CSI: Hangman #7

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C1: -oah. That -s -n-re---l- -eta-le-. E-elashes, nostr-ls...
C2: Oh, -eah. That's -hat -o- see o-t o-. - on-e -ate- the -etro-t L-ons Mas-ot. O--(-)season. --t-h -as h-s name.
C1: The -rea-th o- -o-r so--al e--er-en-e ne-er -eases to -m-ress me.
C2: --t-h ne-er ha- --r-alls tho--h.

guessed letter: E,R,T,A,S,N,O,L,M,H

ok here you go, the right answer is soooo close ;)
C1: -oah. That -s -n-re---l- -eta-le-. E-elashes, nostr-ls...
C2: Oh, -eah. That's -hat -ou see out o-. - on-e -ate- the -etro-t L-ons Mas-ot. O--(-)season. -ut-h -as h-s name.
C1: The -rea-th o- -our so--al e--er-en-e ne-er -eases to -m-ress me.
C2: -ut-h ne-er ha- -ur-alls thou-h.

guessed letter: E,R,T,A,S,N,O,L,M,H,U
Ooh! I've got it!

Grissom: Whoa. This is incredibly detailed. Eyelashes, nostrils...
Catherine: Oh, yeah. That's what you see out of. I once dated the Detroit Lions Mascot. Off-season. Dutch was his name.
Grissom: The breadth of your social experience never ceases to impress me.
Catherine: Dutch never had furballs though.

From Fur and Loathing, n'est-ce pas?
Oh...so close! :lol: It's "la citation correcte". Really close, though! :D Merci, merci, mon amie!

C1: - ---- --- - ---- ---- ----- ------.
C2: --- - --- --- ---- ------- -----. ----'- ----- --, ----?
C3: ----, -- --- ---- ----, ------ --- ----- --- --- ------------ -- ---. ------- ----- -----------, -'- ---- ------- -- -- --- ---.
C2: ---- ---- --- ---- ----- --- ---?

Good luck, all!
C1: - ---- --- - ---- ---- ----- ------.
C2: --d - --- --- ---- ------- -----. ----'- ----- --, ----?
C3: ----, -- --- ---- ----, ------ --d ----- --- --- ----dd-dd--- -- D--. ------- ----- d----------, -'d ---- ------- -- d- --- d--.
C2: ---- ---- --- ---- d---- --- d--?

Guessed letters: D
C1: I ---- --- - ---- ---- ----- ------.
C2: --d I --- --- ---- -----i- --i--. ----'- --i-- --, ----?
C3: ----, -- --- ---- ----, ------ --d --i-- --- --- ----dd-ddi-- -- D--. -i----- ---i- di------i--, I'd ---- ----i-- -- d- --- d--.
C2: ---- ---- --- ---- d-i-- --- d--?

Guessed letters: D, I
Good choice, cathwillows. ;)

C1: I ---- --- - -a-- ---- -a--- -a----.
C2: A-d I --- --- ---- --a--i- --i--. --a-'- --i-- --, ----?
C3: ----, a- --- ---- ----, -a---- a-d --i-- a-- --- --a-ddaddi-- -- D-A. -i----- ---i- di------i--, I'd -a-- ----i-- -- d- a-- da-.
C2: --a- -a-- --- ---- d-i-- a-- da-?

Guessed letters: D, I, A
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