CSI: Miami Picture Thread ~Possible S6 Spoilers~

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Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

wow...i mean, i had considered the possibility that yelina would be back in the picture but...i never actually took the possibility seriously. wow.

know where i can find some S5 shots of ryan? im curious as to what he looks like next season.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Just to confirm, that picture of Horatio and Yelina is from Season 2's 'Hurricane Anthony'.

The cast and crew won't start working on Season 5 until July. :)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Lovely pic Shane! :D I've yet to meet Yelina in S1 (only up to 'Entrance Wound' at the moment), but those two look nice together. I especially like H's eyes in that pic ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

abc said:
^Sorry about that Lucy. I thought I made myself clear.
No problem at all Shane. :)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Just some various UHQ (ultra High quality) cast promos. :)
(some you might have)

Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Haven't seen the H man one before, very nice shane. Thanks.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Have them all...but it's always great to see them. Can't get enough of those all in white. Thehe.
Thankies Shane!

Before I forget...I need to ask you something about a couple of Season 1 stills. Just contact me, when you're online! ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

Wow, Shane! Those are some amazing pics! :eek: Check out the suit on H - hot! :cool:

Really like the Alexx ones too, especially the one of her in white :D thanks for posting them Shane, I haven't seen any of those before! :)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

thank you very much. I love my Eric wearing white! :D
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

I have the H one. Thanks shane. They're all gorgeous.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

abc said:
the H and Y shipper that I am
Shane, I find it's hard to believe that you are actually a H/Y shipper, regarding the fact that most of the shippers are gals. And the old romantic story like the one between H and Y may be more attractive to women, because, in my opinion, that kind of story would more likely to exist in imagination rather than in reality. And men lean to be realistic though. ;)
No offense. Just my 2 cents.

BTW, I PM you.

Re: CSI: Miami Season 1-4 Picture Thread ~Possible S4 Spoile

On the contrary, I have male friends (and know of a couple here at TalkCSI too) who are CSIM fans and really like the H/Y 'relationship', because of it's realistic portrayal on screen. They like the whole concept as it is so believable, not to mention very romantic. Some guys love the romantic ideal. :)

As Sofia Milos said, their storyarc isn't necessarily about getting together, it's about the journey. It's the good old fashioned romance that underscores the appeal of these two characters, and I'm sure many members of the viewership, both male and female, can really identify with and appreciate that.
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