CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

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New phrases for Wednesday, July 25th--continuing with Simpson's week:

Milhouse wanted to grow up and be a CSI like the ones he watches on TV, but he was afraid he would end up working for ______________ .

Old man Grandpa Simpson was soooooo old… (Audience: How old was he?) He was so old, that the Springfield coroner, Dr. Julius Hibbert, thought he was dead. However, it turned out he was only _______________ .
Definitive answers:

A: Nelson Munz
B: Sleeping

New phrases for Thursday, July 26th--continuing with Simpson's week:

Mr. Burns wanted Smithers to find out who is responsible for breaking into his safe. The CSIs suspected they knew the perp when they discovered ______________ at the crime scene.

Lisa Simpson wanted to experiment with looking at a hair root under a microscope. When she asked her mom for one, Marge pulled out a hair that was soooooo long… (Audience: How long was it?) It was so long, it equaled the size of (a) _________________ .

Homer Simpson said "My sisters in law, Patty and Selma are SOOOOOO FAT!" (Audience: HOW FAT ARE THEY?!??!) "They're so fat, they get their legs waxed at the _________________!"
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