CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

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I haven't made tastless jokes about her in a while and I miss doing that.
While I'm all for free speech, I agree that it's tasteless. Terry Schiavo's case was a very emotional one for a lot of people, even some that didn't know her.

Because she's the only woamn alive or something like that who hasn't rejected Grissom.
Actually, she's not alive. While I don't want this to turn into a discussion of (not-so-current) events, let's please be respectful of the deceased.

This is meant to be a fun thread, so let's stick with that. There are ways to be offensive without going over the PG-13 limit. Keep that in mind, please. :)
I didn't see that one from Calihan. Not touching it with a 10 foot pole either.

Oh-kay. Let's move on!

New phrases for Tuesday, Nov. 28th from Dynamo1--done in honor of the new 007 movie :D :

E (Ecklie) said to Greg, "In order to keep you safe at crime scenes, Q branch has installed some new devices in the Mobile Crime Lab Denali. For instance, if you press this button, it will ________ ."

Ryan Wolfe decided to try out the new Alternate Light Source that the lab developed for use in the field. When he aimed it at a pretty babe on the beach, her bikini ________________ed!"
A-(mulitcard answer) Strap you into your seat, open the sunroof and then blast you off on the rockets below your seat and dispatch you back to headquarters

B-Disintegrated :devil:
A.Get covered in armor (like the Armor All ads, anyone seen them? And I think the other one was a credit card ad...)
B. Caught fire (ouchies)
I believe allmaple was implying that the woman should not end up being (or looking) naked. ;) Silly billies, you're so sneaky. :p

A. taser anyone within 10 feet
B. started to play music

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