CSI:Miami Road Trip #11: We Ain't Comin' Home

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ok Like I said somethings up in Denmark with this Trip Speed is taking Anni on! What have you got in mind Speed! And why is he getting $10,000 from Lori for this trip? Like Whats up with that!

Scott what is your gig with taking Donna to NY? I can smell some bad Jew Jew all over this one! I have a bad scene playing out in the back of my head and it ain't good!

Lori Doesn't seem to care about having another baby. and whats uo with Katie all up in her money Buisness and why was it nessasary for her to be hangin out why speed was getting money from Lori!

This all smeel like somthing I don;t want to step in!

Gret Update Geni!
:evil: :angel:

Thanks so much for the reviews! Mwahaha.


Miami, side of the road, 8am next day

Horatio: *opens car door*

Tom: *walks over* What the hell am I doing here?

Horatio: This car belongs to Tina Abrams.

Tom: The missing woman from last week? So?

Horatio: PD spotted it abandoned here.

Tom: That doesn't explain what I'm doing here.

Horatio: I'm taking over the case and you're going to help. We need to find her.

Tom: I thought I was going to be stuck on desk duty.

Horatio: Why would that be?

Tom: ...No one filed a complaint about me?

Horatio: Not recently, no.

Tom: *nods*

Horatio: *pulls cellphone from car*

Tom: *looks at cellphone*

Horatio: *pushing buttons*

Tom: Maybe I should try that.

Horatio: *looks at Tom*

Tom: You're old.

Horatio: *lifts brows*

Tom: ...Lieutenant.

Horatio: *hands over cellphone*

Tom: *grabs phone, punches buttons*

Horatio: *looks into car, shines flashlight*

Tom: So this chick killed all her kids?

Horatio: Allegedly.

Tom: She's been missing for almost 2 weeks, she's probably dead. I didn't think CSI investigated missing persons cases.

Horatio: It's a murder investigation.

Tom: So what, you have some big expensive machine that's going to use the fibers in her car seat to figure out where she went or something?

Horatio: *staring at Tom*

APL Manhattan, 9am

Scott: *opens door, walks in*

Donna: *stands, runs over* Sir? ...Did you just run up 48 flights of stairs?

Scott: *smiles* Donna, how nice to see you. Did you file that report I asked for?

Donna: Yes.

Scott: Good. *grabs paper from reception desk* I'll be conducting some interviews this afternoon, I was wondering if you could shuffle through some of these resumés here and tag the ones that are from Florida. I know there are quite a few in here that have applied from New York as a transfer.

Donna: *nods* Of course.

Scott: *flipping through papers, scratches cheek* Is the board room open?

Donna: I think so. Um...does this mean Tina's not coming back?

Scott: Mhm.

Donna: ...I kind of miss her.

Scott: It happens.

Donna: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *walks away*

Donna: *lifts brow*

Board room, 11am

Scott: *shuts blinds*

Lori: *knocks on door*

Scott: *turns around, smiles* Hey.

Lori: *smirks* Just came by to give you your briefcase. You seem to have left it on your way out this morning.

Scott: Yeah I realized that about halfway up, thanks. Where's Steph?

Lori: She's out there with that Donna girl. I hope you don't mind.

Scott: *smiles* Not at all.

Lori: *steps in, shuts door* What are you working on?

Scott: I'm conducting some interviews this afternoon.

Lori: *nods* ...I noticed you took down the gazebo out in the backyard.

Scott: Yeah. *opens folder* It was rotting and there were nails sticking out everywhere, I didn't want Stephanie to be playing out there and get hurt.

Lori: Right. So when did you have time to do that?

Scott: Last night.

Lori: ...You weren't outside last night.

Scott: I did it at 3.

Lori: In the morning?

Scott: Yeah. *throws folder onto table, walks over to window*

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *pulls blinds down*

Lori: Not taking the valium anymore?

Scott: Don't need it.

Lori: Why not?

Scott: Slows me down.

Lori: ...That's what it's for.

Scott: I can't be falling asleep at my desk, Lori. Especially when I'm here until late, otherwise the work won't get done.

