CSI: Miami Picture Thread ~Possible S6 Spoilers~

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Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

^Umm, I don't see why I can't be a H/Y shipper. I have been (in fact, that's the only gal' I'll ship with Horatio, but that's for another forum) ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Hi Lucy,

I didn't say male couldn't be a fan of old classical love stories. I just say it might be more appealing to gals. ;) As a woman myself, I'm more than happy to know your male friends think the relationship realistic.
However, in the real world, ladies just might prefer to accompany with this romantic ideal without an actual spouse; whereas gentlemen might bury the ideal at the bottom of their hearts and move on with their lives.

Just my 2 cents. *dodging from the shippers* ;)

Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

However, in the real world, ladies just might prefer to accompany with this romantic ideal without an actual spouse

sorry been out of topic, but i don`t see in H/Y relationship any trace of romantic ideal . theirs connection is more deep then friends or lovers.....here have just a hint of possibly love story. they never say or done anything that u can category like romantic ideal. as Lusy say here have only one interesting and beautiful journey...form where or to where..noone know, but this is the most nice part at theirs scene in CSI Miami...as u compare the real life with the tv show reality for me can`t deny that in the real world peoples somethimes just pass each other in all meaning of this words. hope u got my thoughts.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

If I recall correctly there is this episode where Horatio tells Yelina that he still sees her as his brother's wife even though Raymond is dead
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

^ see Qiong say this for H/Y : old romantic story or this romantic ideal .....i don`t think so, and that`s was i try to say. yes in epi. 'Blood brothers' H tell Y this quote, but this still don`t mean that Qiong is right. i do not believ in Love and this soup stuff, but for me here for H and Y have something more deep and different. they two know one other too well, they are big peoples - 'ripe', intellect and know where to stop and to not cross the line. in my real life i have same friends , they are make for one other maybe love one other but they are still friends. if u are in love or have strong feeling toward someone that don`t have too mean that u must have relationship...somethims things are this way half say or show...i personally like this 'magic' part in H and Y moments....did i this tame make my thought clean ?!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

If I recall correctly there is this episode where Horatio tells Yelina that he still sees her as his brother's wife even though Raymond is dead
Yes, that's in 'Blood Brothers'. After this, you only have to watch the final scene of 'Hurricane Anthony' to realize that Horatio is more than just a little churned up inside about it. Infact, he backpeddles totally emotionally, hence Yelina's slightly shocked reaction and his 'thank you' to her at the end of the scene. He is thanking her for her understanding as he is doing an emotional u-turn (after his admission in 'Blood Brothers'), and she must be more than a little perplexed about it.

There is just so much to their relationship and you have to look at the bigger picture in order to understand it fully. I could give countless examples of other instances between them, though this is not the place to do it.

As this is so very off topic (of which I am probably the most quilty!), I really must request that discussions on this take place in The H/Y Thread in Shipper Central. Thanks. :)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

The weekend is coming to a close, so I thought I'd post this random still from the Miami set of Sofia and Khandi.

Enjoy. :)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

That's one of my fav Khandi/Sofia pics. Both look absolutly gorgeous. Thankies Shane!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Wuaaa!! Gorgeous pic of Khandi and Sofia! Thanks Shane!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Wow, beautiful pic there Shane! :D Thanks muchly for sharing it :)

I thought I'd bring pics from a few fav scenes of mine from 'Forced Entry' - I'm slowly but surely getting through season 1, and loving it so far ;)

Here we have Alexx, Eric and Calleigh in the morgue, microwaving the victim's hand. I liked this because Calleigh's so sweet when she's get uncomfortable about doing this :D

Let's get cooking!

Next, Speed's comment to the lab tech 'that's a nice tie', to which the techy responds, 'you're desparate, aren't you?' :lol:

Nice tie scene

Lastly, this pic of Calleigh, because I love her smartass line 'I'm a CSI and a damn good one' :lol: (this is after the killer says 'you're forgetting, I'm a lawyer, and a damn good one' ) :lol:

Hee hee...I got the better of you!

Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

That'a a beautiful picture of Sofia and Khandi Shane. Thanks. :)

Thanks too wibble. I really miss Speed's humour/sarcasm. Great pics though. :D
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

nice pics wibble, love them and i never saw them before. Thanks for it... greetz Nathalie :D
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Oh, man I completley forgot about that whole tie scene, thanks for reminding me wibble. And I miss it to Lucy. Does anybody remember what episode that was from?
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

^ The tie scene is from 'Forced Entry', season 1 :)

Glad you all like the pics - you're all welcome :D
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Oh wibbsy thank you for those. *remembers the good CSI: Miami moments*
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