CSI: Hangman #7

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that is absolutely no problem Speedle ;)

C1: -ee- -etter? -e-- --- t-at -e -e- ---, -e s----- -r--a--- ta-- a---t a s---er. - -ea- at ---r --ace. --- -ee- t- -- ---e.
C2: As s--- as -e ---- s--e e---e-ce. - -r---se.
C1: --t- -res- e-es --- ---'t --ss -t.
C2: --st ta-- -t t-r---- --t- -e, ---- -a? --at -- -e ----?
C1: A-r---t. -at-r--- -s --ere t----s --t starte-. Ca---es, ---s, stea-e- s---er. C-ea-e- --, ---e- --, se-e- --.

guessed letters: R,C,E,A,T,*S

hope i got them all
it's from Las Vegas, which shouldn't be a surprise ;)

C1: -ee- better? -e-- n-- that -e -e- ---, -e sh---- -r-bab-- ta-- ab--t a sh--er. - -ean at ---r --ace. --- nee- t- -- h--e.
C2: As s--n as -e --n- s--e e---ence. - -r---se.
C1: --th -resh e-es --- --n't --ss -t.
C2: --st ta-- -t thr---h --th -e, ---- -a? -hat -- -e -n--?
C1: A-r--ht. Bathr--- -s -here th-n-s --t starte-. Can--es, ---s, stea-e- sh--er. C-eane- --, ---e- --, se-e- --.

guessed letters: R,C,E,A,T,*S,H,N,B
Catherine: Feel better? Well now that we fed you, we should probably talk about a shower. I mean at your place. You need to go home.
Grissom: As soon as we find some evidence. I promise.
Catherine: With fresh eyes you won't miss it.
Grissom: Just talk it through with me, will you? What do we know?
Catherine: Alright. Bathroom is where things got started. Candles, oils, steam shower. Cleaned up, oiled up, sexed up.

Thanks! :D I'm going to hand this one off to SpeedleCSIMiami to make up for that turn you missed. :) I still don't really feel like putting up a new one. All yours!
Thanks a lot!! That is really nice of you.

here you go!!

C1: ------ ----, ---- --- ------ -- --- ------ -----. --'- ---- ---- -- ---- --- -------. -- ----- - ---- ------- ---- -- --- --------
C2: ---- -- - ---.
C1: -- ---.
C2: ----, ----- -- -- -- ----- -- ----.

Good Luck!!
sure! here you go!!

C1: ------ ----, ---- -h- ------ -- -h- ------ h----. --'- ---- ---- -- ---- --- -------. -- ----- - ---- ------- ---- -- --- h-------
C2: ---- -- - ---.
C1: -h h-h.
C2: ----, -h--- -- -- -- ----- -- -h--.

Letter's guessed: H
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