Woman: *walks in* I have the report from HR.

Scott: Thank you. *grabs report*

Woman: *walks away*

Scott: *opens folder*

Lori: I-

Scott: *walks over to door, opens it* Could you get back down to HR and request the right report? I'm not part of the finance department.

Woman: *turns around, walks over* What?

Scott: They sent the wrong one.

Woman: Oh. Sorry about the mixup. *grabs folder*

Scott: *smiles* Nevermind, I'll do it myself. *walks away*

Woman: *blinks* Okay.

Lori: *walks over* Where's he going?

Woman: Down to HR. He's been doing that all week.

Lori: Doing what?

Woman: Running around. It's nice to see the VP into his work but to the point where he's doing ours for us? I mean, before he was pretty mellow but now it's like he's got a rocket up his ass.

Lori: *nods*

Woman: Well anyway, I should get back to work before he takes over and does it himself. *walks away*

Lori: *narrows eyes*

Board room, 10 minutes later

Scott: *walks in* Sorry, HR seems to have a communication problem.

Lori: *sitting on table, crosses leg* Did you get it straightened out?

Scott: Yeah. *walks past*

Lori: I want access to your private accounts.

Scott: *opens folder, looks down* I thought you said they'd be too tempting.

Lori: I've been doing some thinking. If anything happens to you down the road, I'll have no way of getting access to them.

Scott: What exactly do you think's going to happen to me?

Lori: ...Nothing. I was just saying. It's probably not a good idea anymore now that Steph's growing up to keep those accounts private, especially if we'll be having more children. Waiting for you to transfer money doesn't seem very logical if it's probable I'll be handling a lot of the expenses while you're away on business.

Scott: We should start off with one of the accounts.

Lori: *nods* Good idea. *stands, walks over* I need to get goin' but uh...*smiles* I'll see you later tonight, right?

Scott: I wouldn't miss it.

Lori: Excellent. *kisses Scott*

Scott: *smirks*

Lori: *pushes Scott against wall*

Scott: *kissing Lori*

Lori: *grabs Scott's hair*

Scott: *winces*

Lori: *trails hand down Scott's chest, slips hair into pocket*

Scott: *kisses Lori's neck*

Lori: *smiles, steps back*

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *smiling* Hold that thought for tonight, alright?

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *walks away*

Miami, Trace Lab

Lori: *walks in, fiddles with Visitor's Pass* Hey, you get the results yet?

Speed: This is the last time you're going to recruit me for your own personal investigations.

Lori: You should have said no.

Speed: *frowns*

Lori: So?

Speed: *grabs paper from printer, looks down* Acetylsalicylic acid, diazepam and cocaine hydrochloride.

Lori: Aspirin, valium and cocaine.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: *frowns* I'm going to kill him. God damnit, he's going to wish he'd stayed in Texas. *walks away*

Speed: *stares blankly*

:wtf: My question to Scott is WHY in the WORLD would you go and get hooked on drugs when your wife * or henceforth: excecutioner* has been fighting tooth and nail to stay straight and sober???? Does he actually know what she's capable of??? What...what she's gonna do to him? Poor , Poor Steph's gonna grow up without a Dadda...

*sigh* guess Scottie didn't get the memo...Let the games begin!

Excellent work!
OoOOOO! The Shits gonna hit the fan now! Ehat is he up to? and where is he getting it from! I can't believe Scott would do this to Steph and Lori! I just hope he has a good exscuse! Speed better get on his horse and go get his boy out of Lori's way before somebody gets hurt!

Great Update Geni!
It's a shame. I really liked Scott... :lol:

I love that Speed's the one Lori turns to, despite how reluctant he is to help her... so funny. :D

Great updates! :D
Hehe, thanks so much for the reviews! :D

Phuuuu Scott's not goin' anywhere. :devil: :p ...at least for the time being. :lol:


Miami, house, 7pm

Scott: *swings Steph into air*

Steph: *squeals, giggles*

Scott: *smiling*


Scott: Oh I think we're done playing airplane, sweetie. *tickles Steph*

Steph: *giggles*

Lori: *walks in, shuts door*

Scott: Cartoons for a little while?

