WLN...you are right, too funny :lol: and this next set is going to spell MOP. :lol:
C1: It's a pie-e o- t-e moo-. A moo- ro--. t-is ro-- is,
is -rom t-e moo-.
C2: -rom t-e moo-?
C1: o-ter spa-e.
C2: -et o-t o- -ere. -o-. -o- -i- a pie-e o- t-e moo-
e-- -p i- t-e a--e-?
C1: I -o-'t --o-. t-is st--- is i--e-a- to -a-e a--
so-e-o-- -e-t to a-ot o- tro---e to -et it. I -ea-
I'-e see- t-is st--- -iste- o- E(-)-a- -e-ore, -o-
--o- a-- -ost o- it is-'t rea-, --t i- it is. S-ort
o- -oi-- to t-e moo- t-e- -o--- -a-e to stea- it
-ro- -ASA.
C2: Somet-i-- -appe-e- i- t-at a--e- a-- i -o-'t t-i--
it -a- a--t-i-- to -o -it- --at -appe-e- i- t-e
Good Luck Letters guessed: E,A,T,S,I,R,M,O,P