CSI: Hangman #9

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C1:-'m -ot see--- a--m-re -oot -r--ts,
are -o-?


C1:- th--- -e ---t lost t-- tra-l

C2:-ath loo-

C1:-hat? Th-s -s -etter tha- a -oot

Letters: T/S/E/O/H/R/A/M/L
C1:I'm not see--- an-m-re -oot -rints,
are -o-?


C1:I thin- -e ---t lost t-- trail

C2:-ath loo-

C1:-hat? This is better than a -oot

Letters: T/S/E/O/H/R/A/M/L/B/I/N
Catherine: I'm not seeing any more footprints are you?
Grissom: No.
Catherine: I think we just lost the trail.
Grissom: Cath look.
Catherine: What? That's better than a footprint!

Season 8. Episode 1. Dead Doll.

Is it okay that I guessed it without putting any letters out there? I just decided to check in and I was pretty sure that I knew it... if that's not fair I'm sorry. I've never gotten one right before so I didn't know if there was any sort of etiquite I should have followed.
Las Vegas because I don't know any other shows. Sorry kids.

C1: ---------- - ----- -- -------.
C2: --- ----- - ------ ----- -- ----?
C1: - ----- ----.
C2: ------ -- ---.

Good Luck!
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