Steph: *smiling, nods*

Scott: Okay. *sits Steph on couch*

Steph: MOTE!

Scott: I'll get the channel. *picks up remote, sits*

Steph: *crawls into Scott's lap, grabs blanket over*

Scott: *flips on channel*

Steph: *stares at TV, claps*

Scott: *places remote on couch*

Lori: *walks over*

Scott: *lifts head, smiles* Hey.

Lori: *sits*

Scott: Where were you?

Lori: I went for a walk, had to do some thinking. I hope you don't mind.

Scott: Not at all.

Lori: *sigh*

Scott: Everything okay?

Lori: *reaches up, kisses Scott's cheek*

Scott: *lifts brow*

Lori: I love you.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *sinks down, hugs Scott's arm*

Scott: ...

Steph: *lies head on Scott's chest, closes eyes*

Lori: *strokes Steph's cheek*

Scott: *staring at television*

Lori: *holds Scott's hand*

Scott: *closes eyes*

Kitchen, 11am next day

Lori: *pours coffee* You want a cup?

Scott: *scratches head* No I don't want a cup.

Lori: It'll give you some energy.

Scott: *opens fridge* Don't we have any food that isn't riddled with fat and sugar?

Lori: There's some yogurt in the fridge if you want that for breakfast.

Scott: *slams fridge door shut*

Lori: *looks over*

Scott: *leans forehead against fridge*

Lori: Shouldn't you be on a plane to New York?

Scott: Shouldn't you be looking for a job someday?

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *rubs eyes* I apologize.

Lori: It's okay. *lifts cup*

Scott: *grabs cup*

Lori: *walks over to table, sits*

Steph: *eats bread*

Lori: Didn't have a good night's sleep or something?

Scott: Not really. *sips coffee*

Lori: Yeah you seem a bit grumpy and on edge. Haven't been taking the valium for a couple days?

Scott: *shakes head*

Lori: I heard you've been quite the busy body at work lately.

Scott: Really.

Lori: Yep. *smiles* It's great that you've been finding all the energy to work and play with Stephanie. My mother and I were just discussing the other day how you haven't been around Steph much because of work but this is great! Seems like you're getting back into a stable place.

Scott: Uh huh. *drinks coffee*

Lori: You're not really a morning person, are ya. *shrugs* That's okay, I used to be the same way, especially when I was using. Nights were fun, really fun but after not using for a few hours, it was a total pain in the ass. Of course after a while when I was going at the cocaine and meth pretty heavily, I was grumpy all the time. You can never really get to that same high again. Frustrating as hell.

Scott: *leans against counter, sips coffee*

Lori: Ugh, man I think back to that week I spent in the hospital before getting into treatment and I wonder why the hell I ever continued using in the first place. I mean, supposedly cocaine withdrawal isn't all that bad but I didn't find much relief in that since I was coming off of meth at the same time. I didn't think a human being could withstand being that sick.

Scott: *staring at Lori*

Lori: And the scariest part of it was that I didn't realize how horrible I looked until after I got into treatment. Remember what I looked like when we first met? Scabs everywhere, bad teeth, stringy hair, rail-thin body...I looked like the crypt-keeper.

Scott: *nods slowly*

Lori: Not to mention I was pretty sure I'd never have a kid turn out properly if I ever actually went through with a pregnancy. Hey, you think cocaine affects men's sperm too?

Scott: *stares blankly*

Lori: I guess I'll have to google it. Anyway, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, you're not a morning person. *lifts cup, sips tea*

Scott: *walks over, sits*

Steph: *reaches for milk carton*

Scott: *picks up carton, slides glass over*

Steph: *smiles, claps*

Scott: *pours milk*

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *places carton onto table*

Steph: *picks up glass, drinks*

Scott: *staring at Steph*

Lori: I kind of feel bad for Tom. I mean, if he hadn't starting using heroin, he'd be in the same place you are right now. Respectable job, loving girlfriend or wife and a little girl that worships the ground he walks on.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: OH! You want some toast? I can make toast now. I didn't even start any fires last time.

