CSI: Hangman #8

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You didn't do anything wrong, but if you want to know the rules thay are posted at the first page of this thread. Anyway, I had two people requesting the same letter, so this time I'll add only two.


x: The --y - -ee- h-s -e-er ---e-te- the --y - -o my -o-.
y: My -e---ess, - --ess. E-ery h--- Tr--y e-er -o---re- -s -o--- to -e ------- -or - -et o-t o- ---- -ree --ss. ---y -o-so- --s --st the ---st -- ---e.
x: Yo- h----- - -oo- t-me, s-y--- - to-- yo- so?
y: -o.

Guessed: T O R M H E S Y
I actually ream them before posting, but I wanted to make sure I had understood everything. Thanks klb300 and poison_girl!

x: The -ay - -ee- has -ever a--e-te- the -ay - -o my -o-.
y: My -ea--ess, - -uess. Every hoo- Tru-y ever -o--are- -s -o--- to -e an---n- -or - -et out o- -a-- -ree -ass. --ay -o-so- -as -ust the --rst -- ---e.
x: You hav--- - -oo- t-me, say--- - to-- you so?
y: -o.

Guessed: T O R M H E S Y V A U

x: The way I -ee- has never a--e-te- the way I -o my -o-.
y: My wea-ness, I -uess. Every hoo- Tru-y ever -o--are- is -oin- to -e an--in- -or a -et out o- -ai- -ree -ass. --ay -o-son was -ust the -irst in -ine.
x: You havin- a -oo- time, sayi-- I to-- you so?
y: No.

Guessed: T O R M H E S Y V A U I N W
I think that right! I might have the name wrong. If it's right whoever knows the people and epi can have my turn again :lol: :lol:

x: The way I been has never affected the way I do my job.
y: My weakness, I guess. Every hood Truly ever collared is going to be angling for a get out of jail free pass. Clay Colson was just the first in line.
x: You having a good time, saying I told you so?
y: No.
Mac: The way I *feel* has never affected the way I do my job.
Flack: My weakness, I guess. Every hood Truly ever collared is going to be angling for a get out of jail free pass. Clay *Dobson* was just the first in line.
Mac: You having a good time, saying I told you so?
Flack: No.

I think the episode is Past Imperfect.
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