CSI: Hangman #9

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nattybatty55 everyone is allowed to only guess 2 letters per quote. sorry :)


C1: He-. Great t- see that s-i-e.
C2: It's n-thing.
C1: -h- -as that? -a-e?
C2: -- -eah, I t--- hi- that i- -e---e ----- st-- -i--ing ea-h -ther -e ----- ha-e a -r--er -ea-.

guessed letters: E,A,H,I,S,N,T,G,R

now you'll get it!

C1: Hey. Great to see that s-i-e.
C2: It's nothing.
C1: -ho -as that? -a-e?
C2: -- yeah, I to-d hi- that i- -eo--e -o--d sto- -i--ing ea-h other -e -o--d ha-e a -ro-er -ea-.

guessed letters: E,A,H,I,S,N,T,G,R,Y,O,D

okay now! :lol:
C1: Great to see that smile.

C2:It's nothing.

C1:Who has that? Jake?

C2: Um..yeah, I told him if people would stop killing each other, we could have a proper lead.

I'm not sure if that's right, but I don't know the Epi if it is ;)
there is a teeny tiny mistake in it and since you gave me neither the characters nor the episode, i'm gonna let this go on. ;)
C1: Hey, Great to see that smile.

C2:It's nothing.

C1:Who has that? Jake?

C2: Um..yeah, I told him if people would stop killing each other, we could have a proper lead.

Eric and Calleigh, in Dangerous son :)
the characters are correct but the tiny mistake is still there and it's the wrong episode. nah, i'll give it to you anyways...it's from Kill Switch and it is "we could have a proper MEAL" not lead. ;)

your turn luvingmyHoratio
yeah! hugs ya, thankies. :lol:


C1: --'- - ----- -- --- ----. - ---- ----. ---- ---- --,
-- ---- --- ----.

C2: ---- --- ----?

C1: ----- -----.

C2: --- --- -- ----. ---. --- --- - ----- -- --- ----
--- -- -- --- -----?

C1: - ---'- ----. ---- ----- -- ------- -- ---- ---
-------- ---- -- ---- -- ------- -- --- --. - ----
-'-- ---- ---- ----- ------ -- -(-)--- ------, ---
---- --- ---- -- -- ---'- ----, --- -- -- --. -----
-- ----- -- --- ---- ---- ----- ---- -- ----- --
---- ----.

C2: --------- -------- -- ---- ----- --- - ---'- -----
-- --- -------- -- -- ---- ---- -------- -- ---

Good Luck :D
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