Scott: *leans back in chair, stares at Lori*

Lori: ...Your eyes are piercing through my soul again.

Scott: I should head to work. I'll be back in a few days.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: *wraps arm around Steph*

Steph: *hugs Scott*

Scott: *kisses top of Steph's head*

Lori: *smirks*

Scott: *stands, walks over*

Lori: *stands*

Scott: *hugs Lori*

Lori: *blinks* Oof.

Scott: *hugs tighter*

Lori: *winces*

Scott: *whispers* I love you.

Lori: *wraps arms around Scott*

Scott: *sigh*

Lori: I'll see you when you get back.

Scott: Yeah. *walks away*

Lori: *looks at Steph*

Steph: *wipes mouth with sleeve*

Plane, air

Donna: WOW! Look how high we are!

Scott: *frowning*

Donna: This is so exciting! And look at all the free drinks! Can I have some alcohol?

Scott: No.

Donna: Darn. OH OH! Look at the plasma screen on the wall! How many channels does it have?

Scott: About 600.

Donna: *runs over to hall, opens door* WOW! Look at the size of this bathroom! You could fit a whole army in here.

Scott: *stands, walks over* Miss Wilson, why don't you have a seat.

Donna: Oh...sorry. It's just...this is my first plane ride.

Scott: I understand that but you're making me dizzy and I'm already not in a very good mood.

Donna: Oops. How come you're not in a good mood?

Scott: Sit.

Donna: Okay. *walks over to couch, sits*

Scott: *sits*

Donna: You look kinda sad.

Scott: You remember how I told you to stay out of trouble?

Donna: Yeah.

Scott: Well I uh...I haven't exactly been...practicing what I preach. I've let myself down and I'm sure my wife knows everything.

Donna: ...You've been sleeping with 40-year old men?

Scott: *smiles*

Donna: Guess not.

Scott: I'm trying to get things back together so if I'm a bit short with you, that's why.

Donna: *nods* Okay. So um...how long exactly have you been 'letting yourself down'?

Scott: Only for the past couple of days.

Donna: Is it 'cause of Mark's death?

Scott: ...That's part of it.

Donna: It'll be okay. I know it. You're the strongest, most responsible guy I've ever known. You'll make it.

Scott: *smiles* I appreciate the vote of confidence.

Donna: No problem.

Barbados, Villa

Anni: *smiling, wraps arms around Speed's neck* How in the world did you afford this?

Speed: Never you mind.

Anni: This doesn't seem like a cop's salary type of place. *kisses Speed*

Speed: *smirks*

Anni: I love it.

Speed: Excellent. You've got a massage at 3.

Anni: *lifts brows* I do?

Speed: Mhm.

Anni: *smiles* By you?

Speed: *laughs* Fortunately, no. I think I'll leave that to the professionals. I wouldn't want to hurt you too terribly bad.

Anni: Awww. Someone's concerned about my physical safety. That's adorable.

Speed: I'll also be sure to check the bed for any snakes and bees.

Anni: *grabs Speed by the shirt* Why don't we both check the bed.

Speed: I'm pretty sure you'll miss your appointment.

Anni: We can re-schedule.

I love Lori's subtle way of exposing that she knows! And the fact that she did it with tact and love...just shows where she's at right now. She truly does love Scott, and is now willing to be what he needs to help him out of it. She's so great!

Ah...Speed and Anni in Barbados...I wonder how long it's going to take them to get on each other's nerves? Not like I'm voting for that, but ...until their issues are resolved, then I think its safe to say that any moment that time bomb is going to tick...tick...tick..

Awesome update! I just love (Lori/Scott)
Well I thinkLori got that message delivered! Now its up to Scott to get himself together and cutthe the shit out! I think he will do what needs to be done for Lori & Steph! He loves them more than anythig!

Speed you are walking a fine line buddy! I have know idea what your up to, but its about to backfire somewhere and then your ass is gonna have to get out of it! I don't think Anni isgonna be happy if she finds out where that money came from for this fantsy vacation! Uh Excuse me if my deducktion is off the mark, But am I wrong when I say wasn't Speed the one that was all up in Loi's Shit about takeing all of Scott's money and just Using him for that purpose!

