CSI: Miami Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

Thanks. I think I actually snagged yours ages ago. And I didn't even tell you. :eek:
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

awesome icons MiaCharlize and Aiden_Burn.
i LOVE the coloring on the wolfe one

i wanted to add some more

the rest are here
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

Wonderful icons Aiden_Burn. :eek: I absolutely love the Ryan one. :)

Nathalie_Emily, beautiful icons! Hopefully you'll have more for us soon. ;)

MiaCharlize lovely Sara/Calleigh icon, and that goes for you too _Calleigh_. :D You guys rock our socks in here!

fo_poozle, my new favorite icon-maker! *lots of hugs* Your icons just keep getting better and better! I've snagged a few, and will credit.
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

fo_poozle your icons are so amazing. I snagged a few, and will credit.

MiaCharlize and _Calleigh_ those icons are so pretty. I love the combination of the two.

I can't icon-ize if a gun was put to my head (no pun intended...). Hmmph, and I graduated with a minor in studio art. Oops, haha.
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

Thanks guys, love all yours as well, i'll be making some more Miami ones as i have some caps.
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

Great work everyone!>..all of those icons are really nice! :D
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

speed_cochrane said:
fo_poozle, my new favorite icon-maker! *lots of hugs* Your icons just keep getting better and better! I've snagged a few, and will credit.

aww thank you *hugs back*

and thanks to everyone else too! i can't wait to see your new icons.
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

fo_poozle lovly icons! I love the lucas one! Teehee. Keep up the great work!
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

those are beautiful icons liten. i love the horatio/marisol banner.
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

Wow. Everyone is so good a making icons. (Unlike me... but I try.) They're all gorgeous! Can anyone tell me a good place to get Miami caps? I'm having trouble finding the one I want.
Re: CSI:Miami Icons #2 Showcase, Links & Requests

You can find caps at Miami Style Screencaps, unfortunately it hasn't been updated with caps from season five. - That's the one site I know that is usually pretty good. :)

Excellent icons liten. :D I hope to see more from you!
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