CSI: Hangman #7

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C1: --- ----- -a-- --- --r---- --r-i-- --- ----.
C2: -r --- ----- -a-- ---- -a-- -- --- -i--- a- a-- -i-- -i--i- --- -a-- ---r ------ a-- r----- --r --ir- i- --- -a-- -i-- -- -ir-.
C1: A-- ------- -- -- -- -a-- --- -a---? ----, --a-'- ---- --ai- --ar- --ar-. I --a-, -- -a-----r'- a --- --ar- ----r --a- --r, a-- --- ---- i---r-a-- --i-- -- --- -i-- ri--- --- i- --- ---- ----- ------ -- ---- --- a- --- -a--. ----r ------- I'- -- -ra----- --r --a-.

Guessed letters: I, A, R

(A note to cathwillows: So close to 300!)
It's from the Vegas show, cathwillows. ;)

C1: --- ----- -a-- --- --r---- --r-i-- --- ----.
C2: -r --- ----- -a-- ---- -a-- -- --- -i--- a- a-- -i-- -i--i- --- -a-- ---r ------ a-- r----- --r --ir- i- --- -a-- -i-- -- -ir-.
C1: A-- ------- -- -- -- -a-- --- -a---? ----, --a-'- ---- p-ai- --ar- --ar-. I --a-, -- -a-----r'- a --- --ar- ----r --a- --r, a-- --- ---- i-p-r-a-- --i-- -- --- -i-- ri--- --- i- --- ---- ----- ------ -- ---- --- a- --- -a--. ----r ------- I'- -- -ra----- --r --a-.

Sorry, CSISidle, only two Ps. :(

Guessed letters: I, A, R, P
C1: --e ----- -a-e --- -er-e-- --r-i-- --- ----.
C2: -r --e ----- -a-e ---e -a-- -- --e -ie-- a- a-- -i-e -i--i- --e -a-- ---r ------ a-- r---e- -er --ir- i- --e -a-e -i-- -- -ir-.
C1: A-- -----e- -- -- -- -a-e --e -a---? -e--, --a-'- ---- p-ai- --ar- --ar-. I -ea-, -- -a----er'- a -e- -ear- ---er --a- -er, a-- --e ---- i-p-r-a-- --i-- -- -e- -i-- ri--- --- i- --- ---- -e--- ------ -- ---- --- a- --e -a--. -e-er ------- I'- -e -ra-e--- --r --a-.

Guessed letters: I, A, R, P, E
C1: S-e ----- -a-e --t -erse-- --r-i-g t-- ----.
C2: -r s-e ----- -a-e ---e -a-- t- t-e -ie-- at a-- ti-e -it-i- t-e -ast ---r ---t-s a-- r---e- -er s-irt i- t-e sa-e -i-- -- -irt.
C1: A-- ----te- -- -s t- -a-e t-e -at--? -e--, t-at's --st p-ai- s-ar- s-art. I -ea-, -- -a-g-ter's a -e- -ears ---er t-a- -er, a-- t-e --st i-p-rta-t t-i-g -- -e- -i-- rig-t --- is --- ---- -e--- --tt-- t- s--- --- a- t-e -a--. -e-er t---g-t I'- -e grate--- --r t-at.

Guessed letters: I, A, R, P, E, S, G, T

I'm thinking someone will get it right away - it's super obvious now. ;)
C1: She ----- ha-e --t herse-- --r-i-g th- ----.
C2: -r she ----- ha-e ---e -a-- t- the -ie-- at a-- ti-e -ithi- the -ast ---r ---ths a-- r---e- her shirt i- the sa-e -i-- -- -irt.
C1: A-- ----te- -- -s t- -a-e the -at-h? -e--, that's --st p-ai- s-ar- s-art. I -ea-, -- -a-ghter's a -e- -ears ---er tha- her, a-- the --st i-p-rta-t thi-g -- he- -i-- right --- is h-- ---h -e--- --tt-- t- sh-- --- a- the -a--. -e-er th--ght I'- -e grate--- --r that.

Guessed letters: I, A, R, P, E, S, G, T, H
ok i think i got it. it's from "the unusual suspect". i had to watch it again but i found it.

Catherine: She could have cut herself burying the body.
Warrick: Or she could have gone back to the field at any time within the last four months and rubbed her shirt in the same kind of dirt.
Catherine: And counted on us to make the match? Well, that's just plain scary smart. I mean, my daughter's a few years older than her, and the most important thing on her mind right now is how much belly button to show off at the mall. Never thought I'd be grateful for that.
yay :D ok here my next one

C1: ----. ---- -- ---------- --------. ---------, --------...
C2: --, ----. ----'- ---- --- --- --- --. - ---- ----- --- ------- ----- ------. ---(-)------. ----- --- --- ----.
C1: --- ------- -- ---- ------ ---------- ----- ------ -- ------- --.
C2: ----- ----- --- -------- ------.
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