Exscuse me Speed, but it would seem that you seem to be dipping in the Scott treasury Depatment when ever you see fit, So whats the differance? I think your using Lori to get what you want out of Scott's money so don't even question Lori's and accuse her of wanting him for his money! Seems to me your enjoying a little more of Scott's money at your own leasure. I just hope Lori doesn't get into trouble for letting you have it without Scott's knowledge! $10,000.00 is alot of money to take out of a safe without consulting your spouce about why you are taking it.

Speed Grow Some Balls and quit living it up on Scott's Dime!
CSISDFlash said:
Uh Excuse me if my deducktion is off the mark, But am I wrong when I say wasn't Speed the one that was all up in Loi's Shit about takeing all of Scott's money and just Using him for that purpose!

Exscuse me Speed, but it would seem that you seem to be dipping in the Scott treasury Depatment when ever you see fit, So whats the differance? I think your using Lori to get what you want out of Scott's money so don't even question Lori's and accuse her of wanting him for his money! Seems to me your enjoying a little more of Scott's money at your own leasure.

You make a really good point -- and you're not far off the mark at all. :) I think at this point, the only one that's never actually warmed up to Scott because he has money is Lori! :eek: :lol: What are the odds?

However, because earlier up she did say:

Lori: *kneels at safe* How much did he say?

So at this point, we know Scott gave permission to afford Speed some money, we just don't know how much he really told him to get. :devil: (Well, I know. But I wrote it. :p)

Thanks so much for the reviews! :)


Barbados, Villa, 3 days later

Speed: *reading paper*

Anni: *runs over* Let's go for a swim in the pool!

Speed: Pools and I don't get along.

Anni: Oh come on! It'll be fun! *grabs Speed's arm* Besides, you need a tan.

Speed: I live in Miami and I don't tan, what makes you think I'll tan in Barbados?

Anni: Because Miami's full of buildings and stuff which blocks some of the sun and you spend half your day in an air conditioned lab, therefore you have little opportunity to tan. This is our vacation, you need to get back and show them that you actually had fun. Outside.

Speed: I'm having plenty of fun.

Anni: Tim, you're reading the weather.

Speed: It's supposed to be 70 in Miami today and it feels like 94 here.

Anni: And that's precisely why we're going to go outside. *grabs newspaper* Get up.

Speed: *angry sigh* Anni, we've been going all week. I'm not 20.

Anni: You're not 80 either so get off your butt and spend some time outside.

Speed: *stands* How do you find all this energy?

Anni: I'm a woman.

Speed: *stares at Anni* ...So?

Anni: *smiles*

Manhattan, condo, 7pm

Donna: *steps in*

Scott: There's some soda in the fridge, help yourself.

Donna: *looks around* Wow...nice place.

Scott: I'm only ever here on business. It's good for eating, sleeping and watching the news.

Donna: *walks over to window, looks out* Nice view.

Scott: You can thank our CEO for that. She lives in the same building.

Donna: *turns around* Were you ever...scared when you first left home for the big city?

Scott: My parents moved to the Upper East Side when I was a teen so I knew the city pretty well.

Donna: Yeah but when you were finally on your own? This city's really intimidating. I mean, it's cut-throat really.

Scott: It can be. *shrugs, opens fridge* But the trick is to look real mean everywhere you go. That way everyone leaves you alone.

Donna: *laughs*

Scott: *smiles, opens beer* Here, catch. *throws soda*

Donna: *catches soda* Thank you, sir.

Scott: Mm. *lowers beer* Don't call me sir, not when we're out of the office.

Donna: *nods* Okay Mister Finch.

Scott: *smiles, walks over* Scott.

Donna: *stares at Scott* I thought y-

Scott: We're not at the office, remember?

Donna: Right.

Scott: You should be used to being on your own, right? I mean, you're emancipated, you have your own apartment, job, school...

