CSI: Hangman #8

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it was meant to be "on the house" and with the "drinks'll" or "drinks will"....i wrote what i heard ;)
at least it didn't change the sense of it :)

you also messed something up. it's not catherine who says "Yeah.", it's hodges :p
but you are right gsrLOVE
Ahh! Sorry about that :D

Okay this one will be Las Vegas as well (I don't watch the other ones.. Sorry :()

C1: - ----- --'- ------ ---- ---- -- --- ------ -------.
C2: --- ----'- --- --- ---?
C1: ----- ---- - ---- ---- - ----- -----. ---- ------- ------ ---.
C2: ----- ---.
C1: - t---- -e'- -ette- -e-- --e- t- t-e -----e st-t---.
C2: --- ----'t --- --t ---?
C1: -e-e- ---e - see- s--- - --e-- --t--. ---- ------- ----e- -e-.
C2: T---- ---.

Guessed Letters: E, T, S
C1: - t--n- -e'- -ette- -ea- o-e- to t-e -o---e stat-on.
C2: -NA ---n't -an o-t ---?
C1: Ne-e- -a-e - seen s--- a --ea- -at--. -a-- -----an ----e- -e-.
C2: T-an- -o-.

Guessed Letters: A, N, O, E, T, S
Oooh I've got it! I think:

Catherine: I think we'd better head over to the police station.
Nick: DNA didn't pan out huh?
Catherine: Never have I seen such a clean match. Jack Willman killed her.
Nick: Thank you.

Am I right? :)
Yay! :D
Okay this one is from Miami:

C1: - --- ------- ---- -----.
C2: ---. -- ---- --- ---- --- -- ---- -- --.
C1: --, ----'- --- ---- - ---- -- ---. - ---- -- --- - ------'- ----- --- ---.
C2: -- --- --------, ----------.

Good luck, everyone! :)
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