CSI: Hangman #9

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From Miami

C1: -eah -e-- ho-'s -o-r s-anish?
C2: R-st-. So-e -a-s I -an't te-- i- I'- in So-th --ori-a o- North ---a.
C1: -eah, --- -ost his --siness an- nea--- -ot -i--e-.
C2: I -ot as ---h s---ath- -o- -r -o-e- as the n--t ---. I'- --st sa-in- i- he trie- to -it in a -itt-e -it it -o---n't h--t.
C1: -o-'re --a-in- the -i-ti- -ra--!

Letters guessed: A, E, H, I, N, O, R, S, T
From Miami

C1: -eah -ell ho-'s -o-r spanish?
C2: R-st-. Some -a-s I -an't tell i- I'm in So-th -lori-a o- North ---a.
C1: -eah, --- lost his --siness an- nea--- -ot -ille-.
C2: I -ot as m--h s-m-ath- -o- Mr Lope- as the n--t ---. I'm --st sa-in- i- he trie- to -it in a little -it it -o-l-n't h--t.
C1: -o-'re -lamin- the -i-tim -ra--!

Letters guessed: A, E, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T
Oh, this is bugging me so much! I know most of the quote, I know the two men who are saying those lines; I can picture them! I'm just missing two words... and the episode title. I don't know the episode title. :(

Oh well. I'll venture a 'B'

(BTW: is the puzzle missing an 'R'? Like in the second line? If not, please ignore me. :))
^ Yes it is. Thanks for pointing it out. Actually, it seems there were a few letters missing. Sorry about that. Don't know where my head has been :rolleyes:

From Miami

C1: Yeah -ell ho-'s your spanish?
C2: Rusty. Some -a-s I -an't tell i- I'm in South -lori-a or North -uba.
C1: Yeah, -uy lost his business an- nea--y -ot -ille-.
C2: I -ot as mu-h sympathy -or Mr Lope- as the ne-t -uy. I'm -ust sayin- i- he trie- to -it in a little bit it -oul-n't hurt.
C1: You're blamin- the -i-tim -ran-!

Letters guessed: A, B, E, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, Y
So I have the quote figured out.. too bad I know NOTHING of CSI Miami. So... I don't know who's talking or in which episode or why. It sucks.
C1: Yeah well how's your spanish?
C2: Rusty. Some days I can't tell if I'm in South Florida or North Cuba.
C1: Yeah, guy lost his business and nearly got killed.
C2: I got as much sympathy for Mr Lopez as the next guy. I'm just saying if he tried to fit in a little bit it couldn't hurt.
C1: You're blaming the victim Frank!

C1 is Eric Delko and C2 is Frink Tripp and the episode is Pirated.
You got it! :lol: I didn't think this one was going to take so long. I thought it was an easy one.
I took a me awhile to remember the episode, but I finally rememeberd it.

Here is the next one...

It is from NY this time.
C1: -- ---- ------ --- ----- ------- --- ---- -----, -- ----- --- -- ---- ---.
C2: --- --- ----- ------.
C1: --- --- --. -------'-! --- ---- ------- -- --------.
C2: --- --- ---- ---- - ---?
C1: --- --- -------, - --- ---- ---- --- ----. - ---- ----- ------ ---- -----.
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