Donna: *looks down at floor* I still get scared. In fact, being at work is the only place where I feel like myself. Where I'm not scared. It's a big world out there, y'know?

Scott: *nods*

Donna: And in all truthiness, my wordly experience pretty much leveled off after you caught me making out with that guy in the photocopy room. Did you know I've ever even had a boyfriend?

Scott: You're young yet. *walks over to kitchen*

Donna: That's what everyone tells me. I mean, when did you first get a girlfriend?

Scott: Oh I was probably...15? I wouldn't exactly have called it a relationship though. *smiles* There's quite a difference between sharing the same table for lunch and falling in love.

Donna: ...So when did you first fall in love?

Scott: A few years ago.

Donna: *lifts brow* Kinda recent.

Scott: Well it's not a contest. *drinks beer*

Donna: Some of us thought you had a thing for the CEO.

Scott: *laughs*

Donna: *smiles* What? Y'all were always spending time together and she'd always show up to Miami and one of the guys from Finance said that she was getting a little too close for comfort.

Scott: There's absolutely nothing there, at least not on my part. So the rumour committee can find something else to gossip about.

Donna: There are other rumours about you too. Well, not so much about you, but your wife.

Scott: Really.

Donna: Yep. Everyone thinks that you went to Colombia and found her in a slum and brought her back to America and married her so she could stay in the country and then you taught her our language and stuff. Except when I first met her, her English seemed to be quite good.

Scott: She's an American citizen. I met her in Miami.

Donna: Oh. So she was never in Colombia?

Scott: ...She was at one point. But that was before I met her.

Donna: Well I like her, she seems really cool.

Scott: *smiles* Why don't we get you back to your hotel. *lifts keys* Got 'em.

Donna: You'd think APL would pay for my car ride back.

Scott: Well that's on the list of things that needs to be fixed.

Donna: They drove you home.

Scott: Yes well I'm not one of the 'peons', afterall.

Donna: *smiles*

Scott: Let's go. Parking garage is downstairs.

Parking garage

Donna: So where's your vehicle?

Scott: Right there.

Donna: *looks at motorcycle* ...

Scott: *hands over helmet*

Donna: ...If I had parents, they would KILL me.

Scott: *laughs*

Donna: You are the coolest boss EVER.

Scott: *swings leg over bike, sits* You coming or what?

Donna: Um...just out of curiosity...how exactly do I...hang on?

Scott: There are bars in the back but I never find those very stable.

Donna: So I'd have to touch you.

Scott: If that makes you uncomfortable, I can always call you a cab.

Donna: No no, I want to do the motorcycle thing. *smiles* Definitely want to do the motorcycle thing. *jumps onto bike*

Scott: *revvs engine*

Bike speeds forward

Donna: *screams, grabs Scott*

Hotel, half hour later

Scott: *pulls key from bike*

Donna: *takes off helmet* Thanks for the ride. *steps off bike, staggers sideways*

Scott: *grabs Donna's arm*

Donna: Thanks.

Scott: *stands, walks around bike* Sorry, people tell me I drive a little too fast.

Donna: It was fun.

Scott: *walks up steps*

Donna: ...What are you doing?

Scott: Making sure you get upstairs okay. *waves hand* Come on.

Donna: *runs up steps*

14th floor, room 203

Donna: *slips key into slot*

Door clicks

Donna: *opens door, walks in* You're welcome to stay for a coffee or something. *sits on bed*

Scott: *stands in doorway* Ah nah, I need to get back and get some sleep. But you'll be okay here?

Donna: *looks down at floor* Yeah, probably.

Scott: *tilts head, steps in* Everything okay?

Donna: I spend...every night by myself. *lifts knees, wraps arms around them* ...I just wish I didn't always feel alone.

Scott: I'm sorry, Donna.

Donna: It's okay. Like you said, I'm young. I'm sure I'll...find at least one friend someday.

Scott: *walks over, sits*

Donna: *scoffs* Here I am, pouring myself out to my boss. I'm such a loser.

Scott: *places hand on Donna's back* You're not a loser, sweetie.

