CSI: Hangman #7

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An S ehh?? Ok then
Jackpot on the O

C1: -h--'s - --- -e--e-s--p ----.
C2: Ho- -o -o- --o- ----?
C1: --e -o-o -- --e -o--e-, --'s ----'s ---, - -e-o-- -o --e o-e o- -------o.
C2: Oh, -e-h? -O-, -h, -ee- p--p--- so-e --o- -he-e, --e-?
C1: -e-h, - ----, -h, --- -h--. --'s -o-pe-----e -----o----. -o--- ------- -e--h-s ---- -----o, -o- --o- -h-- - -e--?

Letters Guessed: E,H,P,S,O
Greg: That's a gym membership card.
Nick: How do you know that?
Greg: The logo in the corner, it's Burt's Gym, I belong to the one on Flamingo.
Nick: Oh, yeah? You, uh, been pumping some iron there, Greg?
Greg: Yeah, a little , uh, Muy Thai. It's competitive kickboxing. Gotta balance weights with cardio, you know what I mean?

Up in Smoke
i wasn't sure about the underlined word because it doesn't fit in your version, but i rewatched the episode and i think Greg says "a little" so.... :)
Ya u got it Cathwillows, I'm a little paranoid tonight after being busted for having a beer in my back pocket tonight. U got it though
alrighty. here's the next quote.

C1: --- ------ ------- --- --- ------? ------? --- --------?
C2: -----'- -- ---. ---- ---- -- ------- --- ----.
C1: --. -'-- ---.
C2: ---- ----'- -------, ----- --- -------------?
C1: ---, -'- ------ ---- ---- - ------ ------. - ---'- ---- ---- ----- -- ------ ----- ---. ------- ----- -- ----- -- -- ---- --- ---- -- -- --.
i wouldn't call an "E" boring ;)

C1: --- -----e -----e- -e- --- ------? ---e--? --- -------e?
C2: --e-e'- -- --e. ---- ---- -e ------- --e ----.
C1: --. -'-- ---.
C2: ---e ----'- ----e--, ---e- --e -----------e-?
C1: ---, -'- ------ ---- ---- - ----e- ------. - ---'- ---- ---e ----- -- ---ee- ----- ---. ---e--e ----- -- ----- -e -- ---- --- ---- -- -e --.

guessed letters: E
sure 4 ;)

C1: --- -----e -----e- -e- --- ------? ---e--? --- ------te?
C2: T-e-e'- -- --e. --t- ---- -e ---t--- t-e ----.
C1: --. -'-- ---.
C2: ---e t--t'- ----e-t, ---e- t-e -------t---e-?
C1: ---, -'- ------ t--- ---- - ----e- ------. - ---'t ---- ---e ----t -- ---ee- ----t ---. ---e--e ---t- t- t---- -e -- ---- --- t--t -- -e -t.

guessed letters: E,T
it's from Las Vegas

C1: --- -----e ---ime- -e- --- ---i--? --ie--? --- ---mm-te?
C2: T-e-e'- -- --e. -it- -i-- -e ---ti-- t-e -i--.
C1: --. I'-- ---.
C2: ---e t--t'- ----e-t, -i-e- t-e -i---m-t---e-?
C1: ---, I'm -i-i-- t-i- -i-- - ----e- ---i--. I ---'t ---- ---e ----t m- ---ee- -i--t ---. --me--e ---t- t- t---- me i- --i- --- t--t -- -e it.

guessed letters: E,T,I,M
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