CSI Icons #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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Nice icons evertone! Here is one of Greg today.

Shazza 018 - of course! All my stuff is snaggable. I forgot to mark it that way.

Glad you like it!!! Thanks! :D
CSI_Kat said:
Shazza 018 - of course! All my stuff is snaggable. I forgot to mark it that way.

Glad you like it!!! Thanks! :D

^^Thanks I'm using it now lol :) and my name sophia much easier to type lol ;)
cathwillows said:
But you know, you still owe me one icon :p Remember? ;) Just teasing you. Take your time.

Ok - well I sent it via pm - but here it is as well! :lol:

Well I already told you that I like it! Nice colours. Did you notice that I ALWAYS comment on the colour?! :lol: Crazy Me!
You've seen the icon I made so I don't have to post it...
<--- ;)
13 GSR Icons
5 Sara Sidle Icons
1 Jorja Fox Icons
7 Marg Helgenberger Icons

Snag away =D
I love comments!
Do not alter, plain icons aren't bases :)


The reast are here at my livejournal
^ Fab stuff by the way, commented on your lj. :D

Would someone be able to make me a icon with this pic please, with the text "Love" and a heart... Anything else is up to you... :D
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