CSI Icons #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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Because I'm a Marg fan and a redhead lover... :D


There are 59 Marg icons and 25 Julianne Moore ones in this batch. You can check it here. :)
Great icons! Berylla ,I really like the Marg one and Erica ,it's the first time I see J.Moore icons & they are pretty good!and Marg's :)
Cathwillows Thank you so much for doing my request, as you can see I love it! (was a hard choice between the two though!

quoth some great work, again!

Some lovely icons too ericasj and Berylla
lol I love the Margicons guys :)

ok, here's my icons from recent challenges


Tha Sara one got mod's choice, and the GSR one got pretty bad reviews, but I like it anyway :D

the rest Here
Aww, I'm not a fan of GSR but it's nice, doesn't bother me the fact you can't see Grissom's face.
Love the Nick one.
hey everyone. i have a question, where can you make these kinda of icons? i made one off of this thing called photoimpressions 4, but i was hoping to make one that like, moves/changes. any idea were i could make one of those? thank you!
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