CSI Match Game Season 3: The BLANKS never lie!!!!

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1CSIMfan said:
a. Speedle & Aiden
Chippendales is a strip club where men perform. As much as I would like to see Aiden up on stage, she would probably be in the audience. As for Speedle performing, maybe he is a zombie dancing to Thriller or Monster Mash. Anyone remember the SNL spoof of Chippendale with Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze?
I know that SNL sketch you're talking about, did't they do a couple versions of it.

Dynamo I agre with you completely about seeing Adien dance.
Dynamo1 said:
1CSIMfan said:
a. Speedle & Aiden
Chippendales is a strip club where men perform. As much as I would like to see Aiden up on stage, she would probably be in the audience. As for Speedle performing, maybe he is a zombie dancing to Thriller or Monster Mash.

Actually, I know what Chippendales is. ;) I've seen their shows before. :p I used Speedle and Aiden on purpose (for laughs) because they have both been killed off on their respective shows and it would be a shock to see them dancing on stage. I'm going with the they-didn't-really-die thing. :rolleyes:
All's fair in fun and games...or something like that. :lol: I'd say seeing a woman dancing in a Chippendales show would be quite surprising! :lol:

A. Danny and Flack (That's a hot mental picture, I have to say :p)
lol even nwo when I hear chippendales I think Rescue Rangers even though that was years ago. But I knew what was really meant by it.
A. Nick and Warrick

Even though Chippendales don't use poles, an idea popped into my head after reading MacsGirlMel's post here's their dancing music

Nick Nick Nick and Rick Pole Dancers
Nick Nick Nick and Rick Pole Dancers :lol:
I hope you have enjoyed the past week of my filling in for Hankster. Big H should be back tomorrow with some more CSI Match Game fun here on the CFC (CsiFiles.Com) network. It is time for my writers to go into hibernation. But first, here are their phrases for Monday that they fingerpainted on the back of my brand new shirt.

The current host of Family Feud, John O’Hurley, said, “We recently polled a group of 100 crime scene investigators and the top answers are on the board. Name an item you would be least likely to find in your CSI kit.” The number one answer is ________ .
Nick: Crime scene tape… $10.00. Sara: Numbered evidence marker tents… $45.00. Warrick: Ultraviolet evidence light… $35.00. Nick: Fingerprint brush, powder, and lifting tape… $30.00. Catherine: Luminol… $65.00. Grissom: ________ ... Priceless.
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