CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

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Hey all you Match Game Lovers: I have a special Bonus Weekend set of phrases--thanks to Gene Rayburn and the original Match Game! Feel free to answer them as well as the ones for Friday:

Doc Robbins is apparently quite an amateur magician. However, instead of pulling a Rabbit out of a Hat, he pulls a _________________ out of a rabbit!

Nick said "The other day I think I saw a nearsighted porcupine at a desert crime scene. It had to be nearsighted, because instead of humping another porcupine, it was humping a _____________________!"
A. Carrot
B. Cactus (the definative answer)

New phrases for Monday, August 27th, thanks to Gene Rayburn and the Original Match Game:

Detective Flack said, “Dumb Donald is SOOOOOO DUMB… "(Audience: HOW DUMB IS HE?) "He is so dumb, he planned a bank robbery for two years and only stole (a) __________________ .”

Paul, the pickpocket, told Detective Frank Tripp, “It’s tough being a pickpocket on one of Miami’s private nude beaches. The only way to stay in practice is by picking ___________________ .”
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