CSI: Match Game, Season 7: The ___________ stops here!

Can I do some phrases? You know, since no one's posted one in a week. :lol:

In the October 6th issue of TV Guide, William Petersen said he will miss the cast and crew of CSI the most when he leaves, but the one thing he will not miss is _______.

Ryan and Eric were talking about the recent high gas prices. Eric said, "It's crazy, man. You know what I saw some guy doing yesterday?" Ryan said, "No, what was he doing?" Eric replied, "He was _____."

Eh, they're not very good, but I'm new at this. :lol:
Not bad, GregNickRyanFan. I've got writer's block and can't think of any at this time. As long as we keep it to one submitter each day so it doesn't get confusing, you are welcome to post.

A: studio commissary cook

B: siphoning from a police car
I guess so. Here, I'll give it a try.

Adam Ross said, "I might be willing to fish through the toxic stew from an airplane toilet, but there is no way Mac is going to get me to go through _____!"

Calleigh knew she'd made a mistake when she went to work and saw what everyone else was wearing. She'd looked at the calendar wrong and thought the day's color scheme was ______.

Yes, the second one is especially lame, but I had to do something with those color schemes. :lol:
Ok, I guess I'll come up with a few more so we can try to keep the thread going - I know this is one of the more popular features of the forum. ;)

The Las Vegas Crime Lab wanted to set up a haunted house, but Ecklie was not pleased when they asked him to be (a/the) _______.

"I knew Flack was allergic to cats," Lindsay Monroe said, "but I had no idea he was also allergic to _______."