^ Yes it is. Thanks for pointing it out. Actually, it seems there were a few letters missing. Sorry about that. Don't know where my head has been
From Miami
C1: Yeah -ell ho-'s your spanish?
C2: Rusty. Some -a-s I -an't tell i- I'm in South -lori-a or North -uba.
C1: Yeah, -uy lost his business an- nea--y -ot -ille-.
C2: I -ot as mu-h sympathy -or Mr Lope- as the ne-t -uy. I'm -ust sayin- i- he trie- to -it in a little bit it -oul-n't hurt.
C1: You're blamin- the -i-tim -ran-!
Letters guessed: A, B, E, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, Y