CSI: Hangman #7

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I'll take an L please :)

I actually know what it is... and it's another of my favorites. But I've done enough recently, so I'll let someone else guess.
C1: -re-c- lace, -rom the -i--o- at the More-o house. It's also use- i- -i-- e-- tou-ees. It -i-es a more -atural loo- to t-e hairli-e.
C2: Lace o- a ru-.
C1: Uh huh.
C2: -ell, shoot me i- it comes to that.

Letter's guessed: H,E,S,T,A,R,I,O,M,C,U,L
Calleigh: "French lace -- from the window at the Moreno house. It's also used on high-end toupees. It gives a more natural look to the hairline."
Speed: "Lace on a rug."
Speed:"Well, shoot me if it comes to that."

Losing Face
Thank You

C1: ----'- - --- ---------- ----.
C2: --- -- --- ---- ----?
C1: --- ---- -- --- ------, --'- ----'- ---, - ------ -- --- --- -- --------.
C2: --, ----? ---, --, ---- ------- ---- ---- -----, ----?
C1: ----, - ----, --, --- ----. --'- ----------- ----------. ----- ------- ------- ---- ------, --- ---- ---- - ----?

Wow just realized that is pretty long, sorry.
Ya but makes it harder for me, haha

C1: ----'- - --- -e--e----- ----.
C2: --- -- --- ---- ----?
C1: --e ---- -- --e ----e-, --'- ----'- ---, - -e---- -- --e --e -- --------.
C2: --, -e--? ---, --, -ee- ------- ---e ---- --e-e, --e-?
C1: -e--, - ----, --, --- ----. --'- ----e------ ----------. ----- ------- -e----- ---- ------, --- ---- ---- - -e--?

Letters Guessed: E
It is from Las Vegas, mame

C1: -h--'- - --- -e--e----p ----.
C2: H-- -- --- ---- ----?
C1: --e ---- -- --e ----e-, --'- ----'- ---, - -e---- -- --e --e -- --------.
C2: -h, -e-h? ---, -h, -ee- p--p--- ---e ---- -he-e, --e-?
C1: -e-h, - ----, -h, --- -h--. --'- ---pe-----e ----------. ----- ------- -e--h-- ---- ------, --- ---- -h-- - -e--?

Letters Guessed: E,H,P

Note: I forgot one of the E's last time so I added it in
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