CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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great icons everyone. great work. here are some of mine.

Katpin , beautiful icons, I love the helpless one.

Anyways, a while back I asked if any of you talented TalkCSi's could make me a icon and banner of my Crossover Series. I'm not picky about about the pictures used, as long as it has the four of them on the banner with Crossover written on it. The icon would just need to be the four of them with no wording on it.

Stella, Mac, Horatio, Calleigh

"If I haven't posted this in the right place, I fully appoligize.
luvingmyHoratio said:
Katpin , beautiful icons, I love the helpless one.

Anyways, a while back I asked if any of you talented TalkCSi's could make me a icon and banner of my Crossover Series. I'm not picky about about the pictures used, as long as it has the four of them on the banner with Crossover written on it. The icon would just need to be the four of them with no wording on it.

Stella, Mac, Horatio, Calleigh

"If I haven't posted this in the right place, I fully appoligize.

is it ok if the icon is animated? and if yes, would yoou like it to say anything?

and amazing icons everyone, they are all so fantastic!
That would be wonderful, but won't TalkCSI remove them :(. I had used one before and they removed it on me. :( Though that would be wonderful. :D So much beautiful talent out here. The only thing it would need to say would be Crossover, or Crossover the Series.

Thank-you so much for answering my post. :D
catwarfan I love the first and last one!! :)

Maybe that icon was too big for the boards,that's why they removed it! ;)
Thanks for the feedback Athens. That last one is one of my favorites of H and Calleigh as well. I haven't done icons for a bit.

Here's three new ones - H and Calleigh again of course :) ( I didn't know about the new rule. I'll make sure to follow it mods.)




Credit me if you take any please. Masks are thanks to Mutsie on Live Journal .More of my icons can be found here:
My photobucket No hotlinking to my account please.
Awesome job, Lilly! I love your icons - they're always very simple, and this batch had particularly nice lighting. ;) Go you!
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