CSI: Hangman #8

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Oh yay! Vegas, maybe I can get it!

ok, E, since I won't be stealing it from you this time :p
yeah Loki just go ahead using MY E :lol:

okay guys, for this time i'll add all 4 letters.
but please remember only to request 3 letters between each update. thanks :)

C1: - -e--, --- --- - --e ---e. --t s--et--es - --st ---'t t---- t-e -t-e-s -et -e.
C2: --- g-t - ----te?
C1: -e's ----- --s-....--. --e- --- get - -----e, --t -----e *---t*, -s- --- -----e, te-- -e- ---e- ---ges se-t ---,
-----s ---- -e -- t-e ---s-.
C3: ----- t--es!
C1: -e--.

guessed letters: E,G,S,T

i hope i got them all
Las Vegas

C1: - -e--, --- --- - -re -l-se. --t s--et--es - --st ---'t th--- the -thers -et -e.
C2: --- g-t - ----te?
C1: He's ----- --s-....-h. -he- --- get - -h---e, h-t --r-le ---t, -s- --r -----e, tell her ---e- H--ges se-t ---,
-r---s --ll -e -- the h--se.
C3: -r--- t--es!
C1: -e-h.

guessed letters: E,G,S,T,R,H,L
Las Vegas

C1: - -ea-, -o- a-- - are -lose. B-t so-et--es - --st -o-'t th--- the others -et -e.
C2: -o- got a ----te?
C1: He's ----a b-s-....Oh. -he- -o- get a -ha--e, h-t --r-le ---t, as- -or -oo--e, tell her -a-e- Ho-ges se-t -o-,
-r---s --ll be o- the ho-se.
C3: -ra-- t--es!
C1: -eah.

guessed letters: E,G,S,T,R,H,L,A,O,B
Hodges: I mean, you and I are close. But sometimes I just don't think the others get me.
Catherine: You got a minute?
Hodges: He's kinda busy....Oh. when you get a chance, hit purple pint, ask for cookie, tell her Davey Hodges sent you, drinks'll be on the house.
Grissom: Crazy times!
Catherine: Yeah.

Leaving Las Vegas

You messed up a bit on your sentences though - it was "Drinks'll be on the house" not "Drinks will be of the house" :D
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