CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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katpin31791 said:
Don't know if this will help or not but I'd read somewhere you crop the picture you want & then go to image & click on image size then type in 100x100. This is for PS though not sure if it'll work on yours depending what you have. If this isn't what you were looking for my apologies.

BTW Nice icons everyone.

I did that with photoshop and then tried to post it here and it was over the 20kb limit. Switcing to gif made it about 6kb. Quiet a difference. Of course I know nothing else....!! :lol:
i use photoshop too and i know that saving the icon as "gif" means on the one hand smaller size, but on the other hand also a pretty big loss of quality.
you could also try to klick on "safe for web" instead of just "safe as...". then you have the possibility to keep it as a jpg file, which means good quality, but also reduce the file size.
hope that helped :)

oh and nice icons everyone!
mitzi said:
I was wondering if anyone had the time if they'd be able to make me one with this picture?

Hope you like these


The second and third icon, i've saved with the "as web" option. It does reduce the file size and I don't seem to lose any quality, so thank ya :D
Oh, and fo_poozle, I love the icon you're currently using... I took one look at it and went "Hey, those look like Jensen's lips. Wait, they ARE Jensen's lips!"
:lol: thank you! hes got some nice lips don't he? and amazing icons i love the 1st ryan one.
and Kit4na,Hrockz,ilh214 amazing icons all the h love is great!
Need4Speed fantastic too i love the speed one!
and Katie yours are always amazing i love the coloring and cropping on that 1st calleigh especially!
here's some new ones i made....

oh and Kit4na, i customized one of your H icons i hope you don't mind.... i think it's quite good actually.
Need4Speed said:
oh and Kit4na, i customized one of your H icons i hope you don't mind.... i think it's quite good actually.

No worries, he IS sexy it's criminal so :lol:
Well in PSP I crop as a square, then resize as 100x100 and well I save them as PNG. The board accepts it and it makes the icon look better IMO. Both my icon and banner are made by me and saved as PNG.
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