OMG you do not know how much I suck right now. I've been negelecting this thread too much and I've come back to millions of lovely new
icons. All of the icons on tha last page were
awesome, but I'm afraid I'm tired and I'm only commenting the ones on this page..for now. So off we go...
katelynne- I love your first one on this page. I can never get imaged that small to look so good. The blueish coloring on your second set is amazing and I know it;s not Miami-related but you Paramore icons are hot. From the set before last I love number 43

. The newest blue set i think are your best and number 24 is great, the text is a really nice effect (and again, the Paramore icons rock)
Wolfesgamergirl-In the first set you posted, the 2nd one is gorgeous, it was a really nice choice of texture and it fitted really well. Your second batch are amazing, i love the softness of the images and the brushes and textures you used are really nice. My favourite has to be the middle one with the star
Kat- I love all of your new icons, especially the middle one from the first set and the coloring on the 1st new Ryan one is amazing. I also really like the first H/Y one- nice choice of brush
LMH- I really like the H/Y one with the blue on it, it's lovely
that_girl1- I love all three, but my favorite has to be the second one. the frame goes really nice with the image you used.
Just 5 from me I have no time
Ryan- for a challenge Natalia