CSI Las Vegas Sites

Jacquie, it looks like a fault with the web page (if you are talking about www.csi-caps.com), it's showing the default server page instead of redirecting you to the proper page. Because I've looked at csi-caps recently I have other links to individual screencaps in my browser and they all still work, so it's just the main page. ;) I figure they'll fix it as soon as they notice the fault.
Elsie yes that is the site I'm referring to. It appeared they had this problem and now they have it again. Thanks for the input.
CSI: Central has moved back to InvisionFree and the name's been changed so if you joined CSI: Central when it was on CreateMyBB.com please re-register at the new forum.

CSI Style!, once we get alot of active members we might start an rpg
Shane thanks for the info :) I look forward to visiting to see what wonderful caps are up :) One can never have enough in one's collection.
Jacquie said:
Shane thanks for the info :) I look forward to visiting to see what wonderful caps are up :) One can never have enough in one's collection.

You're welcome. We're probably not going to update until the new season starts -- but I do have loads of new caps that need uploading. :)
Ok well im sharing with you this link.

Its a project that I'm envolved with, its called the definingmomentsoflove and we are asking for your fanfiction stories, art, video's, poetry in order to send it to the stars Eric Szmanda and George Eads...

So if your a fellow fan of the slasher "the love" then please visit this site, where more details are there for your consideration.....

thanks.... Defining moments of love Wiki
Hello I am looking for a female slash site for either Sara/Catherine or Wendy/Mandy that sort of thing...

Basically a female version of my slasher ship (ie my banner)
OK people...I'm gonna post this here, because I don't know where else to....post this! If its the wrong thread, then oops! My bad!

A CSI:LV role playing site has just started up over on LJ. I know there are a few kicking around already, but you can never have enough, right? ANYWAY, it's brand new, and I mean...BRAND NEW! Not even 24 hours old yet.

If you are interested in giving the role playing a shot and are up for the challenge, come on over and check it out, sign up then start in. Lots of Characters available.

CSI:LV role playing
Elsie said:
^ I can't find any active Lady Heather sites, hopefully someone else may know of one. :)

If any George Eads/Nick Stokes fans out there haven't seen the Texan Charm site dedicated to him, then you definately should! There are lots of interview transcripts, general info and a screencaps gallery featuring many of George's movie and TV credits. Also, lots of avatars, wallpapers and other fanart. :)

Texan Charm website
My favorite George Eads fansite :D
If you're looking for screen caps, you can go to csi-caps

I don't see it listed and it's not my site. But they have a ton of screen caps and Of the whole cast. Caps are not focused on one particular person. So if you're looking for some screen caps of your favorite person, you might find some good ones here.

Check it out.

It also has screen caps for Miami and New York too, except on CSI vegas they don't have caps for seasons 1 & 2.