CSI Icons #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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Nice icon Steffi! I like your new avatar as well!

Here is MsCatherineBrown's request.

Very cute icon, Cathwillows... the one you made and the one you have currently for your default. The SAGs gave us some very good pics for avatars etc. :]
cathwillows said:
Adorable_Crazy said:
Oh I like that one, thanks, CathWillows. :D Do you mind me using it?
Thanks :D And of course I don't mind if you use it! That's why I posted it ;)

Thanks Sweetie, it's really cute. :D You did a fab job, what does OTP stand for? (Sorry I'm a bit stupid :p)
Wow what I have been missing.. :eek: beautiful icons around here!
A batch from me:
x14 Ben Mckenzie (Various Photoshoots)
x26 Jorja Fox (Various Events)
x6 William Petersen (SAG 2008)
x38 Marg Helgenberger (SAG 2008)
Please Comment..Enjoy!

Walk With Me
i have a question. i duno, if this is the right place to be asking it though. but, what do you guys use to make sure pretty icons? like, they all look amazing and when i try and make an icon.. it doesnt work. so, what like.. program do you use?
csiemily I use Paint Shop Pro 9 and there are others who use different versions of Paint Shop Pro and various other programs. Hope this helps a bit. :)

Just a quick Greg one from me today. :)

csiemily said:
i have a question. i duno, if this is the right place to be asking it though. but, what do you guys use to make sure pretty icons? like, they all look amazing and when i try and make an icon.. it doesnt work. so, what like.. program do you use?
I am not like an expert still a long road to be but I can give you an advice about it. First of all, I use Paint Shop Pro 8.0 and from what I've seen you will never get the same results that you can get in PS; however, this doesn't mean that you will have ugly results not at all in fact some are really beautiful but this takes time and a lot of practice.
There are like so many things you need to learn before to get what it can be call a decent result but there are some great tuts that explain it very well so that is what you need to do read some tuts. If you are working with PSP I can help you in fact I have a long list of a recompilation of this best well explain tuts I have found.
If you use PS in that case go over
Hope this helps you ;)
PS: If you do work with psp then don't hesitate on pm me I'll gladly help you.
I use Photoshop CS2. It's a really cool program and though I've been working with it for almost a year now I still haven't figured out all the special techniques :lol:
If you would like to try it, there are trial versions on the internet. Just goolge "Photoshop Download" or something similar and you'll find it.
cathwillows said:
^ Thanks! And no you are not stupid! It means "One True Pairing" :)(well I think it does :lol: ) Isn't it true?! ;)
Haha well now you say that, it makes a lot of sense to me.

Awesome icons Andriena especially the Marg & Billy ones. <3 I love your Greg icon aswell Wolfesgamergirl. :D
Thanks Adorable_Crazy! :)

Two icons form me today, Nick and Greg. They are from the What Category Do I Belong In thread. Thanks to everyone for the constructive criticism. :)

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