CSI: Hangman #8

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Thank you.The next quote is from Miami

X: ----'- -----------. -- ------ ------ -- ---------.
Y: -- ------ --------- -- --- -----. --------- -------, ---- ---------.
X: ---, -----------. --- --- ---- -- --- ----- ---?
Z: --- - ---- -------- --- "----"? '----- ---- -'- ---- ---.
Sorry. I added a word by mistake to the first post so have gone back to edit it. Here's the corrected quote...

X: T--t'- --tere-t---. -e --r--e -e--re -e tr-----rt.
Y: -e ------ --------e -t t-e --e-e. ----ere-t -r--e--, ---e -r------e.
X: ---, --tere-t---. --- --- ---e -t t-e --e-e t--?
Z: --- - -e-r ---e---- --- "---e"? '----e t-e- -'- ---- ---.

Letters guessed
E, R, T.
They were some good guesses.

X: T-at's --terest---. -e s-ra-e -e--re -e tra-s--rt.
Y: -e a--a-s -----sa-e at t-e s-e-e. D---ere-t -r--ess, sa-e -r------e.
X: ---, --terest---. A-d --- ---e at t-e s-e-e t--?
Z: D-d - -ear s--e--d- sa- "---e"? '-a-se t-e- -'- ---- -a-.

Letters guessed
A, D, E, R, S, T.
By George I think I've got it! :D

Horatio: That's interesting. We scrape before we transport.
Mac: We always vouchsafe at the scene. Different process, same
Horatio: Hmm, interesting. And you fume at the scene too?
Danny: Did I hear somebody say "fume"? 'Cause then I'm your man.

MIA/NYC - Nonstop
Yeay! Ok, next one:


C1: - --- --- ----- ---- ----- ---. --- - ------ ---- --.
C2: - --- -- ---- ---- ---- --- ------ -- --.
C1: --. --, ---.
C2: ---.
C1: ---'-- -------- --.
C2: ---'-- --- ----- --- ----.

Good luck! :)
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