Donna: *shrugs*

Scott: Get some sleep, okay? We have an early flight back tomorrow. I'll have my car sent here to pick you up.

Donna: Kay.

Scott: *stands*

Donna: *lifts head* Mister F...Scott?

Scott: *looks back* Yeah.

Donna: Thanks for invitin' me along.

Scott: *smiles* You earned it.

Donna: *smirks*

Scott: See you tomorrow morning.

Donna: *nods*

Scott: *walks away, shuts door*

Donna: *smiles, sighs*

Awww... Speed and Anni are so cute right now. :D I'm happy when they're happy.

I think that's the best possible way Lori could've gone about confronting him without causing a scene... I love that Scott understood exactly what she was getting at, too. :D

Great update!

ETA: No sooner do I finish, you post an update. Not complaining at all, just smirking. :)

Scott's so sweet with Donna... I wish I knew a guy like him...

And Anni and Speed are still really, really cute together. :D

Another great update!
Last edited:
I agree, Anni and Speed are cute in Barbados. I love that Anni's getting back to her old self, not letting anything stop her. There's hope for them yet!

Scott's just...Scott. He's going to do his best to help out anyone, and give support. I thought it was cool that he was able to sort of Mentor Donna in a way. It's important , especially when she's all alone. But was it just me, or did that border on inappropriate?

Excellent update!
Thanks so much for the reviews. :) :adore:


Barbados, street

Anni: *jumps up and down* LET'S GO THERE! LET'S GO THERE!

Speed: *looks at watch* I think Speed's had enough.

Anni: Oh come on, the heat's dying down now, we can do MORE!

Speed: *stops walking* Anni, not that I don't love this side of you but...

Anni: What?

Speed: It's becoming slightly irritating.

Anni: *stares at Speed*

Speed: I can appreciate that you've found this zest for life again b-

Anni: What's wrong with loving life?

Speed: Nothing.

Anni: So there's just something wrong with me loving life. Am I that annoying?

Speed: Some of the time, yes.

Anni: Well that's perfect. Happy anniversary to me, my husband thinks I'm annoying.

Speed: Anni-

Anni: Bye. *walks away*

Speed: *frowns*

Villa, 8pm

Speed: *reading book*

Guy: *knocks on door* Room service.

Speed: *looks back, stands*

Guy: *walks in* Brought some towels.

Speed: Thanks.

Guy: I saw you come back up alone, does your wife have another massage appointment? I can bring up an extra housecoat.

Speed: No, it's fine. I doubt she'll be back anytime soon.

Guy: *laughs* Oooh, had a fight?

Speed: We're men, right? Everything we say is wrong.

Guy: I hear ya. My girlfriend just *flaps hands* bitch bitch bitches. But of course nothing she does is HER fault.

Speed: What's your name, kid?

Guy: Dane.

Speed: *nods* Do me a favour, stop delivering towels to get a look at my wife.

Dane: *smile fades* Ha, well...she's super hot, am I right?

Speed: *stares at Dane*

Dane: So where'd she run off to?

Speed: None of your business.

Dane: *laughs* DAYUM! You don't know where she is!

Speed: *frowning*

Dane: Dude, some vacation, huh?

Speed: Are the phone lines here working properly? I can't seem to get a call to her cell.

Dane: We don't allow long distance calling. But if you get a satellite phone, you could catch her that way.

Speed: Do you have a satellite phone?

Dane: No.

Speed: *frowns*

Dane: You could buy one.

Speed: Where?

Dane: America.

Speed: Helpful.

Dane: You know where she might have gone? Because the streets here at night aren't always the safest.

Speed: Could you take me around town?

Dane: I don't swing that way.

Speed: To find my wife.

Dane: Oh. Sure.

Car, 3am

Speed: *staring out window*

Dane: You find her yet?

Speed: Circle again.

Dane: Come on dude, we've been at this 7 hours. Maybe she just went and stayed at another villa somewhere.

Speed: With what money? She didn't have a purse on her. Stop the car, we're searching on foot.

Dane: I'm not searching anywhere. I agreed to drive you around. What do I look like, your own personal servant? I just deliver the towels.

