CSI: Hangman #9

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It figures I'd win the night before I'm going away for two days. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

So anyone who hasn't posted a puzzle in a while may have my turn, as I won't be back till Wed. ;)
Okay, since nobody else posted a new quote, I decided to put another one up. Pls let me know, if sb else wanna do this round instead... I don't mind, I just thought I keep the thread busy. ;)

From LV:

C1: "----- ---- ---- --- ---- ------- ------ --------- --- --- -- ---- --- -- ---. ----- ----, -- --- ---- - ------ -- ----------- --- ----------. ---- ------ --------- ------ --- ---- -- --- -- --- ------- -- ----- ----."
C2: "----, - ---- - ----- -----, --- ---- -----'- ---- -'- ----- -- -- --- - -------- ------."

PS: Mods, sorry for double posting. Editing time was over...
Update - Quote from LV:

C1: “F-e-- -a-- --a- --e ---- -----a- -e--a- -e-a----- -a- --- -- -a-e a-- a- a--. Af-e- --a-, -- -a- ---- a -a--e- -f ----------- a-- --efe-e--e. ---e -e---e --------- --efe- --e fee- -f f-- -- --e -e----e -f ---a- ----."
C2: "-e--, - ---e a -a--- --e--, --- --a- --e--'- -e-- -'- ----- -- -- --- a ----f--- -ea-e-."

Letters Used: E,A,F
Update - Quote from LV:

C1: “F-e-- -a-- t-at t-e -nl- -n---al -e--al -e-a----- -a- n-t t- -a-e an- at all. Afte- t-at, -t -a- -nl- a -atte- -f -----t-n-t- an- --efe-en-e. ---e -e--le -------l- --efe- t-e feel -f f-- t- t-e te-t--e -f ---an ---n."
C2: "-ell, - l--e a -a--- --e-t, --t t-at –e-n't -e-n -'- ---n- t- -- --- a ----f--t -ea-el."

Letters Used: E,A,F,N,L,T
Grissom: Freud said that the only unusual sexual behavior was not to have any at all. After that, it was only a matter of opportunity and preference. Some people obviously prefer the feel of fur to the texture of human skin.
Catherine: Well, I like a hairy chest, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go bop a six-foot weasel.

Fur and Loathing! A classic :D
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