CSI: Miami Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

Thanks! Unfortunately, they still don't have what I'm looking for. I guess I'll have to be more specific, and see if that helps. The one I'm looking for is the scene at the end of innocent when they're all walking across the beach to the crime scene. I can't find one anywhere :( :confused:
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

DragonflyDreamer said:
Wow. Everyone is so good a making icons. (Unlike me... but I try.) They're all gorgeous! Can anyone tell me a good place to get Miami caps? I'm having trouble finding the one I want.

i get most of mine here but they only have s1 and about half of s2.
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

DragonflyDreamer said:
Can anyone tell me a good place to get Miami caps? I'm having trouble finding the one I want.
I have caps for S4 and S5 if that's what you're looking for :)
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

I take my own screencaptions/captures and so far I have over 2,000 (CSI: Miami) and more to come when I receive season 4.

I've been starting to upload 100x100 icons I made on livejournal. There's a couple communities I've joined on there. free for anyone to use. To see them, if I link you up if you'd like, you don't need to be a member. But the icons I make are free for anyone to use.
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

Just a few quickies today, nothing too special:


Be right there
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

awesome icons speed_cochrane i love the 2nd calleigh


yeah i wanted to add more icons

the rest are here
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

Great icons Geni and fo_poozle They're amazing!

I have some to share now! lol

26 Miami icons


The rest of them are HERE
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

:eek: Wonderful icons fo_poozle. I love the colouring you've done on the Speed icon. I also love the colouring on the Horatio icon. Great job! I'll have to take a look at the rest of your icons. ;)

Jess, fantastic icons! I really love the last one, so I'm going to snag it. :p Great work, I can't wait to see more!
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

fo_poozle great job! :) I'm snagging numeros 7 and 11. And I have to say the same for Wyoming; wonderful. :) I'm snagging numeros 19 & 26.
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

Ohhhh lookie at all the icons.

fo_poozle you always amaze me with your icons.

Geni your icons always have me saying 'aw'. I love that second Calleigh icons. Keep up the great work.

And Jess I love it when you pop in here from time to time.

Keep up the great work guys!
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

thanks guys!
Wyoming i'm loving your too the shmexy and i'm catholic ones, love them they're awesome!
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

Thanks to everyone for sharing - when I can finally use an avatar there are so many good ones to choose from here.
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