Speed: I'll pay you 500 dollars.

Dane: ...Let's get walking.

Miami, house, 7am

Lori: *opens fridge*

Steph: *reaches up to stove*


Steph: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *walks over, grabs Steph's arm* NO! *slaps Steph's hand*

Steph: *blinks, starts to cry*

Lori: *turns stove off*

Katie: You should have just let her burn her little fingers on the stove. That stopped me when I was little.

Lori: Did I ask you?

Katie: What crawled up your ass and died?

Lori: She's been a little brat all week! I tell her not to touch something and she touches it anyway! It's pissing me off!

Katie: So you've been slapping her?

Lori: *frowns* What else am I supposed to do? Let her down a bottle of draino? Throw the remote at the television? Toss my car keys down the toilet? Besides, a little tap on the hand does not abuse make.

Katie: It might be a tap while I'm here, maybe not while you're alone when Scott's out of town.

Lori: *swings Steph up, sits her into chair* I'm not getting into this with you.

Steph: *wiping eyes, coughs*

Lori: *drinks tea*

Katie: What does Scott do when she acts up?

Lori: Scott has a way with kids. I don't.

Katie: Maybe you should try...patience.

Lori: Maybe you should try not giving parental advice. You aren't exactly an expert.

Steph: *looks down, rubs hand*

Katie: Hey, you turned out okay.

Lori: Because of me. Not because of you.

Katie: If I recall correctly, I'm the one that sent you to treatment.

Lori: I'm the one that chose to complete it.

Katie: Yeah because a guy was involved. Ten bucks says if you hadn't met Scott, you wouldn't have lasted 20 seconds there.

Lori: What happened to being proud of what I've accomplished?

Katie: I am proud at what you've accomplished. I'm just saying, you didn't do the whole thing on your own. You had a family that was here for you and cared enough about you not to cut off all ties. And yeah I might not be an expert at parenting but I love you very much and I always have.

Lori: *nods*

Katie: ...Do you even love me?

Lori: *looks at Katie* Of course I do.

Katie: That's a first. I mean, I know you love your father but-

Lori: What's that supposed to mean?

Katie: Nothing, but I'm sure we still have issues.

Lori: *nods* A few.

Steph: *grabs yellow crayon, scribbles on paper*

Katie: *looks at Steph* She looks just like you when you were little.

Lori: *leans back in chair*

Steph: *throws yellow crayon, grabs pink crayon*

Katie: Makes me feel guilty all over again.

Lori: *stares at Katie*

Oh...my...what an anniversary?! To be told by your husband that you annoy him to no end...My heart broke for Anni right at that moment. And then for her to go missing and he's all lackadasical about it until the towel boy says something about the streets being dangerous- does he realize the percentage of kidnappings in foriegn countries??? Poor Anni could be skinless somewhere at the point he decided to go and look for her. I swear, I don't need to leave a memo for Speed... FIND ANNI!

Lori's frayed around the edges, even more so when Scott's not around. I think it's time for Scott to make a choice, his family, or his high profile job. He can find something else that's not as demanding...cause if not, he's going to be seeing Stephanie over holidays and weekends...OH WAIT...he's already doing that... All that's left then I suppose is to divorce Lori...Surely he doesn't want that...Does he??

Very interesting predicaments...Excellent updates~!
Ok how did I know that Speed would Screw that Trip up and loose Anni in sme forign country and not be able to locate her? knowing him he'll just shrug his shoulders and get on a plane and come home and leave her there!

and Scott what are you doing? You are getting just a little to chummy with Donna! Dude i know you feel sorry for her, but you need to step away from the minor! In all seriousness I can see ten thousand reasons why this is so bad.

And whats up with Lori? She needs to start taken her meds because she is like getting way to Bitchy for her own good! And yes she needs to makle Steph mind! If not she will have problems later on wit her!

Great update Geni!
Aww... *pats Katie's shoulder* It's okay. Lori's doing great. :)

Steph, stop misbehaving. :p

And why's Speed always gotta be that guy? :lol:

Great update!
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