CSI Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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here a few of george and gary
You guys made awsome Icons..I'll keep an eye on this topic and check back in every so often. I might use one of them (When I get enough posts to actually use icons.) :)
They're brilliant! I love the "Dance like no one's watching" one!

Hey I was wondering if one of you very talented people could make a moving avvie for me? You know the end scene of Crash and Burn (3x17)? where Cath and Sara are in the car? Could you have that lil bit and then have it say "Take me for a ride"

If you could it would be brilliant, if not no worries!
I love the icons on that link, Steffiez..I stole a few.. for later use. :)
can anyone make me a lady heather and grissom avatar with teh little animated square thingy if you dont understand what im talkign about let me know and ill try to find an example :) Thakns in advance
I love the Greg sanders one, Greg's_Girlfriend ..It's so cool! And the dance like no one is watching!

Oh!! By the way, do you think someone can make me an animated icon of Greg dancing with the headress in the lab and then having it say 'There he goes again'? I'd love the person forever! If you guys can't do it, It's okay..But I'd appreciate it if you did!
SinCityx- I love the icon where Greg looks like he's gonna cry..Is that from an episode? If so, which one?
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