Anni: *stares at laptop*
Speed: Is it alright if I come over tonight to see Brook?
Anni: *smiles* Of course.
Speed: *nods*
Anni: I think she really liked the amusement park last time.
Speed: Yeah, she couldn't get over the giant purple elephant ride.
Anni: *smiling*
Laptop beeps
Speed: *clicks mouse*
Anni: A hit?
Speed: *nods* Weathergrip 2000 Female Sole.
Anni: Size 8. Okay so our mystery spy is a woman, that certainly narrows things down. It's too bad we don't have any DNA.
Speed: Hopefully the aviation records will get us a name.
Anni: You heading down there now?
Speed: *takes off labcoat* Katie's in A/V, they sent the information over. I'll see you later.
Anni: *nods*
Speed: *leaves*
A/V Lab
Speed: *sits* Miss White.
Katie: *typing* Got your aviation records for this morning. There was an unauthorized flight through Coral Gables. They were unresponsive to base warnings.
Speed: Where'd they go after Coral Gables?
Katie: Everglades.
Speed: There's an airstrip there. Did aviation send anyone down there?
Katie: Wasn't a priority.
Speed: *looks at Katie*
Katie: I'm just telling you what it's telling me.
Speed: So they could be long gone on another flight.
Katie: If they are, there should be a record of it. *types*
Speed: *looks at screen*
Katie: *smiles* A-HA!
Speed: What are we looking at?
Katie: Okay, a private aircraft took off from the airstrip at 0:600, destination LaGuardia.
Speed: Our dead judge is from New York.
Katie: I guess you're going on a road trip.
Speed: ...I'm not going anywhere.
Katie: Why not?
Speed: I don't exactly have the funds to track a murderer across America. I just got off an unpaid suspension, remember?
Katie: So let Horatio and Anni take care of it.
Speed: *nods*
Katie: You busy tonight?
Speed: I'm going to visit Brook. Why?
Katie: *shrugs* I'm not doing anything tonight is all.
Speed: *nods slowly*
Katie: Do you want me to come with you tonight to see her?
Speed: Um...okay.
Katie: If you don't want me to, I-
Speed: No it's fine. I probably won't be there for more than an hour anyway.
Katie: *nods*
Speed: *stares at screen*
Katie: *takes Speed's hand*
Speed: *squeezes Katie's hand*
Katie: *smirks*
Horatio: *steps in* Where are we-
Speed: *lets go*
Horatio: -on the helicopter?
Katie: They skipped town.
Horatio: Okay. Speed, I want you and Eric on victimology. Find anything that could even be remotely considered motive.
Speed: Sure, H. *stands, walks away*
Horatio: Good work, Katie.