CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to ____________!

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Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________

A: boom box
B: bug from Grissom's collection

(I don't know about that showgirl answer. Sometimes, Stella shows as much skin. :devil: )
Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________

A: Lights
B: a "speciman" from Grissom's collection
Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________

Dynamo1 said:
(I don't know about that showgirl answer. Sometimes, Stella shows as much skin. :devil: )
I know it! I've never been to Vegas, but I've got it on great authority that the Vegas showgirls are a special class unto their own. I used to help put on auto trade shows in Vegas (thankfully I never had to work the actual shows), and all my car guys counted down the days to Sin City. :lol: :devil:

I did like that Ecklie answer, though. He'd be more than enough to scare Flack back to NY. :eek:
Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________

B: picture of Ecklie (his image alone is enough. ;))
Re: CSI: Match Game Season 6-To ______ or not to __________

New phrases for Wednesday, Dec. 31st 2007--Happy New Year's Eve with bonus phrases for all:

Greg Sanders said "I used to party it up on New Year's Eve. Until that one fateful New Year's day 2005 when I woke up the next morning next to (a) ____________________________! Now I just stay safe at home!!!"

Don Flack said "On New Year's Eve, New York gets even weirder than it usually is." (Audience of Flack Fawning Female Fans: HOW WEIRD DOES IT GET?!??!) "It gets so weird, that even the ____________________(s) don't want to walk through Central Park after Midnight! How you doin'?!?!?!"

Erik Delko said "New Years Eve 2006 was a real laugh and a half. Ryan went to a South Beach Club, got drunk off his @$$ and went home with a random female. The next day Ryan was in Trace with Valera because he found a pink and a brown stains on *ahem* certain areas of his body. The good news was the pink stains were lipstick. The bad news was, the brown stains were __________________! Not even Jake Berkley is letting Ryan live it down! BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!
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