CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

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Finally someone said "laid an egg"--back on the old Match Game, that would be the definative answer in order to avoid the excrement words! HEE HEE HEE!!!

New phrases for Thursday, Nov. 30th (An All NY theme!!!):

Sheldon Hawkes said "After I got cleared of that bar shooting, they forgot to get the money back from me. However, in the Christmas Spirit, I donated it to ___________________!"

Danny Messer said "Boy, I wasn't surprised that we found ____________ at that peep show where we found the dead guy!"
A: ...MANifest Your Destiny Foundation (his favorite actor's charity)
B: ...Paul Reubens (a.k.a. Pee Wee Herman) in his boxers
A.The "Get Flack some decent ties" fund (I know, probably not what you meant, but I couldn't resist lol)
B.Mac hehehe (darn Sid's taken lol)And boy was Peyton angry rofl
Some funny ones!

New Phrases for Friday, Dec 1--a Bah Humbug Edition, with thanks to Dynamo1 :D:

Doc Robbins told Grissom, "This one looks like an accident rather than a murder. It appears that he was decorating the Christmas tree and was killed by ________ ."

Horatio said, "Mr. Wolfe... there is nothing wrong with celebrating the holidays... But... you went... overboard.... by placing ________... on the Hummer."
A: ... a heart attack trying to untangle those #^%&#$@ strings of lights.
B: ... a thirty foot Christmas tree

Posted by hhunter
a. the star on top the tree
Sounds like a shuriken, one of those ninja throwing stars.
A-Electrocution from sticking his finger in an empty Christmas light socket

B-Snow spray... a wreath on the front grill... and... blinking lights... all around the borders of the windows!!!
Not quite Dynamo1 :lol: the vicitm was stabbed by the star on top of the tree while putting it there..
does that make more sense? :lol:
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