CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Those are great speedmonkey. :D The Calleigh icons are gorgeous! I snagged one and will credit when I use. :)

H-crazy again :D

Anybody know how to make the filesizes smaller without losing quality? Lost quite a lot of quality on the second avatar which is a shame :(
Kit4na said:
Anybody know how to make the filesizes smaller without losing quality? Lost quite a lot of quality on the second avatar which is a shame :(

Well did you crop it like a square? If you resize you always have to make sure your crop was a square. Also, what program do you use? Cause I use PSP9 and then I'd know another thing to do but I don't know Photoshop.
I made a couple CSI:M icons today for the first time in a looooong time... let's see if I remember how to do image tags...


Oh, and fo_poozle, I love the icon you're currently using... I took one look at it and went "Hey, those look like Jensen's lips. Wait, they ARE Jensen's lips!" :lol:
Wow, there are some great icons in here! As always, of course.
I'll have some of my own to share soon ;)
Sorry Tati can't help you there with your question. I think it's also got do with the quality of the screencap you take the pic from. I have the same problem as you, sometimes the quality can't fit into the 100x100 rule.


Happy H
Hey everyone!

Great icons! - I really must learn how to!

Am able to have an icon after a few more posts *excited*. I was wondering if anyone had the time if they'd be able to make me one with this picture?

Am useless at thinking up captions for these things so whatever anyone thinks.

Thanks :)
Kit4na said:
Anybody know how to make the filesizes smaller without losing quality? Lost quite a lot of quality on the second avatar which is a shame

I asked the same question over in the tutorial section. I have only made 2 icons and was not able to size them right. It was suggested to try it as a gif file and it worked. The one that is my avatar I made as a gif file. Of course it is only cropped and I have no clue what else to do now. I am poking around in the tutorials trying to learn!
Don't know if this will help or not but I'd read somewhere you crop the picture you want & then go to image & click on image size then type in 100x100. This is for PS though not sure if it'll work on yours depending what you have. If this isn't what you were looking for my apologies.

BTW Nice icons everyone.
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