[CSI: Miami Music Thread #1] Let's enjoy the moments



Since all music questions are in different threads each time you have several name requests for one song... Let's make a thread just for CSI: Miami so people can easily look up a song they are looking for!


Previous threads (so we can look up songs)
None yet


Usefull websites
- Shanshu.de.vu
- Elyse's CSI Site
- TuneFind
- BlueCurl


Do you have additional information for this post.. PM me!
This post can be found here.
To start: I am looking for the spanish rap from season 1 episode 3 wet foot/dry foot... the song is played when horatio and Megan are driving to the brother's house with the warrent. I am not good with spanish so if anyone can post a part of the lyric it'll be fine to... then I can search for it myself!

second: everywhere there is listed that "lemon jely" with "come" is at the beginning of that episode... I;ve gone 100 times over that episode but my ears don't seem to hear that song in that episode.. maybe a mix up?
Hey! Great idea, BlueCurl :) And sorry, but I can't help you with your questions so far. :(

Still_RIP_Speed, you can buy the CSI:Miami Soundtrack, e.g. at Amazon (*follow me to the German Amazon site which offers the soundtrack* :p )
I don't know if there is another one yet available :confused:

(ETA: whaa! I first thought that I messed up the link again, but somehow the board changed into html-code by itself and entered s/th completely different...hä?)
I'm hoping you all can help me. I saw CSI: Miami last night "Darkroom" and I can't for the life of me find the name or artist of the song that was playing in the opening scene at the tollbooth. Any takers? Thanks for your help!
Hey there! Does anybody know where to find a listing of the songs from Tinder Box? I'm actually trying to find the song played by the dj in the very beginning!
So sorry for the double post but does anyone know the name of the song the played in the morgue in "Lost Son?" It was by Coldplay
^ Apparantly it is by 'Faultline feat. Chris Martin' and it's called 'Where is my boy?' :)

I hope that helps.