CSI Icons #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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a very small batch of Crow's Feet Icons


The rest are here
Woohoo, a dedication from Ann!! ^^ *huggle* Great work, they look gorgeous. You're so good at those, I wish I could suck the icon-making talent right out of you and use it for my own nefarious purposes. :devil: In the best possible way. :lol:

Nice job on those icons, edog! You get better every time! :D
Whoops, Adzix, didn't see yours! Wow, the colouring is to die for! Great job...I love how the "Kiss my a$$" one came right before "He's got gas"...so it rhymed in my head. :lol: Teehee. Very nice job! :D
Great icons everybody! Wow! I've made some new stuff lately too so I feel an irresistible desire to share them with you :lol:

Thanks edog , but I don't have any with Super Dave and Doc., unless u mean Adzix cuz she actually does which is awesome :D
Oh geez, yeah. I goofed. :eek: Your number 14 with Doc was awesome, which I wanted to point out along with the other one. I do believe it was Adzix I was referring to with the other one! ;) My apologies for the goof.

Great job!
are y'all talking behind my back again?


aw, thank you 4ENSIX.

let me tell you something though - you wouldn't want to see MY first icon attempts. srsly. they were really, really bad, lol. so don't give up cuz practice makes perfect ;)
Some great stuff again guys

edog Some lovely colours :)
Adzix I love your "Rats" one LOL :lol:
quoth the raven I am amazed at your ability to choose the right words every time that sum up your icons - brilliant. :D
hey quoth, i tried to go on your LJ and comment yesterday but my campus internet is sooo slow during the week. i really liked your icons though! at least the ones i saw, lol.

and thanks Lvodkadiet :) awesome nickname btw, lol.
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