CSI Icons #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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argh, Livejournal is acting up for me right now. I want to see this Sharpie icon! :lol: I'll have to check back.

Great teaser icons, qtr!

EDIT: Ah, there we go! I can see it! That's awesome!
lmao, thank you quoth and gregslabmouse!

an idea sometimes comes to me by itself, quoth ;) i'm a business major after all, lol.

ETA: oh and thank you edog :) i know you're not particularly fond of GSR (right?), so it's really nice of you.
Hey CINEGIRL. Thanks for the help I have to ask my parents before I download anything though. Hope they will understand my cause. Is there any program that comes with the computer when you buy it?
sidlewannabee said:
Hey CINEGIRL. Thanks for the help I have to ask my parents before I download anything though. Hope they will understand my cause. Is there any program that comes with the computer when you buy it?

Ah, I understand! Well, you can show your parents following links for GIMP, perhaps they'll allow it:

German Download and the English Site (I don't know where you're from, so just in case... ;) )

And I guess you can always find "Paint" on a new bought computer. It should be under "Start >> Programs >> Supplies" - at least in Windows.
You can't do very much with that program (well, I'm not able to use it proper, somehow I just don't get how to use it :p ), but you can make the main steps (cropping etc.) - just try it ;)
Adzix said:
ETA: oh and thank you edog :) i know you're not particularly fond of GSR (right?), so it's really nice of you.

You would be correct. :lol: Still, I can look past a ship when the creativity and the idea just blows me away. Being an art student, I learned to master the art of objectivity. ;)

Seriously, though, I laughed out loud when I saw it. :) Your icons in general are pretty frickin' awesome anyways (your coloring I enjoy especially), so kudos to you!
Here are a few I made today. I'm kinda new to making them, I only started today so, yeah please be kind. :eek:


Gonna use one for my icon when I finally reach 100 posts. :D
Wow, you only started today?

They are amazing!

I remember my first icons... I used Paint cause I didn't have any better program to use...

let's just say they weren't too pretty.. lol.

Anyways, Amazing icons Everyone! .. cause I'm too lazy to put everyone's names...
Thanks again CINEGIRL. I do have Windows Paint and I am in the United States, I think those sites will help my parents. They might let me download something.
Here are five Jorja Fox icons I made. These actually took me like 3 and half hours.. I was also four-tasking at the time :lol:

And since I'm too lazy to put them on my livejournal, and shessh there is only 5, I will put three teasers and link the other two!!


Icon Four
Icon Five
They are looking great gsrLOVE. :)

Lovely icons cathwillows, the Brass icon is a particular triumph, it looks awesome! :D
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