CSI Icons #5: Showcase, Links and Requests

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^Thanks Steffi, I may just use that to make a couple of icons! :)

P.S. I love you current icon is so pretty! :)
Wow Steffi, great job on all of those icons, they all looks great *especially the Purejoy ones* I really like the styles you used on the 2nd and 3rd ones, and the Hodges one made me laugh, great job Hon. :D
Thanks Zelda49, I'd appreciate it..can't wait to see what you come up with.:)

Wow! Thanks MelC and cathwillows...they're both great...I'll use them both at some point...you guys are awesome.:D
Here's my contribution CSIz_4_H. I tried playing around with the coloring a little bit, partly for practice and partly because it was such a dark picture.

cathwillows, I really love your second PureJoy icon! I love how you mixed the two textures... :D
Great icons everyone! So I have a bare amount of stuff reloaded on my computer and made this for CSIz_ 4_H...........

Great icon Kat, it's really simple, but really effective, it looks great, that is a gorgeous pic of Gil. :drool: I like the font you have used and the effect on the top corner, well done hon. :D
I have an icon request, hehe, it's a very random one. Would someone be able to make me an animated icon please, could it have the text, 'Nicky's rear' and maybe a heart, and these pics please? The style and anything else is up to the artist. :D

Pic 1.
Pic 2.
Pic 3.
Pic 4.
Pic 5.
Hello everyone, I have a couple of Nick and Greggo pictures that I was wondering if any of your photoshop masters could make me a new THE LOVE icon. I would love it in the larger sized icon (140 by 140 pixels or 70.0 KB). Feel free to add any text and such as you see fit. Thank you so much.

^^ Are you looking for something animated or just a collage of those pics? I haven't learned animations yet, so I couldn't help you there, but a static avvie I could do.
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